
Blackwing Lair Raider
Watching N0tail play Meepo is pretty damn impressive. Wish I had those types of micro skills.
Yeah no shit, the whole cast poof and while poof is casting blink on on main meepo and fucking one shot someone is just ridiculous. There is literally nothing you can do about it if you're in blink dagger range.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Check notail's twitch channel. Honestly I think Meepo has no place in the game. Ridiculous when played by a good player and completely fucking useless when not.


<Silver Donator>
Check notail's twitch channel. Honestly I think Meepo has no place in the game. Ridiculous when played by a good player and completely fucking useless when not.
There's a ton of better Meepo players than n0tail, and yet he's rarely if ever picked. He's not a safe pick, sure if no one stops you, you can unleash his monstruous potential but it's not like you get there np. He also becomes a liability later in the game, he maxes out very quickly and once he's maxed out, there's nothing else to do with Meepo and he becomes a lot worse as time goes. If you don't stop him early though, you're probably losing between 20 and 30mins in a really harsh way. Live past 30mins and he's not gonna do a whole lot anymore.

Now in pubs sure he can be pretty retarded but at a competitive level, he's nowhere near OP I don't think, there's too many limitations and too many weaknesses to exploit.

If we're talking pub though, there's like Techies in the exact same role. A good techies is actually quite fucking scary in pubs and will force teams into buying gems non stop and even then you can still get fucked. A bad techie is completely worthless. Slightly less than Meepo but still worthless.


Trakanon Raider
I still think Lina/Lion/Nyx can fuck him over really badly if they get a jump on him and later in the game, decently geared carry will crush him. He's really high value target due to his level advantage, so a well timed smoke gank can decide a game. Puppey said that he is viable in some situations, but people don't practice him so they don't know when and why he's a decent pick.


He also becomes a liability later in the game, he maxes out very quickly and once he's maxed out, there's nothing else to do with Meepo and he becomes a lot worse as time goes. If you don't stop him early though, you're probably losing between 20 and 30mins in a really harsh way. Live past 30mins and he's not gonna do a whole lot anymore.
I'm not so sure that is true anymore with the scepter change. A meepo with scepter and heart is now very tanky, making him much less susceptible to burst. 1-2 nukers can no longer nuke him down quick, and getting all 5 people to focus on one meepo quickly is difficult in a team fight. Even if you do, he's not really easier to kill than many other carries. This means he loses much less efficiency in the late game.

He is still vulnerable early, and tapers off relative to other carries once he hits 25, but it's much less severe than before.

I fully expect some asian wonderkid to bring Meepo to ban status against certain teams. He does require an absurd amount of practice to master though, so he will likely remain in obscurity for the majority of the scene.


Managed to play a little bit yesterday and noticed quite quickly that some characters in early game are just annoyingly weak but become basically gods later in the game.
I haven't tried too many heroes yet but is it best to play every hero and get used to their play style and build? or pick a choice few and master them?

I really like the game and hope I can put more hours into it in the future as my work schedule allows. Being on graves pretty much murders game time for me.
Been watching videos of matches during down time at work. Only playing against bots for now till I can get some more time into it, but I'm enjoying it so far.
Seems pretty straight forward, little bit of a learning curve as far as builds/gear/math goes.

My biggest question is what I asked earlier.

Is it best to play every hero and get used to their play style and build or pick a choice few and master them?


<Silver Donator>
That depends on people, some like to play every hero a few times, some focus on a few heroes, there's really no easy answer. Ultimately you'll need to do some research or check the heroes in practice against bots just to see exactly what they do, but I don't feel you need to play everything to understand it and it's essentially useless to try certain heroes to understand them if you don't have the skill to play them, such as meepo, invoker or even chen. If you don't play them well, then you didn't learn shit besides that they suck if you don't play them well. If you know specifically a style you want to play, then do focus on that(but try to play every hero in that style, if you want to support, there's like 20 supports so play them all, don't focus on one support only) otherwise just play whatever until you figure out what you do prefer.

And on Meepo, forgot he was buffed. Maybe it does make a difference. I still feel there's some heroes that shit on him if he doesn't win fast enough, especially anything that cleaves and do big dmg, like sven or worse void or any melee carry with a magnus on the team. I haven't watched competitive dota in a couple of weeks though so I don't know what's in nowadays but doubt it switched that fast away from these, and if you're meepo and you poof on someone and you eat a sven stun on all your meepo while he goes viking on your ass, you're probably dead.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not so sure that is true anymore with the scepter change. A meepo with scepter and heart is now very tanky, making him much less susceptible to burst. 1-2 nukers can no longer nuke him down quick, and getting all 5 people to focus on one meepo quickly is difficult in a team fight. Even if you do, he's not really easier to kill than many other carries. This means he loses much less efficiency in the late game.

He is still vulnerable early, and tapers off relative to other carries once he hits 25, but it's much less severe than before.

I fully expect some asian wonderkid to bring Meepo to ban status against certain teams. He does require an absurd amount of practice to master though, so he will likely remain in obscurity for the majority of the scene.
What's the normal build on Meepo ? Mek + threads ? Throw in Scepter and Heart and you are looking at 2,3k+1,4k+4,2k+5,5k which is 13 400 gold, not counting shit like TPs. Unless you get fed you probably won't have that before 30 minutes which is little past the time he peaks in power and that also means you are playing him in no.2 position. If you are good with him, fine, but he can become dead weight much more easily than other heroes.

Nostrovia: Basically heroes can be split into several categories, usually by how much money they need before they start being effective. I'd recommend picking and playing a few heroes from each category and then decide, you don't really have to play them all, just know their skillset. Carries are good if you feel like you are winning the game by yourself, but for example I found out I prefer killing people compared to perfecting your farm for 20 minutes (or bitching at your lanemate for stealing lasthits...)


Nostrovia: Basically heroes can be split into several categories, usually by how much money they need before they start being effective. I'd recommend picking and playing a few heroes from each category and then decide, you don't really have to play them all, just know their skillset. Carries are good if you feel like you are winning the game by yourself, but for example I found out I prefer killing people compared to perfecting your farm for 20 minutes (or bitching at your lanemate for stealing lasthits...)
Farming has never been my thing. I know it's necassary at times but I prefer to just burn down enemies.


What's the normal build on Meepo ? Mek + threads ? Throw in Scepter and Heart and you are looking at 2,3k+1,4k+4,2k+5,5k which is 13 400 gold, not counting shit like TPs. Unless you get fed you probably won't have that before 30 minutes which is little past the time he peaks in power and that also means you are playing him in no.2 position. If you are good with him, fine, but he can become dead weight much more easily than other heroes.
Keep in mind that Meepo has the fastest theoretical farming speed of any hero from a very early stage. In N0tail's last 4 games played with Meepo he averages 660GPM. That's in pubs, so you can count on some added feeding cash, but also less ideal farming conditions. The full heart is also unnecessary - the reaver is the part that really matters (since pure +HP isn't shared), and converting to heart is just endgame fluff. That reduces the cost to 11000, which is highly achievable by 20-25 minutes.

Also, I was mostly talking about the post-30min environment where he was mentioned as weaker. In the mid-game, he will be higher level than everyone else and the sceptre alone will make him quite tanky at that stage in the game.

That said, I have like 2 games on Meepo and I'm terrible. This is all theorycrafting.

Nostrovia, You can do whatever you like, and your learning curve will be be steep either way. If I was to recommend a path, it would be this:
1. Play 10-30 games with one hero. I usually recommend Lich. He is easy to play, has a large impact early game, can get kills all game, and isn't dependent on farm. Watch/read a few Lich guides to get a feel for how to play him (Purge's video guides are pretty decent). When you get bored or feel you have a good understanding of all the major concepts, move on to the next step.
2. Start playing as many different heroes as possible. Once you have the game basics down, this will teach you the most in the shortest amount of time. Knowing which heroes can and can't do what at various stages of the game is critical to become good at Dota. I recommend Single Draft mode for this. The community is slightly more friendly than All Pick, and you avoid the people who only play one hero to perfection. Those can be annoying while you're learning new heroes, especially in low level games.
2b. When you find a hero that you really like playing, make a note. Once in a while, watch some guides and play that hero again to perfect your play with him. Having a few signature heroes is always good if you are going to be playing with friends. a good site for quickly checking how to skill/build/play a hero you haven't played before. probably the best comprehensive newbie guide out there.


Nostrovia, You can do whatever you like, and your learning curve will be be steep either way. If I was to recommend a path, it would be this:
1. Play 10-30 games with one hero. I usually recommend Lich. He is easy to play, has a large impact early game, can get kills all game, and isn't dependent on farm. Watch/read a few Lich guides to get a feel for how to play him (Purge's video guides are pretty decent). When you get bored or feel you have a good understanding of all the major concepts, move on to the next step.
2. Start playing as many different heroes as possible. Once you have the game basics down, this will teach you the most in the shortest amount of time. Knowing which heroes can and can't do what at various stages of the game is critical to become good at Dota. I recommend Single Draft mode for this. The community is slightly more friendly than All Pick, and you avoid the people who only play one hero to perfection. Those can be annoying while you're learning new heroes, especially in low level games.
2b. When you find a hero that you really like playing, make a note. Once in a while, watch some guides and play that hero again to perfect your play with him. Having a few signature heroes is always good if you are going to be playing with friends. a good site for quickly checking how to skill/build/play a hero you haven't played before. probably the best comprehensive newbie guide out there.
I have a 5 day weekend coming up so I'll be able to get some play time in. I'll play around with some heroes and see which ones I like, and Purgegamers are the videos I found on Youtube and have been watching their matches. Though it seems like the guy doing the commentary focuses more on talking and clicking the mouse a millions times than actually doing anything.
Seen their vids where he plays the Tidehunter, Juggernaut and Lich so far.


clicking the mouse a millions times than actually doing anything.
That's how you play Dota. At least for the first 5-10 minutes of the game. The laning phase is mostly about:
- getting last hits on creeps (and denies on your own)
- harassing opponent
- not getting harassed/killed
- maintaining the creep line (where creeps meet) at the optimal spot

The primary way you do this is by positioning correctly and generally only attacking for the last hit on each creep. Clicking the mouse a million times keeps your hero moving, meaning you won't attack involuntarily, and you'll be harder to predict and harass.

If you try to "do something" (attack something) all the time in lane you will:
- Push the creeps away from the safety of your tower, then get ganked and die
- Draw aggro from creeps, take lots of unnecessary damage, then die
- Get caught out of position, get stunned, and die

Don't die. That's the most important thing as a newbie.

Purge is actually a pretty decent player. As a newbie, you can safely emulate his playing style.


That's how you play Dota. At least for the first 5-10 minutes of the game. The laning phase is mostly about:
- getting last hits on creeps (and denies on your own)
- harassing opponent
- not getting harassed
- maintaining the creep line (where creeps meet) at the optimal spot

The primary way you do this is by positioning correctly and generally only attacking for the last hit on each creep. Clicking the mouse a million times keeps your hero moving, meaning you won't attack involuntarily, and you'll be harder to predict and harass.

Purge is actually a pretty decent player. As a newbie, you can safely emulate his playing style.
Can't you just shut auto attack off? Seems like it would save on having to spam click.


Can't you just shut auto attack off? Seems like it would save on having to spam click.
You can. It's personal preference, I like it on for some niche functionality, but it's not a big deal. Even with auto attack off you will want to move around constantly though, to make yourself less predictable and harder to kill.

Added a bit to my above post as well.


You can. It's personal preference, I like it on for some niche functionality, but it's not a big deal. Even with auto attack off you will want to move around constantly though, to make yourself less predictable and harder to kill.

Added a bit to my above post as well.
So keep moving to make your enemies nervous, and get last hit for gold/xp. While maintaining creeps to push the lane?
So doing too much is a bad thing then, till later in the game.


Sort of. Read, it goes through these concepts in more detail.

Watch some guides on laning if you want more information. There's more guides here:

The basics are simply:
- Last hit creeps, including friendly creeps. Don't autoattack.
- Don't die. 98% of the time you die, it's because YOU made a mistake. That goes for everyone, even pros.

Most importantly - play more games. You will gradually understand the concepts much better. Keep in mind that if you think everyone else on your team is worse than you - you're probably wrong. Don't fall into that trap.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah the first advice I give to a new player is DO NOT DIE. Kills don't matter as much as deaths do. Not only does it hurt your income/items/gameplay, it gives the advantage to the enemy.

A ranged hero is sometimes easier to start with or possibly a really tanky melee hero. My friend played his 2nd game with us a few days ago and he played Orge Magi. Squishy melee? Not the best choice.

Also, conserve mana. Most heroes cannot spam spells early on. Unless you're going for a kill with a teammate or there is a chance the enemy hero will lose more than half their life from spell damage/creeps/you/allies then just save the mana for defensive or better offensive chances.