Django Unchained


Avatar of War Slayer
Standard manipulating of awards.

If Waltz was put up for lead actor, he'd be going against Daniel Day Lewis in Lincoln.
Putting him in "supporting actor" ought to be a free win on the other hand.


<Prior Amod>
Standard manipulating of awards.

If Waltz was put up for lead actor, he'd be going against Daniel Day Lewis in Lincoln.
Putting him in "supporting actor" ought to be a free win on the other hand.
Alan Arkin, Robert DeNiro, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tommy Lee Jones..........yeah he's got a free ticket sitting in that group. /eyeroll


As far as Oscar shit, it sort of annoys me that Waltz is only considered a supporting actor in this. I understand that Foxx is technically the main role/actor, but that movie is nothing without Waltz's character. I get why it is categorized that way, but it still annoys me.
I may be wrong, but I think there is no rule to determine if a part is lead or supporting. It's the producers who enter the actor in the category they see fit (usually the one they feel s/he is the most likely to win) or at the very least lobby for the actor in a category or the other (Academy mailings and Variety adds with 'For your consideration, Christoph Waltz as best actor in a supporting role, for his part in Django Unchained yadda yadda').


Millie's Staff Member
so is this just a publicity stunt?
Promoting Oscar-nominated Django Unchained, which had its premiere in London last night, Quentin Tarantino refused to repeat his position on violence in movies during an interview with Channel 4 Evening News host Krishnan Guru-Murthy. Asked about the link between movie violence and real violence, Tarantino responds in the video below: "Don't ask me a question like that - I'm not biting." When asked why, he says, "Because I refuse your question. I'm not your slave and you're not my master. You can't make me dance to your tune. I'm not a monkey." Saying he was doing the interview as "a commercial for the movie," Tarantino elaborates, "I don't want to talk about the implications of violence. The reason I don't want to talk about it: cause I've said everything I have to say about it. If anyone cares what I have to say about it, they can Google me and they can look for 20 years what I have to say. But I haven't changed my opinion one iota." Guru-Murthy later presses, "But you haven't said why you think there's no relationship", to which Tarantino exclaims, "It's none of your damn business what I think about that!. And I'm shutting you down." The exchange in question begins at about the 4:30 mark:
every movie has somebody with a gun shooting at someone. why this is getting heat over those others i have no idea.

Aychamo BanBan

I dunno. I thought he was answering questions like that because he doesn't want to sit there and listen to some retarded reporter try to accuse him of making kids violent because his movies are violent. He makes awesome movies exactly like he wants to make them. The reporters should just suck on his dick and thank him for being one of the very few people making entertaining and original movies.

Waltz killed it in this one. He was so god damn entertaining to watch. He made the whole movie. It was a great movie, but he really carried it along and kept it entertaining. All his little things, like when the Marshal had Waltz come out of the saloon, and he's about to surrended, and he's pointing at his warrant while his hands are raised. It was just so fun to watch.
I'm glad someone else appreciates this. The way Waltz disapprovingly told Django to take his hat off the table gave me a real kick too.


Avatar of War Slayer
Inglorious Basterds opening scene was by far one of the best in any movie, mainly because of Christoph Waltz. I didnt know anything about Django Unchained before watching. I only knew Jamie Fox was in it. A friend invited me and the only reason I went was because he paid for my ticket. Man am I glad I went. I had no idea Mr. Waltz was in it. I was extremely excited to see him in the first major scene. From there, the movie only got more awesome.

The only thing that could have made this movie more awesome is if QT had decided to make it like Kill Bill. I would have been ok with the first movie being Dr. Schultz training Django and collecting other smaller bounties and the climax being them killing the three brothers. Then the second movie would be the build up of him getting his wife. I really wanted more of this movie. I will go see it again before the weekend is done for sure.
Late to the party.

Just watched Django last night, and liked it. Just the right amount of cheese, blood, and guns to make it fun. Even though the it's not the wifes cup of tea, she admitted to liking it. Then she made me watch Pitch Perfect.


the trailers made it seem like the movie was going to culminate in the killing of the 3 brothers.

people have been critical of foxx's performance but i think the issue is that the character is reserved and naive and played opposite someone who is outspoken and brimming with confidence.


<Prior Amod>
Fox deffinatly starts like that but you can tell the good doctor rubs off on him after awhile and you see a lot of growth from Django. Fuck I need to watch this movie again.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
the trailers made it seem like the movie was going to culminate in the killing of the 3 brothers.

people have been critical of foxx's performance but i think the issue is that the character is reserved and naive and played opposite someone who is outspoken and brimming with confidence.
I don't think his character is naive. I think at the start he's reserved, afraid and green and at the end he's reserved, aggressive and smart.

Jamie Foxx did a good job playing the character but there wasn't much room for an actor in that character, he was just experiencing the world around him until Waltz died and he had to step up to complete the movie. A more charismatic actor probably could've delivered better lines in the last few minutes (Especially against SLJ, in fact that whole scene was a bit of a let down especially once SLJ ditched the cane and started strutting), but for the whole movie Django wasn't supposed to outshine the other characters.


This movie was badass, Christoph Waltz was so perfect as Dr. King. I went into this movie not really knowing what to expect and where are plenty of "OH SHIT" moments when it really hits the fan.

It was somewhat comical that he'd be such an accurate shot right off the bat but dayum the boy does not miss!