Diamond Dallas Page is a miracle worker


has an outie
Did the first workout for this, afterwards feels like you just finished the best jog. Seriously, pretty impressed. Works pretty much everything and is super low impact(to the point of being almost no impact). Heart rate was really good through the whole thing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Did the first workout for this, afterwards feels like you just finished the best jog. Seriously, pretty impressed. Works pretty much everything and is super low impact(to the point of being almost no impact). Heart rate was really good through the whole thing.
Yea I did some of the demo "moves" and jesus christ, haven't worked some of those muscles...ever.


Yeah, seriously. If you get some benefit from it, buy it. I've downloaded TONS of yoga DVDs and DDPs is the only one I've actually liked. I had no problem paying for it since it helped me immeasurably.

Another good program is the 'foundation' program. It's a program for fixing your posterior chain and strengthening your glutes and hamstrings. I bought their DVD and their book and they're pretty decent. They have a really amazing 12 minute workout on Youtube, though. Check it here -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOTvaRaDjI. I wouldn't bother with the books/dvd - the Youtube workout is good enough.

Do DDP's program Mon/Wed/Fri and then the 12 minute foundation workout on Tue/Thur/Sat. Rest on Sunday. You'll feel amazing.

Oh, and in the DDP set, there's a beginner and an intermediate program. Don't bother with the beginner program unless you're 200lbs overweight. My mother, who is about 50lb overweight, is doing the intermediate program and she's having no problem with it. So, do the intermediate program.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Still waiting for mine to arrive it shipped last week so not sure what is taking so long. I'm eager to start it.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I've been doing yoga at a local yoga joint for over half a year now. And while I'm not fat (I'm a skinny fucker), I didn't exercise much and had back and shoulder pains from sitting in front of a computer pretty much 90% of my waking hours. I can attest to how just regular yoga 2 a week can do wonders for your physique - and mental state. This looks even more focused. If I wasn't in yoga already I'd give it a shot.

And before I started I was told that I'd barely be able to walk I'd be so sore after my first yoga session - even though you never step off the mat. Tis true! Jesus, every muscle in my body ached! Now I can do most stretches without too much problem, though some still leave a burn the day after. I'm also not all that flexible yet, but it's getting there (I couldn't touch my toes with my fingers without bending the knee at first, now I can just brush them with the tips of my fingers).

Short story: Yoga is awesome, and if you can't or don't want to try yoga, then this looks great.


The Scientific Shitlord
Just got my DVDs. Found out my new DVD player is missing an hdmi cable. Will be starting tomorrow after work or Saturday morning.


has an outie
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Grand Inquisitor Kegkilla again.

Lol. Anyways, continuing with this, it's really amazing. Props to Kegkilla for reminding me about this, if you aren't sure; try it. My back feels a-may-zing.


Silver Knight of the Realm
My discs arrived today. Clearly I am an out of shape slob because the Diamond Dozen + Fat Burner beginner shit busted my ass. Feels good man. I'm going to stick with it, mostly because my wife is all pumped to be doing a program together with me.


Riddle me this...
Just ordered this. Hopefully this certifies me to Diamond cutter someone


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
I've done three work outs so far it's amazing how quickly can jump the heart rate into the 140s. I did intro and Energy yesterday and I did Energy and fat burner work outs back to back today. Heart monitor had me at 580 calorie burn in 56 min work out. Which is equivalent to me jogging for an hour and I'd much rather do this.


Wouldn't mind an IPT invite so I can get a copy of this. I've been interested in giving DDPYoga a shot since while I've made great gains with heavy weight lifting and dieting; Anxiety and stress have been creeping up on me due to how strict I've kept my dieting and workouts. Kind of hoping something like Yoga can keep my mood elevated without resorting to Xanax. I'd straight up buy it if it wasn't for me being incredibly skeptical about most Yoga/low impact/bodyweight type workouts due to me being hardwired about lifting heavy/eating right. Would prefer to give it a week or two's run and see if I want to keep it in my regiment.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Wouldn't mind an IPT invite so I can get a copy of this. I've been interested in giving DDPYoga a shot since while I've made great gains with heavy weight lifting and dieting; Anxiety and stress have been creeping up on me due to how strict I've kept my dieting and workouts. Kind of hoping something like Yoga can keep my mood elevated without resorting to Xanax. I'd straight up buy it if it wasn't for me being incredibly skeptical about most Yoga/low impact/bodyweight type workouts due to me being hardwired about lifting heavy/eating right. Would prefer to give it a week or two's run and see if I want to keep it in my regiment.
Why would you steal it? DDP have a record of ripping you off or something?