Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition


<Gold Donor>
My frustration over positioning for backstab, which I almost never seemed to get right, led me to just abandon that entire approach. 2h fighter, ranger, and 2 casters is what I'm running now. I'd have loved to use a rogue/ranger, but fuck that. I'm backstab-retarded I guess.


A nice asshole.
My frustration over positioning for backstab, which I almost never seemed to get right, led me to just abandon that entire approach. 2h fighter, ranger, and 2 casters is what I'm running now. I'd have loved to use a rogue/ranger, but fuck that. I'm backstab-retarded I guess.
Two things, try to position right between their should blades(which sometimes is different angle then their back/butt) and the icon when you mouse over should change if you are able to backstab. With the insane levels of speed/dex rogues get you should have no issues repositioning using zero AP once behind them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The cursor changes from a sword to a hand grasping a dagger pointing downward if that is your question


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I'm aware of the cursor change, I just wasn't consistently able to make it happen. And I can't practice it now because my new group is back up to level 10 and I have no intention of swapping any characters out this time around. It was too frustrating the first time around, so I just played the game without that frustration. They really needed to paint a little pie segment of the targeting ring a different color or something, would have made a ton of difference because most of the characters have their "action stance" which makes it really difficult to even know where the computer thinks its back is.

I also freely admit that I probably just sucked at it, but plenty of other people seem to have had the same problem judging by forums.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In some situations it can be hard to backstab but for the most part I never had any major problems


Avatar of War Slayer
Swapping to top down for your rogue helps alot.

The idle animations, fucking up targeting can be a GIANT pita. especially with backstabs.

My rogue certainly was the biggest single target damage consistently. I am not 100% sure on how much, that was me focusing on her though.
she had like 11 dex innate. stats in perception and speed mostly.
With rank 2 in single handed, and 5 in sneak. later points in bodybuilding/will to allow ignoring CC.

so, something like 18 max action points, 19 start action points, and 11/round.
4-5movement. And 35% crit from perception.

With 5 sneak, and guerilla giving 1 action point sneaks.
3 action points per attack. double sneak crits
A TON of damage per round.

Also, since bows are dex/perception as well, AND use that sneak damage bonus too, would often start combat with a sneaked bow shot. if it 1 shots, combat doesn't even start up. 800-1000 stealth bow crits normal.

Madora was 2h armor. I may have given her too much str and con though. I probably could have allowed her to deal more damage if I followed the speed/perc of my rogue. Maybe even used lighter armors for more move. Early game, she fell behind the rogue due to that movement. lost 1 round just walking every time. I was using my mage to teleport her even, to avoid it. While the rogue could run across the entire screen for 2 action points.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The number of times I try and line up a backstab only to have a unit's idle animation make it so I just walk somewhere because it moved the hitbox makes me want to throw my computer


<Silver Donator>
Caliane the only thing you need for a warrior to move well is like 2pt blacksmith, use chestplate on anvil, it changes the movement penalty into a movement boost. As soon as I started doing that(didn't figure it right away mind you), my warrior started having more movement than my rogue did. Can also charge, though the range is kinda limited.

Rogue starts with much more consistent damage, if you spec appropriately, but warrior eventually trashes it really bad, the scaling on 2H weapons is ridiculous. Flurry just one shots bosses and shit, no positional requirement, don't suffer as much from physical resistant mobs since not using piercing and especially lategame you can remove most of the resistance with the shout, can aoe a lot better(which makes the encounters a lot faster when you dust devil+whirlwind and kill 4-5 packed mobs in one turn) and tank a fuckton better due to plate armor basically making you immortal if you craft it(think mine gives like 70% all resist, 80armor and +2 constitution/+2speed with +.45movement speed or something like that). Granted rogues don't tank at all most of the time, just stealth at the end of the turn, but that's the thing, the warrior can just stand there and tank everything np, with a 2H.

Note that in terms of annoyance to play though, it's not that much different. You have to turn your fucking stances on/off all the time depending on how many AP you have left or if your buffs are on or not(bless mostly, since with rage on, if you don't have bless you're not hitting jackshit without the precision stance). Everytime there's the fucking animation and shit. And you spend most of the first turn buffing up too, and half of the second still buffing up. Need to Rage, need to Nullify Resistances, sometimes need to Inspire(not that often though), need to move in range, need to activate the appropriate stance, need to get buffed by the mage. Once it's done though, shit's crazy.


Trakanon Raider
Sweet Baby Jesus, if this is correct, you are my hero. Also, why would they not put that in giant letters at some point in the game??
It's a trick ! This means if they animate out of the way as you click the button, you end up attacking the ground instead 8(.


Trakanon Raider
due to plate armor basically making you immortal if you craft it(think mine gives like 70% all resist, 80armor and +2 constitution/+2speed with +.45movement speed or something like that). Granted rogues don't tank at all most of the time, just stealth at the end of the turn, but that's the thing, the warrior can just stand there and tank everything np, with a 2H.
Am I missing something ? When I make plate armor with crafting ( metal scraps + hammer ) I get +15% to resists with + to a single stat ( e.g. +3 armor, +1 lucky charm ), and neither of the armor buffs increases the resist percent.

Or did you mean you found some legendary armor with 70% resist all and 2 con/speed and then you "crafted" the move and armor boost ?


Tranny Chaser
It's a trick ! This means if they animate out of the way as you click the button, you end up attacking the ground instead 8(.
I've totally clicked and moved and had to reload because of it but I've never been holding control, wasted an attack, and had to reload for it. I'm not sure I've ever actually lost an attack ever.


<Silver Donator>
Am I missing something ? When I make plate armor with crafting ( metal scraps + hammer ) I get +15% to resists with + to a single stat ( e.g. +3 armor, +1 lucky charm ), and neither of the armor buffs increases the resist percent.

Or did you mean you found some legendary armor with 70% resist all and 2 con/speed and then you "crafted" the move and armor boost ?
All plate armor comes with some base resist. The higher the quality, the more resist, and level ranges increases the tier too so you get higher values on higher gear. At 16+, legendary chestpieces come with like 40% base or so. Then you use a Ruby on it(need 5 crafting iirc), and that adds like 30% all. Or less but anyway it adds a bunch of all resist. You use the chestpiece on an anvil to get the movement bonus and you use plate/scale scraps on it to increase armor. That's the 3 upgrades for a chest. But yeah my chest was a legendary that already had great stats, it's just the upgrades to it made it even better, you can't add con/spd to them or anything.

Crafted gear is fairly garbage, it's alright early on if you can't find a good replacement for your weapon and have 5 blacksmith(so you get the bonus stats on them), especially crafted 2H axes can roll a massive +crit on them while still having good base damage. But once you start getting legendaries off vendors regularily(15+), shit's fucking pointless. It's still very useful to upgrade the gear though.

Weapons also have a 3step process like chestpieces, where you use it on a whetstone wheel(adds a lot of base damage), then use a tenebrium ingot to add tenebrium damage to it(note that it stacks with elemental damage if the elemental damage is already on the base weapon, but you can't add tenebrium+elemental to a weapon without, which is partly why crafted weapons suck endgame) and then you add a skull thingie to get +2str/+2dex on the weapon.

Rest doesn't really matter, though 9 inch nails on boots is a must just so you never slip from random ice shit(and especially necessary for the ice area) and the sneaking enchant is nice to change gear easily if you sneak.


Trakanon Raider
All plate armor comes with some base resist. The higher the quality, the more resist, and level ranges increases the tier too so you get higher values on higher gear. At 16+, legendary chestpieces come with like 40% base or so. Then you use a Ruby on it(need 5 crafting iirc), and that adds like 30% all. Or less but anyway it adds a bunch of all resist. You use the chestpiece on an anvil to get the movement bonus and you use plate/scale scraps on it to increase armor. That's the 3 upgrades for a chest. But yeah my chest was a legendary that already had great stats, it's just the upgrades to it made it even better, you can't add con/spd to them or anything.
Aaah, it was the rubies I was missing. Always wondered what they were for - thanks, that should help a lot. ( Despite the clearly unjustified nerf to resist rates last patch ;p )

Agree crafted stuff is mostly junk, but at some levels crafted daggers outscale dropped ones hugely - they seem to change 'type' more frequently than dropped items - for example, at 15 crafted dagger was 60-100 base damage, where crafted ones were still in the 40-70 range for level 15 drops. Possibly just bad luck I guess, but it gives crafting a good fallback if you get screwed on drops.


Potato del Grande
Eh? Legendaries off Vendors? lv15 Vendors? Did I miss a whole town?

Almost all NPCs I saw had shit for gear, one or two had a shit legendary. The progression I had was Cyseal/Mining Town/Homestead Unlocks, which just got me skillbooks really. Cult Town had a Tenebrium vendor which I guess was ok but I didn't use that stuff and just killed everyone in the town. Hunter's Edge had one shit vendor so I killed everyone there too.

Oh yeah almost all of my drops were dexterity cloth and intelligence plate, I was really hurting for decent gear and had some much money from vendoring trash drops that I was crying out for an end game vendor who never came.


The undead vendor outside of Hunter's Edge restocks a buttload of legendaries each time you level.

The geomancer lady in Sacred Stone also randomly stocks unidentified legendary items, particularly robes.


Tranny Chaser
Later on if you check everyone you'll find there are a few NPCs wandering around with sacks of gear to sell.

edit - My second run is doing a good job of demonstrating how terrible I was at this game initially. I actually got to do the big scary Evelyn encounter this time rather than having it bug out due to never advancing any quest lines and thus Evelyn never leaving town. I'm actually even or ahead on levels compared to what I'm fighting instead of being permanently -1 or -2!

The Lone Wolf Mage is going to turn out mostly the same. I started with one point in every Magic and I'll end up with something like 1 point in two schools and max in the other three. Instead of the Ranger/Rogue that felt so underpowered I went with a 2 hander guy with a dabbling of Fire magic. I figure later on I'll take Demon and run around using Immolate, Explode, Dust Devil, and Whirlwind all with a Fire Shield on. For now it's really nice having a second actual pet. Maybe later I'll miss double Charm but for now a dude with a 2 hander is just on a whole different level. Both characters have Wildfire for hastey goodness as well.