Doctor Who


Trakanon Raider
Guess I have a more open mind. The wife and I both thought the Architect was Karabraxos testing her security. Guess we were half right as she gave the Doctor the details.
Loved Listen. Thought Time Heist was pretty good. Robin hood was dumb and the other two were average. I love Capaldi. I wanted Hugh Laurie so Capaldi is the next best thing.


Millie's Staff Member
it was made abundantly clear (to me anyway) that the Doctor was indeed The Architect, when he said "i hate him" earlier on. up until then i suspected it was likely him. i also agree about the doctor lacking the "i got an ace up my sleeve" tone in his actions. everything feels like its all on the fly and the doctor is just tossing shit out there. it make for an entertaining story, but it goes in the face of how the doctor has been portrayed since forever. some great examples of this are the Library episode and Matt Smith's first season.


Trakanon Raider
Guess I have a more open mind. The wife and I both thought the Architect was Karabraxos testing her security. Guess we were half right as she gave the Doctor the details.
That was my theory up until he said he was in the future. When they found the first suitcase and made comments about him breaking in ahead of time, I figured it was karabraxos behind the whole thing in some way, testing his security.
It is kind of funny reading some of the comments here about the Doctor and the way he is supposed to act. One of the biggest criticisms for the latter half of tennant's run and all of Smith's, was that the Doctor was basically a god and that nothing could ever touch him. Too much shining and whatnot. So now we are getting a Doctor that isn't at all in the golden god mold, either in appearance or actions, and people are complaining about it. Being a huge Smith (right up there with Baker) fan I do wish that he was still around for this series because it is pretty obvious that a lot of the writing was for his version of the Doctor. But I think Capaldi is doing a damn good job over the last three episodes delivering a Doctor that i can really enjoy, even with the writing handicaps. So far the season has been enjoyable for me and different enough from the previous 2-3 iterations of the Doctor that I am liking the freshness as well.


Molten Core Raider
*shrug* I thought the Architect was going to be some random character. Sadly, I did not give it much thought. Thought the cyberpunk guy was the most intriguing character.

At the end I was reminded of Throw Momma From the Train. You only had two characters, and one of them was dead on page 3. It's not a murder-mystery!

Capaldi is doing a damn good job over the last three episodes delivering a Doctor that i can really enjoy
I haven't seen too many folks here complaining about Capaldi. I certainly think he's a breath of fresh air. The writing is sub-par, but that might be due to Moffat spoiling us with all of his stellar 2005-2010 scripts, and Sherlock. Seeing folks here enjoy this past episode makes me at least think he's doing a good job, even if it's not to my liking. I did like Deep Breath quite a bit, and Listen was good too.


Musty Nester
I think Moffat is really trying to shift tone and not doing very well with it.

He's very good with one specific tone. Very good at that one thing. I do think this is partially him trying to work and grow outside his comfort zone. So he gets some respect for that... but it's a risk. And not every risk pans out. Most of them don't. Kinda why they call it risk.


Musty Nester
I guess I look at it a little differently. It genuinely surprised me how good the Matt Smith series was. How he really captured the fairy tale. And sure it wandered into sentimental schlock sometimes but so what. And I like Tennant/Davies too. But if we're being honest, I sort of expect Dr. Who to be ordinary rather than extraordinary. So when I run into a string of more "meh" episodes I'm not at all disappointed. It's more like, "Well yeah. That's about right". 1-3 neat ideas per show is all I'm really looking for, and the Capaldi series is beating that bar. Eccelstone beat that bar too.


Avatar of War Slayer

I really hate shitty child safetying the entire world shit like that.


Potato del Grande
That was... fine?

I just don't know why I am watching this anymore, maybe it's because the bad guys are fucking lame and everything looks fake so there is no dramatic tension. I get the feeling that Moffat is trying to create iconic villians to set some sort of legacy but they are all shit. Worse he is ruining the small number of old baddies he does use, like Daleks and Cybermen. We need some sort of story arc both within the stories and throughout the season.

The focus is instead on the interactions between the characters but the new Doctor is just awful and doesn't work with Clara/Pink. I like them but they are just wandering around the stories confused whereas the previous companions usually did stuff. It'd have been much better with Matt Smith, not blaming Peter Capaldi they just need to give him dark shit to do like he was awesome doing in his last role.

Reminds me of the downfall of the Bleach Manga if any of you read that.


It felt more like a Benny Hill sketch. Unconvincing robot chasing people around corridors and Danny Pink doing his Power Ranger leap through the air. I'm with Chris on this one, the current series seems disjointed and tired. I never used to tune in to Doctor Who as a kid for a couple of funny one-liners (of which there are some admittedly) I watched it to be taken to distant planets and generally be amazed and terrified in equal measure.

The majority of this series has been filmed on Earth (either present day or the overused Victorian era) or a few indoor episodes (Dalek/Heist). The villians have been lacklustre at best and while I'm sure Moffat is building up to something supposedly challenging with the whole Heaven thing I'm struggling to become excited about the remaining episodes. Especially next week's where it looks like they take that schoolgirl on a trip to an asteroid.


Thought I'd share this littleTimelineI saw in The Telegraph a while ago.

I'm possibly being a bit harsh saying the robot in this week's episode looked crap. Looking at that link it reminds me a mainstay of Doctor Who has always been terribad special effects but engaging storylines.


Potato del Grande
Crap monsters was a mainstay of Doctor Who in the 60s - 80s, don't know why they had one in that style this week.


Millie's Staff Member
this week's episode wasnt terrible, but there was a lot wrong with it. i thought they said this doctor was going to be dark? i think willy wonka was much darker than they made capaldi. eccelston doctor would take capaldi and bitchslap him til he grew a pair.


Molten Core Raider
We all have different tastes, so I'm not going to argue anyone's opinion is wrong. I just happened to like this weeks ep. Should of been the first or second ep though. Danny Pink owned the Doctor, and he's right about him. That little girl with the 9" widow peak is interesting, I hope she makes a decent companion. Danny without Clara would be a throwback to some of the better companions. Qhue and I always go on about Turlough, and he showed some shades of that this week. I really want a companion who isn't in love or in awe of the Doctor. Have we had one since 2005? Maybe Mickey?

Crap monsters was a mainstay of Doctor Who in the 60s - 80s, don't know why they had one in that style this week.
Tin Foil Cybermen were my favorites. Macra still crack me up too.


Tranny Chaser
Hmmm it looks like we may have a new companion...and its not Danny Pink

From the short clips shown on the Graham Norton show and the stills from this weekend's episode it looks like Courtney Woods (AKA Disruptive Influence) comes along with the Doctor and Clara to the moon. I really was not expecting this, but she has shown up in too many episodes so far to just be a write-off.

It also highlights even further how much this series is echoing that of the first doctor


Molten Core Raider
If you follow the Doctor Who news (and few of us do anymore) it's been known for a while. There's a rumor...major spoiler...

She dies, and it's the Doctor's fault. Halloooo Adric.


Trakanon Raider
If you follow the Doctor Who news (and few of us do anymore) it's been known for a while. There's a rumor...major spoiler...

She dies, and it's the Doctor's fault. Halloooo Adric.
well if you want it dark it doesn't get worse than killing a kid. My guess would be she ends up in the Nethersphere and will somehow be OK at the end of the series. Hope I'm wrong because I want things to happen that can't be fixed by timey whimey.


Potato del Grande
DON'T <insert thing you normally do>! is back...

Don't move this time... inventive...