BSJ: "I guess S4 just doesnt want to tp to help"
Lil: Its on cooldown
BSJ: "oh"
VP just stomped the fuck out of Kinguin in the first. Don't give VP Medusa...Seriously.
I only half watched the BTS Tourney so I might be off. But, didn't CCnC just seem like trash? Every time I was checking in it seemed like he had lost mid, was behind in farm and was feeding. I rather like PPD's brand of sarcasm and seeing him play again is entertaining, but I don't see how they will ever amount to much if their mid keeps just throwing.
Is this a correct assessment, or am I missing something else about the team that is more than just CCnC being trash?
At one point in the cast Godz said something along the lines of hes showing himself as a skilled player but hasn't learned the killer instinct that the top tier mids have. I think Sumail was also on the cast and Godz also said something about Sumail always having shown it. Its hard to really say how good he is, at Summit Optic only played the worst team and the (apparently) second best team where he faced Abed who is considered one of the most mechanically skilled players. I do remember him owning with Veggie as a carry Dazzle. I find him mildly off-putting as a caster, though I don't know why.
I expected to see better play from Optic, but then I would have expected better play from all the teams. To me everyone other than VP looked mediocre. I wonder when OG & EG stop getting a free pass to events.