
Lord Nagafen Raider
EG.Aui2000 EG.Bulba

Guessing that Fear will be carry? Though aui's traditional support role doesn't quite exist now so maybe he continues as carry?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Aui as carry seems strange has he ever played it in the past? Was that what he was doing in DC? I never really watched their matches. Maybe it was a condition of him rejoining the team. And while Bulba has always been good coaching, as a player eh..esp in the offlane....this reeks of desperate for a team of EGs stature.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Aui as carry seems strange has he ever played it in the past? Was that what he was doing in DC? I never really watched their matches. Maybe it was a condition of him rejoining the team. And while Bulba has always been good coaching, as a player eh..esp in the offlane....this reeks of desperate for a team of EGs stature.
He was a carry at TI3, he was supporting in DC though was playing some carry recently. (Unclear to me whether someone was away or whether they were trying new players)


Silver Squire
I prefer to play Dire this patch because of how easy it is to ward block Radiant's offlane big camp vs. Dire's.


Aui definitely has a lot of history playing carry but I'm not sure if that's where he is most valuable. Might be though, sometimes getting back to your roots after some time away can work well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I liked aui as support in EG because he always found tons of farm on the map and it paid off big time. Early aghs on Visage every time when he played that hero for instance. And with fear playing carry when they won ti it makes sense for those same roles but what dobi know. And offlane bulba tho....idk


Trakanon Raider
Bulba is probably second/third best offlaner in NA.

Fear playing carry will make EG really stingy with participation with events, carry is much more mechanically intensive and last time I heard, Fear's wrist has only been steadily getting worse.

Aui can play greedy supports, but those are dime a dozen these days. Sure you won't see puppey transitioning into a carry naga, but I don't think most games would give you the space necessary anyway.


Trakanon Raider
Bulba single handedly willed liquid to that TI3 win over LGD. He's underrated, the least of which is his temperament. Same with Aui - neither of them are emotional firecrackers. Surrounding Sumail with emotionally stable adults prevents the kind of meltdown that an Arteezy Sumail relationship certainly had. Fear on the 4 is way better than Fear on the 1 . Besides - EG's Pocket strat will be AUI jungle Fear Carry - on any heroes that the team feels they play better than the other.

I think people undervalue how big the experience / brain trust is in the PPD/AUI/FEAR safelane trio.


Trakanon Raider
Another thing that's interesting about Bulba. Blitz apparently did a cast awhile back where he was talking with some of the Moonduck studio guys I think it was, and Blitz mentioned his time helping coach Complexity prior to the Shanghai Major. They got into talking about how most all the winning teams now have coaches etc and one of the things Blitz stressed is how well Bulba knows Dota. Bulba stepped in to help coach some, and Blitz said he felt absolutely stupid in comparison. When Bulba explained it he was able to understand, but a bunch of little subtle nuances to the game that he had never even considered before Bulba apparently had a great grasp on.

Now, not saying that makes him any good at playing the game but it makes me wonder if Bulba isn't a little undervalued in some ways. Especially as he was coaching when EG took TI5. I wouldn't be surprsied to see Bulba do a lot of quieter behind the scenes work to help balance out the EG puzzle, especially giving PPD a hand with drafting, as some of his Shanghai drafts felt like he was trying to force something to happen that wasn't there. And if Zai gets out of school and still has his mojo I think it might be very likely to see Zai move into the team full time and Bulba going into full time coach. Especially as, according to Blitz, Bulba has been offered near a full winning share to coach other teams and I would expect he'd be near that well paid as EGs coach. Especially if he leads them to a win.

But who knows, if Bulba does well Zai might not even be needed. I would really like to see them take a LAN or tourney off Secret on the way to TI though. I think the potential ego meltdown there would make for some great Dota drama and lets be honest, thats why we all watch.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Some good commentary since my last post. Always liked bulba so i hope he does well...but yea zai coming back w him coaching seems strong also. Sumail definitely seems like a little punk...first thing i thought when rtz came on board was how they would coexist....


Lord Nagafen Raider
Another thing that's interesting about Bulba. Blitz apparently did a cast awhile back where he was talking with some of the Moonduck studio guys I think it was, and Blitz mentioned his time helping coach Complexity prior to the Shanghai Major. They got into talking about how most all the winning teams now have coaches etc and one of the things Blitz stressed is how well Bulba knows Dota. Bulba stepped in to help coach some, and Blitz said he felt absolutely stupid in comparison. When Bulba explained it he was able to understand, but a bunch of little subtle nuances to the game that he had never even considered before Bulba apparently had a great grasp on.

Now, not saying that makes him any good at playing the game but it makes me wonder if Bulba isn't a little undervalued in some ways. Especially as he was coaching when EG took TI5. I wouldn't be surprsied to see Bulba do a lot of quieter behind the scenes work to help balance out the EG puzzle, especially giving PPD a hand with drafting, as some of his Shanghai drafts felt like he was trying to force something to happen that wasn't there. And if Zai gets out of school and still has his mojo I think it might be very likely to see Zai move into the team full time and Bulba going into full time coach. Especially as, according to Blitz, Bulba has been offered near a full winning share to coach other teams and I would expect he'd be near that well paid as EGs coach. Especially if he leads them to a win.

But who knows, if Bulba does well Zai might not even be needed. I would really like to see them take a LAN or tourney off Secret on the way to TI though. I think the potential ego meltdown there would make for some great Dota drama and lets be honest, thats why we all watch.
I think it was the video I posted a couple pages back from Purge's channel. Bulba used to (still has?) good individual skill too, he was a pretty good mid on Liquid.

The new Digital Chaos, Kaipi, Fantastic Five and Polarity teams look decent. The new VP team looks pretty ridiculous too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This is the biggest misconception around right now. Hero is a fucking joke to play. Use 3 spells for Q/W, and what... 4 for Q/E?
I half agree. Most dota heroes are pretty easy to pickup and play but there are a handful that are worthless without a certain level of ability. (e.g. Invoker, Meepo, Earth Spirit, Oracle)


Trakanon Raider
I half agree. Most dota heroes are pretty easy to pickup and play but there are a handful that are worthless without a certain level of ability. (e.g. Invoker, Meepo, Earth Spirit, Oracle)
You won't notice whether the invoker is good or bad until like 30 minutes when it's all teamfights. Then the good ones can still get everything out while maintaining map awareness and good position in teamfights.


I half agree. Most dota heroes are pretty easy to pickup and play but there are a handful that are worthless without a certain level of ability. (e.g. Invoker, Meepo, Earth Spirit, Oracle)
Out of your list, Meepo is the only one that belongs there.

You won't notice whether the invoker is good or bad until like 30 minutes when it's all teamfights. Then the good ones can still get everything out while maintaining map awareness and good position in teamfights.
Going to disagree. Team fights definitely highlight skill level, but you can usually tell how good a voker is by how easily he dominates the mid lane against 90% of heroes. If he is trading or straight losing without enemy supports having to rotate then it's pretty apparent. His orbs dmg/heal/move speed is extremely advantageous/forgiving early game and good vokers abuse the shit out of that to dominate mid.

Anecdotally, I find the opposite of your statement to be true in my scrub-lord voker games. I usually trade/barely win mid then absolutely soul crush in team fights (especially once aghs is online). To the degree that most people in those matches think that I know what I'm doing when in actuality I have less than 10 games with him (because I always thought I'd never be able to master the multiple invocations).