Django Unchained


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
It's not really a movie snob thing. I'm a movie snob. Cannes juries are movie snobs. It's a more general art snob thing. You can find this argument in every art school across the US.

I always roll my eyes when directors like Tarantino or authors like Stephen King are denounced as producers of pulp crap. After trying and failing to understand why some people require social commentary to appreciate a piece of art, I gave up.

Szlia's argument would be more convincing if instead of saying 'Tarantino's movies aren't great' he had said 'Tarantino's movies aren't genius.' Genius, by definition, requires originality. His movies take a genre and elevate the production to art... so the case might be made that he's not really doing anything new. But his craftsmanship is nearly peerless. Also, despite this schtick, it'd be hard to convince me a good deal of his work is not genius.

Anyway, I really enjoyed Django. I thought the ending was a little long without Christoph Waltz or DiCaprio to carry Jamie Foxx (he's growing on me but I'm not his biggest fan). I wish the first two parts of the movie were a bit longer, but I like longer movies... probably alone in that respect.
Perfect explanation. QT knows what kind of movie he wants to make and then makes it while allowing the actors to provide flow and respond in the ways they see fit. Since many of his actors are true professonals, I really enjoy the respect QT gives these actors and the spontaneity this induces. He also might bring a respect to the original films and a desire to see them. Are the original films works of art? Probably not but they are fantastic period pieces. I truly enjoy QT's films not only because they are fun to watch, but because i've watched many films he has used for inspiration and enjoyed them as well. Spike Lee is pretentious in his belief that a modern black man knows the condition of slavery better than any other modern man. Spike's movies can also be a poignant story that most black people dont even bother to watch anymore. He's lost his audience in the quest to be meaningful. Kat Williams is an idiot, I dont care how many IQ tests he takes.


Millie's Staff Member
well shit everyone here loved this movie.
i am a a QT fanboy
i loved true romance
i liked natural born killers
loved reservoir dogs
LOVE LOVE LOVED Pulp Fiction. its a game changing, genre defining film.
loved From Dusk Til Dawn
loved jackie brown
loved kill bill 1
liked kill bill 2
hated that movie he did in grindhouse
really enjoyed inglorious basterds

this movie was ok. went on way too long. got a little too silly . Lawnmower Man and Sam Jackson as Uncle Ben is what made the movie enjoyable for me. QT is borrowing from himself. which is cool because all directors have their own signature scenes. though i think he missed his POV from the inside the trunk of a car shot in this one.

sorry guys. i know im the black sheep of movie taste on this board, but ill be damned if i can see what yall are all raving about. and i love blaxploitation flicks. ive seen and enjoyed all the Rudy ray/ Dolemite movies, car wash , all pam grier and jim brown flicks. this movie has homages to them. it didnt help make me love this movie any more.

maybe if it wasnt so fucking long and maybe if it was a little more serious i would have enjoyed it more. all that being said, i still think tarantino is awesome and a good fanboy has to take the good with the bad.

edit. and somebody said those guys in the poorly cut eyeholed masks were early KKK. no sir, this was pre civil war. the KKK was formed because of the civil war. these guys were just dumbfucks trying to conceal their identity



Millie's Staff Member
would you rather i lie and say i thought it was the best thing in the world just to be like everyone else?


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's just an observation. Movies you think are average are generally very well received by people who aren't you. We're not lying about how we feel about it just to be like everyone else, everyone else honestly enjoys the movie a lot :p


Millie's Staff Member
i really tried to. and for a while there when Uncle Ben and Lawnmower man were in the same scenes i was digging it. but too many dumb things kept happening that took me out of the movie. like best scenes are from dinner at candyland, obviously. leo pulls out one of his old slaves skulls and starts monologuing about how great he was. then all of a sudden he saws the back of it just to show them the 3 dimples. he had that skull for god knows why and god knows how long and he just fucks it up to make some vague observation about it? earlier leo has a pack of dogs rip apart a runaway slave, then not 30 seconds later we meet Uncle Ben and Uncle Ben is acting like leo is his slave? was that intentional? it was funny as hell but it took me out of the movie. in reality that guy wouldnt have said shit to his massah.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Who is lawnmower man?

Also you missed the whole dynamic between Leo and Jackson. Leo is a relatively dumb trust-fund kiddie and Jackson was the real brains of the operation. Jackson practically raised Leo and while he acts subservient to him in public, he tells Leo what to do.


<Prior Amod>
Astro, don't get offended at peopel saying "If Astro didn't like it, it must be good." Very few people can claim to be such an accurate gauge on if a movie will be good or bd as you do for us.



Millie's Staff Member
not offended. i knew going in i would get the drinsics and tarrants giving me a hard time for sharing my honest opinion. at least you arent a moron spouting the same tardation as drinsic. you= cool. drinsic=idiot


<Prior Amod>
not offended. i knew going in i would get the drinsics and tarrants giving me a hard time for sharing my honest opinion. at least you arent a moron spouting the same tardation as drinsic. you= cool. drinsic=idiot
LoL, i wasn't giving you a hard time though, believe it or not man, my post is the general consensus for many here. Don't let it bug you, embrace it! I personally have found many movies I liked by reading your reviews!
(No sarcasm intended)



Millie's Staff Member
LoL, i wasn't giving you a hard time though, believe it or not man, my post is the general consensus for many here. Don't let it bug you, embrace it! I personally have found many movies I liked by reading your reviews!
(No sarcasm intended)
well if you like the movie i dont, thats fine. you arent supposed to like what everyone else likes. you are supposed to like what you like. and yes you are giving me a hard time by saying that the opposite of what i dont like means its good. i dont care though. if it gets you engaged in a film all the better, though if you are going to make blanket statements at least add in a little bit of why what i said was wrong. im always happy to explain why i like or dislike stuff.
