
Looks like the ball is slowly rolling, but rolling.

I've been pushing the announcement in the channel every now and then, but I need others to be doing the same so we can get more people consolidated for the draft. We have a split between the channel and the boards, but am I missing anything else? Do we have an alternate method available for pulling people in together?

Also, if we use the board admins or a trusted third party what's the interest on pooling a cash prize? I'd be willing to throw in $15 or so myself to get it started or should we just stick to board titles and bragging rights? I was thinking $1 a person would be enough to provide a positive incentive for getting in the top 3.


I aint investing if Cyni gets on my team. That guy is a bad luck charm!


Trakanon Raider
Looks like the ball is slowly rolling, but rolling.

I've been pushing the announcement in the channel every now and then, but I need others to be doing the same so we can get more people consolidated for the draft. We have a split between the channel and the boards, but am I missing anything else? Do we have an alternate method available for pulling people in together?

Also, if we use the board admins or a trusted third party what's the interest on pooling a cash prize? I'd be willing to throw in $15 or so myself to get it started or should we just stick to board titles and bragging rights? I was thinking $1 a person would be enough to provide a positive incentive for getting in the top 3.
Better prizes would be dota items I think.

We could probably use the old FoH steam group, but I don't know if any admins are still around to set up stuff and how many people are actually a part. Then you could use the group events to spam all the people. The biggest problem of the rr guild chat is that you can't read unless you turn on the game.


Molten Core Raider
Is it worth while coming up with a few set teams? Like 5 heroes that work well together, or even pairs of heroes that work well in lanes, just so we're focused more on the team game of working together, than worrying about picks and counter picks and what not.


Is it worth while coming up with a few set teams? Like 5 heroes that work well together, or even pairs of heroes that work well in lanes, just so we're focused more on the team game of working together, than worrying about picks and counter picks and what not.
this is why you go captains mode, all pick is all about pcking last and counter picking, at least captains mode is fair.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
WTF is up with Steam/Valve giving you an abandonment and low q for their own system issues? I've been in low q for about 5 days in a row now and not once did I abandon a game but when I look at my w/l history it shows I now have 6 abandons, this is fucking horse shit. I just got put in low Q now because I got disconnected and upon immediately trying to reconnect it said the game server could not be found, but that's an abandon? You get q'd with the absolute dregs of dota society and it's just fucking retarded.


Then the system doesn't work, but obviously we all knew that.

Regardless, going back and looking at my replays, my win streaks put me into Very High replayed games and then I was going back to High. Maybe VH/H doesn't mean anything at all then. If it doesn't work like that, then it is just straight up magic. I haven't checked that in months because I took a break through the Summer, but that is how it worked for me nearly 6 months ago.
Sounds about right? If your true skill is at the high end of the High bracket, it makes sense that you would get VH games after a win streak, and then go back to High after some losses.

WTF is up with Steam/Valve giving you an abandonment and low q for their own system issues? I've been in low q for about 5 days in a row now and not once did I abandon a game but when I look at my w/l history it shows I now have 6 abandons, this is fucking horse shit. I just got put in low Q now because I got disconnected and upon immediately trying to reconnect it said the game server could not be found, but that's an abandon? You get q'd with the absolute dregs of dota society and it's just fucking retarded.
You don't get an abandon when the game server goes down. You also get to make one abandon without punishment if you haven't left a game in a while. Finally, the first abandon should only give you 24 hours LPQ and the second abandon should refresh that 24 hour timer.

If you've been in LPQ 5 days, it sounds like you may have internet issues you're not aware of.


Trakanon Raider
I agree it seems like wins gets you into different skill brackets, meaning you could be carried into that bracket. Maybe it works that way, maybe it does not.

So I will re-state that I wish I would have gotten in VH bracket before free to play. Guess I should have queued with more VH players.


Wins increase your matchmaking rating, but you aren't more likely to win if you queue with VH players. Higher skill players are weighted heavier in MM calculations. In groups with large skill spreads, the combined matchmaking rating is higher than the group's average. I tend to lose more games when grouping with Normal skill friends than I do solo queuing in VH, because we end up facing pretty good teams that those friends just can't deal with, and I'm not good enough to compensate unless I play a small set of pub stomping heroes.

If you queue with people whose matchmaking rating is artificially low (say, experienced HoN players or smurf accounts), then you will win a lot. Grouping with people whose MM rating reflect their skill should still leave you at ~50% win rate.

Either way, if it really did inflate your MM rating, once you start queuing with the inflated MM rating you will start losing more than 50% since you get matched with people who are better than you. Over time, you'll end up at your correct rating either way.

Exceptions to the above:
- Players who are so good that they will dominate any game regardless of skill level - e.g. Dendi
- Good players who practice and pick hero combinations that will dominate any unorganized pub regardless of skill level - e.g. Wisp&CK, Wisp&Tiny


I agree it seems like wins gets you into different skill brackets, meaning you could be carried into that bracket. Maybe it works that way, maybe it does not.

So I will re-state that I wish I would have gotten in VH bracket before free to play. Guess I should have queued with more VH players.
Vhigh bracket doesnt mean anything. Everyone gets an ELO raitng (think 1500-2500 ratings) and you increase or decrease the rating with wins or losses. The system then tries to match you up with people with similar elo rating...As time goes by, the search accepts people with a rating further from yours. Then when the game has found 10 people, it will auto balance to make both teams have the closest amount of elo total. It will do this in a manner to match up ratings on both teams to be pretty close on a player to player basis since a couple months ago. So the higher rated player should have someone rated similarly, same iwth lower, accomodate for groups and is a shitty way to go at it.

Getting a vhigh "stamp" on a game is just an arbitrary label that is applied after all of this is done and the system checks the total elo rating of that game to give people a general impression of around where they are situated skill wise as to not be in the total dark.

Getting a higher rating in open beta would just mean you would face harder opponents since your rating would be higher, so it would even back out to your true rating.

So this might not be what you want to hear but you are at the rating you deserve to be depending on your skill level. I'll reiterate that I have friends queuing at very high after not many games played because that is what their skill level is and they dominated normal/high queues solo.

Whenever I smurf with friends in normal queues or even high, I usualy completely dominate the game solo handed, wouldn't matter what teammates I get...

If you dont think you are in the right bracket, go mid and takeover games to get to vhigh. A good mid will dominate a game on his own more often than his team can make him lose.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
If you've been in LPQ 5 days, it sounds like you may have internet issues you're not aware of.
I did get an abandon yesterday as it went from 5 to 6 on the number of times I had abandoned games and I got the notice of being back in Low Q after being told the game server no longer existed. It hasn't been a consistent 5 days but the majority of time. I can check on my ISP but I've never had issues like this before with my ISP and I may get disconnected from 1 out of 10 games at most. Something isn't right here.


Trakanon Raider
So this might not be what you want to hear but you are at the rating you deserve to be depending on your skill level. I'll reiterate that I have friends queuing at very high after not many games played because that is what their skill level is and they dominated normal/high queues solo.
I'm saying I should have abused the system. I play for fun, lane wherever works for my team, don't use OP combinations of heroes often, etc. A lot of all random.

I'd rather support every game in a higher elo if it meant I could play higher quality games because the quality around my elo is not what it used to be.

Though people have been pretty nice lately, but it doesn't make the game any better.


I'm saying I should have abused the system. I play for fun, lane wherever works for my team, don't use OP combinations of heroes often, etc. A lot of all random.

I'd rather support every game in a higher elo if it meant I could play higher quality games because the quality around my elo is not what it used to be.

Though people have been pretty nice lately, but it doesn't make the game any better.
abuse? so you lose on purpose to not abuse the system? i dont understand..


Molten Core Raider
dellly bro lets go ive been looking for someone to que with, and just pick retarded 2 man combos and dominate.