Doctor Who


One of the more interesting things about it running so long is that they haven't had more people crop up in multiple roles without having to resort to picking people out of soap operas etc. When they have, well, it's pretty much been established no-one gives a toot, Baker appearing before his Doctor role etc.

However, spergily speaking this will be his third run in the universe with his Torchwood role as well. That might be a record


Potato del Grande
One of the more interesting things about it running so long is that they haven't had more people crop up in multiple roleswithout having to resort to picking people out of soap operasetc. When they have, well, it's pretty much been established no-one gives a toot, Baker appearing before his Doctor role etc.

However, spergily speaking this will be his third run in the universe with his Torchwood role as well. That might be a record
Er... so the current companion is out of a soap opera


Er... so the current companion is out of a soap opera
hahaha I didn't know that, another strike against her
To be fair, as I've said before, it's her part not her from what I can tell. The interviews I've seen her do for the show she seems reasonable.

Anyways, lets see how she does when they presumably move away from the physical comedy next season!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Capaldi is amazing. Now if they just ditch Moffat this will be watchable again.


Molten Core Raider
Lets see what Moffat does with him. Then get the axes sharp if its bad.

Capaldi being in the Pompeii ep doesn't bother me. If they excluded actors from the role of the Doctor because they had been in one episode we wouldn't get any good actors to do the one-offs.


Musty Nester
I don't get the Moffat hate. Do you guys just want harder science fiction? Do you find Moffat to be excessively sentimental? I actually sort of agree with that... but I chalk that up to he's writing them with the intent of large pauses in between each episode.

It's not like Douglas Adams ever made a LOT of sense, either. What is Six times Nine? Davies had a sharper edge. He also had more misses and near-misses with that style, too. I find Moffat to be more consistent as an author.

I suppose it remains to be seen if he's one-note, or if his style is adaptable. I do find it hard to credit that the creative and executive powers that be behind the production wouldn't consider that somewhat important factor when looking around for lead writers.


Molten Core Raider
I don't hate him. I just expected more. Under RTD each episode he did was a gem.
The tone of the show changes with every incarnation. Well, except for when they forgot that's what keeps the show interesting and kept doubling down on clownish with 6+.

I really love the faery tale farcical bullshit arc of Matt Smith's Doctor. How you could watch "The Doctors Wife" and not think that was as awesome as sliced cheese AND sliced bread -- you would have no soul. But it can't last forever. And you don't want that tone to last forever, anyway. Overexposure cheapens it. As long as the quality remains high.

Best Doctor goes: Tom Baker (for the actor), Matt Smith (for the writing), all the others. BAM bitches. Layin down some truth up in here. But I also thought that Tennant and Pertwee were quite good too.

Tom Baker almost killed the show if you think about it. Celery Man would have been an acceptable Doctor if only he hadn't followed Tom Baker. No one was going to follow that act and be considered of much account. This show has to change tone every few seasons or the whole thing will just fall apart.
If you do not think that David Tennant was the best Doctor since Baker, then sorry, but you are wrong. Matt Smith MAY (and I emphasize may) have had better writing, but no one else since baker has properly captured the intensity and the whimsical since Baker.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think Matt Smith did just as well on the light-hearted side of the Doctor but he definitely didn't have David Tennant's fury.


Millie's Staff Member
Tennant is the best Doctor of the rebooted series. but i still liked Eccelstone more. his episodes were darker and the non fart monster episodes were more serious scifi. this past season with smith was just poor. im glad we are getting a new guy. dunno who this capaldi is but i hope they change direction and become more serious again or im probably going to stop caring anymore.smith's first season was fantastic, dunno why they couldnt keep that momentum going.


I think Matt Smith did just as well on the light-hearted side of the Doctor but he definitely didn't have David Tennant's fury.
Truth. Both pulled off the light stuff very well, Smith did better with the whimsical aspect, but Tennant nailed the dark and furious side. The end of "Waters of Mars" was a prime example. TIME LORD VICTORIOUS. The "No second chances, Im that sort of man now" set the tone for Tennant also

Ecclestone had both aspects, but I don't feel he pulled off the spectrum the way Tennant to Smith did (fury to whimsical)



Moffat gives me hope with the comment he made about Capaldi being wrong for the Doctor when Smith got the part but being right this time round, i.e. he is moving towards a darker place like Jait said. The events of the 50th are bound to move him in that direction if the spoilers have it right and they were on the money with the character Hurt is playing.

His snide comment referring to Helen Mirren was all kinds of
though, he really is a wanker irl.

Why on earth didn't they show the trailer for Adventures in Space & Time?!


Inane facts time! He's the same age as Hartnell at the beginning of his run and Pertwee at the end of his. 50 years of changing living standards make him look a lot younger than Hartnell at least.

I've read elsewhere that for all the hoohah they are making now, Capaldi's first full episode won't be broadcast until September next year. 13+ months. Fuck this new schedule >.<

Edot: VVV Hopefully I'm wrong but various other projects on the go was the reason given. Ever since Moffatt took over the schedule has been all over the shop, presumably to fit his Sherlock stuff in etc.


Molten Core Raider
The wait at the end of RTD was the worst. 4 eps for the entire year I think? Easter, Autumn, X-mas/New Years.

Smith really was a great Doctor. His casting caused hair pulling and gnashing of teeth everywhere. Then by the end of his first ep with his 'I am the Doctor' speech he won most folks over. As insane as this sounds....Capaldi has VERY BIG shoes to fill. Matt Smith was imo the oldest Doctor we've ever seen. His portrayal really gave me the sense this is a very old man in a young persons body, and that was all Matt Smith.


Tennant was a decent actor given terrible scripts, Smith was a good actor given adequate scripts. Given that progression, Capaldi should have amazing scripts.