
Thanks. I read the You Suck page and I'll join the channel.

I'll probably still suck. ha...but willing to give it a go.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I just started playing in August. I'd never played any of these games before (MOBAs.) I've maintained a slight winning average pretty much from the getgo, always stay a few percentage points over 50, I think. It's really not that hard to do well with certain heroes, but for me, I just had to find a niche I was good at and go with it. For me, that's playing support characters. I just find them easier to play, and you have less responsibility in a way. I have numerous supports with winning averages of 60-80 percent, whereas I tend to do worse with carries, although I have shined on occasion.

Especially in lower brackets people will ignore supports and support items entirely (i.e. wards,) and it can make a huge difference if you play one. I'm at 3100 ranking right now and I'm finally playing with some people who seem to play seriously for the most part.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Thanks. I read the You Suck page and I'll join the channel.

I'll probably still suck. ha...but willing to give it a go.
You will still suck for a long time but it's a fun journey. You'll have good games and bad ones, some heros will click with you right away and some won't. Yesterday I played a Luna game where I was like 23-2 farmed as shit and destroyed everyone. One of the next games my best option in single draft was EMber spirit and I had no idea how to play that hero or what to do with him and fed like hell. That's just the nature of the beast.

Just focus on learning heros and items. After you have a good knowledge of that you can start analyzing your play a bit more and improve faster. After every game I try to think of how I could have played better or itemized my character better against what I was up against. Focus on stuff you can control(yourself) and not what you can't (crazy teammates). But that's not to say you can't politely ask someone to stop auto attacking creeps and pushing the lane and/ or fucking up last hits.

That's my 2 cents as a newer player myself. I have about 110 I ranked games played and did a A-Z against the computer before that that I don't regret doing at all.


I have not even played a game against anyone but Bots so far but I am falling in love with Lifestealer. Question is with this character I basically jungle the whole game until I get powerful then push towers. Would that be acceptable in a game against players or would they just wonder what the fuck I was doing the whole game.


Trakanon Raider
I have not even played a game against anyone but Bots so far but I am falling in love with Lifestealer. Question is with this character I basically jungle the whole game until I get powerful then push towers. Would that be acceptable in a game against players or would they just wonder what the fuck I was doing the whole game.
Just depends on if your team needs you or not, if your team is rolling then it would be. If your team is in close fights you may make a difference. Sometimes you may have to lane depending on team makeup.

Luckily Lifestealer is at the top of the food chain in terms of heroes so you made a good choice, though other people may pick him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I would say Lifestealer is actually one of the best carries in EARLY - MID teamfights. No other hero gets a built in BKB with insane attack speed, and a scaling dmg passive that early on. You should be joining those early teamfights and winning them imo. If I see a 0-0-0 LS in the jungle while we're losing the mid game, I start the rage train.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I had the exact same line of thought when I started playing. I saw a character that was listed as "jungler" so I assumed I should just stay in the jungle and never leave until 30 minutes in or something. Which I did a couple of times, and I noticed people bitching at me, for good reason, I just didn't know it at the time. That's not really how it should work, though (and a lot of times it won't work anyway when you get warded.) You should always run out to teamfights and the like, then go back to jungling when you can (if it's safe and you're not getting ganked constantly.)


Trakanon Raider
First rule of Dota is the same as the first rule of hiking: Always carry a TP.

It's much better when you can react to a teamfight by just proting to the nearest tower instead of walking in.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Yeah, TP's are a huge thing I ignored for a long time and finally realized that they make you more money than you lose, not to mention can win the game for you. For the longest time when I started out I'd saying "no way I'm wasting money on that when I can save for gear instead!"

Now a days I love building boots of trav on support if I get some early money rolling in.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Solo que ranked is going to make me kill someone. I have 2 more games to go to get my ranking for party que and I'm guessing it's going to be a huge point difference between the 2 as I've probably only lost 1 of the 8 games so far whereas I can carry a whole fucking team on solo q but if a Bristle goes 1-13 then it just doesn't matter.


That is good info on Lifestealer. So I am assuming that lifestealer is often lower levels than other players who stick to the lanes? When I spend essentially the whole game in the jungle I am still a lower level then everyone but I get all the gear I could possibly need to be effective. This is against only bot though. So if I am spending time in team fights and jungling (which would be more fun anyway btw) I will end up lower levels and potentially without the money I need for gear. or does the money made in team fights make up for that? I rarely get kills as lifestealer, I have to get better with snare or what every its called as even with the boots that increase speed I still cannot catch people to get the final blow.


Yea, it usually (give or take cs/denies) goes in terms of experience: Mid -> Offlane (solo) -> Duos -> Jungle -> Trilanes.

You shouldn't really be jungling for experience at around 8-9, you should be helping setting up ganks or winning the lane adjacent to yours jungle


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd argue that Lifestealer is better in the lane from the get-go anyhow... Don't even bother jungling.


Interesting cause when I am in mid lane solo I always get paired with some range hero who just sits there plinking me apart while I have to be up close and person to get kills. I will try it again tonight.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Interesting cause when I am in mid lane solo I always get paired with some range hero who just sits there plinking me apart while I have to be up close and person to get kills. I will try it again tonight.
Er...lifestealer isn't a mid hero. You should only go mid when someone else is there to help them gank, teamfight, or go help the people bot. I think he was just pointing out mid XP is the best, which it is, but that's not a lane for LS.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
What's the deal with Draskyl. He seems like the Destiny(SC2) of dota2 and l like watching his stream but I can't help but think that he always groups with lower level players so he can pub stomp the shit out of ppl in lower level MMR games.


First rule of Dota is the same as the first rule of hiking: Always carry a TP.

It's much better when you can react to a teamfight by just proting to the nearest tower instead of walking in.
Any other tips? I generally keep a healing salve and citrus, and try to farm safely.

Also, any tips on heros? I've been randoming them to learn, but fucksake are there are a ton.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd argue that Lifestealer is better in the lane from the get-go anyhow... Don't even bother jungling.
Most of the melee junglers who have to tank creeps are like this, they need a couple levels and/or items to be effective. The particular creep types can make a big difference though.


Trakanon Raider
Any other tips? I generally keep a healing salve and citrus, and try to farm safely.

Also, any tips on heros? I've been randoming them to learn, but fucksake are there are a ton.
I wouldn't random, just look for a hero that seems to be interesting and play him a few times. Consumables are good at the start, but they are generally wasted money past the laning phase, if you really need them, learn how to use the bottle. Look for a role that seems interesting and learn a few heroes who can fill that role and see what applies to specific heroes and what doesn't. Learn to pull jungle or stack creeps, learn ward spots.

Hotkey courrier ( I use "5") and control it solely through hotkeys for movement, unless shit is hitting the fan. You should also always put the item you are building into the quickbuy slot and bind a key to do some last minute shopping when you are about to die, but that doesn't take priority over you actually controlling your hero.

Always watch the minimap. Always. Raging that somebody didn't report missing hero doesn't make you better, watching minimap does.


I wouldn't random, just look for a hero that seems to be interesting and play him a few times. Consumables are good at the start, but they are generally wasted money past the laning phase, if you really need them, learn how to use the bottle. Look for a role that seems interesting and learn a few heroes who can fill that role and see what applies to specific heroes and what doesn't. Learn to pull jungle or stack creeps, learn ward spots.

Hotkey courrier ( I use "5") and control it solely through hotkeys for movement, unless shit is hitting the fan. You should also always put the item you are building into the quickbuy slot and bind a key to do some last minute shopping when you are about to die, but that doesn't take priority over you actually controlling your hero.

Always watch the minimap. Always. Raging that somebody didn't report missing hero doesn't make you better, watching minimap does.
Good jungler = you stay near the lane, pay constant attention to the minimap and are ready to pop out to help losing lane or gank mid starting at 2 minutes.

Bad jungler = 99.9% of people in dota who sit in jungle and do nothing. If your team wins you had nothing to do with it cause they did it despite of you and were inconsequential.