
Mr. Poopybutthole
Still new so not sure what to make of all of that, but it looks like Lesh and Techies got obliterated in this one.

The LS buff seems interesting to me. Easy ancient kills.

SS might be a bit fucked as well, especially with the Bloodstone change.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Mostly when I read them I look at the early game / lane impacts stuff. Like did someone's base damage, scaling, or damage to an early skill get modified that will suddenly make them a ton more viable in the early game. Then if a skill got totally redone for scaling (like Luna's ult is the only one of the top of my head that is now just a flat 140 instead of 160/150/140) how it impacts point allocation etc... And then there's the other strange interactions like mines now being able to be killed by Quelling Blade and giving gold. Or small item things like TPs now costing 75g instead of 100g.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Having never played Ogre Magi before, I kind of missed it, but the change to bloodlust being castable on towers is kind of hilarious. Plus an extra 1 armor.

I imagine I will be seeing a shit load of them played now.


Trakanon Raider
Ogre, Bane, Lich, CM, ET, Jakiro all top tier now.

Kunkka might be overbuffed at this point, LC is crazy now, contrary to popular opinion, lina is not dead and buried, Lycan is back along with Pugna, Furion is going to be stupid with Aghs spam "IM HELPING", Spectre also much better now

no changes to windrunner ? oh god...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Having never played Ogre Magi before, I kind of missed it, but the change to bloodlust being castable on towers is kind of hilarious. Plus an extra 1 armor.

I imagine I will be seeing a shit load of them played now.
I think the bloodlust change is irrelevant, seems like it would be effective in the early game but no one is ever going to skill it early never mind putting a lot of points into it. Maybe if it were global ala Treant, but I can't see it being more relevant than Lich frost armour on towers has been.


Trakanon Raider
Riki legit offlaner now imo, especially with how popular AM is

Also rejoice, they improved the chat system, so move your asses over to Rerolled


Silver Squire
warlock gonna see carry/mid work with golems non purgable. aghs => refresher. lawwwd have mercy. I wonder if nature's prophet and lone druid will see work. I'm I could see push lineups coming back. Luna/Warlock/lone druid carry, DP mid, SS support, NP off.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I really do not like they way the Bloodstone has evolved over the years. Back in Dota 1, it seemed to be more of a hard support item. You might be playing a hero that would get killed every fight, but your timeout would be minimal and you would still receive exp/gold after death. Now, it has warped into a must have item for a handful of hero's and pretty worthless for everyone else.

The concept of giving support hero's an optional item which allows them to minimize the impact of deaths still has merit, but it looks like they are moving away from the concept completely. Meh.


Trakanon Raider
No, Alch is still terrible support, but his ability to build midas in less than 5 minutes and get 800+ GPM is interesting, shame he isn't really an endgame carry, similarly to furion, he can just ride the item advantage before falling on his face, but I can see him having some potential with heroes living for their Agh upgrades, like Lina, Kotl, CM, Abba or Omni. The big issue is whether you want to give Aghs to anybody before you are 6 slotted, since you typically need 1-2 items to farm reasonably fast and that point, the clock is already ticking.

Riki offlane is really good right now in pubs, since it's still rather new and most of my pubs have jungler rather than 2 supports who can split buying chicken/wards/sentries, leaving the lone support too poor to afford them from the start and giving you quite a few levels for free. The hardest part is to not die in teamfights, you need to enter after everybody blew their load, to rack up the kills and gold, since you farm like crap, even though the perma invis regen can let you jungle a bit so you don't go to battle in brown boots. Smoke is 1 point wonder and you scale really well into lategame, so your team has effectively an extra carry in the offlane.

Jakiro ice path range buff is kinda meh. At that range it's really hard to reliably land due to vision problems, but it doesn't hurt on a hero that usually builds tranquils/euls just so he doesn't seem so sluggish.

Bane will probably be very common pick now, the brain sap mana decrease is almost stupid, I expect him to be common support, especially with all the small buffs AM got. Still a bitch to farm with though, but he absolutely destroys WR.

Bloodstone is the only item that can give enough mana to the most mana hungry heroes in the game. It essentially turns you into lol champion. In an environment where fights are common and are expected to have impact, it gave you too much room for errors, not to mention it nullified your mistakes and judging by the treatment of Techies, that's something he really wants to move away from.


Trakanon Raider
And if you go by winrate Abaddon and Omniknight are still stupidly OP in pubs, you just need a horse that will carry you to victory, but sometimes it's really hopeless


Trakanon Raider
I could be wrong, but I think Omni and Aba are classic heroes that have a disproportionate effect on winrate on games the lower in skill you go. Both of them have skill sets that you have to understand to defeat. Where as a hero like Leshrac in his previous form was winning 57% of games and possibly even higher winrate than that in the highest skill games and the lowest. Patch looks pretty interesting for sure.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think 6.85 will go down as one of the least impactful balance patches. It is not a bad thing. Means the game is in a pretty damn good place.


Trakanon Raider
I could be wrong, but I think Omni and Aba are classic heroes that have a disproportionate effect on winrate on games the lower in skill you go. Both of them have skill sets that you have to understand to defeat. Where as a hero like Leshrac in his previous form was winning 57% of games and possibly even higher winrate than that in the highest skill games and the lowest. Patch looks pretty interesting for sure.
Both of them give you ridiculous sustain while pushing, which can be broken with coordination, but pubs are terrible with focusing stuff, so the longer the fight goes on, the more impact you have and they don't fall off that much. 12s bkb, 360 pure dmg, immortality for 7s, heals ... I want to try the new Aghs on aba, since 50% dmg reduction sounds ridiculous, but he farms like ass and after I got arcanes, mek and vlads, the game was over

Not to mention some of the cheesier lane combos like weaver/aba or axe/omni. It's very hard to lose a lane with them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think 6.85 will go down as one of the least impactful balance patches. It is not a bad thing. Means the game is in a pretty damn good place.
I would expect this to largely be the norm with the majors, not really enough time to adjust after the large ham-fisted post-TI patches of the past.