
<Silver Donator>
Pro tip, pick Invoker
Had a game where the game was tied and everyone on my team is dead except me and the other team was auto attacking to victory. I last hit with the sunstrike to win the game, other team says "wat"
Necro is also good at getting the last hit with his ult
Invoker is nice for steals but if the enemy team isn't retarded they just stack on the last greevil and your sunstrike does like 50dmg even with full exort.


<Silver Donator>
So apparently I was wrong in my initial impression based on screenshots of mythical couriers, stats are not based on Unusual essences, but on your normal essences. However that means you need to fill the eggs with "minor" essences to get maximum stats possible for each color. Also your first 2skills are pulled from any of the essences so say you want a red greevil, you need 3exort 2wex 2quas(the quas and wex are for stats such as movespeed, attackspeed etc, pure exort only gives crit) and that means you have a fairly high chance of getting lvl 2 skills instead of lvl3 skills(which could only be the red skills). A dual color will pull lvl 3 skills from its 2 main color with a lesser chance of a lvl 2skill from 3rd color and whites/blacks get full stats and full skills regardless.

With that in mind I made a white with an unhatched egg I had on my smurf from last event and essences I collected this event and it makes a huge difference. You can pull a shitty combo of spells but mine is actually pretty good, Rot and Malediction with obviously Purification(Ultimate is always the same and is based on the egg color, white is always purification, blue always blackhole etc). Rot is nice to keep people in melee range while you demolish them with your super high stats, Purification keeps you up from the Rot dmg and Malediction is a great spell that is worthy of being an ultimate imo, it's great at killing mobs quickly too since the dmg becomes crazy very quickly and last tick will often "execute" the mob from 20% to 0 in that tick, making it very hard to steal.

Might try for a green next, hoping I get yellow or blue abilities and none of the green. Probably will skip the red essences just so I don't get rot or decrepify.


Sounds like my unusual-buffed seraphic would be a murderer.

I'd sell him for D3 golds.


Yeah I'll letcha hold her till I get an offer. Hopefully I can spectate the hideous rapings he will hand out on my other screen while playing dat PoE.


<Silver Donator>
Well as I said unusual or not doesn't really matter, and a seraphic isn't terribly hard to make, or you can buy one for like 2$ or whatever(egg is 1$ and 9 essences is less than a dollar). Unhatched it's worth quite a bit of money though if it's full unusual, because unusual essences themselves are worth 9$. Black 3x Unusual is 100$. Check


Vyemm Raider
Sniper is pretty cheesy with this mode for last hitting if the people can time the assassinate correctly.
Furion is even cheesier imo. He can just be respawning from a teamfight and his ulti can snipe greevils so easily.


Trakanon Raider
Apparently there was an exploit that let you farm the special greevil boss that drops items during a practice game in a fountain by using a command to spawn him over and over again...


<Silver Donator>
Apparently there was an exploit that let you farm the special greevil boss that drops items during a practice game in a fountain by using a command to spawn him over and over again...
Yeah it was fixed and they turned off trades for a little while, they might have rolled exploiters inventories not sure. Worst case though some botters got a ton of cosmetics, which I don't really care about.


<Silver Donator>
Don't think anyone needed a proof he'd be added, only question is wether or not he'll be the last hero added, even after the most recent(Zet and frost wyrm). Every hero is in that announcer lines btw, including those 2 and there's even lines with undetermined picks they could use for future heroes without having to remake the announcer.

Hope they start releasing heroes faster now that the wintermap is done. Hopefully they're not making a valentine's map and working on that but eh, wouldn't be surprised.

Also hesitating to buy this announcer, it sounds really good and it has A LOT of lines. Also it does megakill announcements in the same pack it seems. Haven't spent any money yet but might on this and maybe one of the Lina set that was just added in the workshop which looks pretty fucking awesome.


Molten Core Raider
Some of these professionals on real teams need a stylist or something. This fucking xmike88 guy from Team Liquid looks like he finally made it out of his mothers basement for the first time wearing the same clothes he had as a teenager. Jesus christ.
In one of the Complexity bootcamp videos before The International 2 there was a point where the camera man asked ixmike how he liked the hotel "since you said you've never been to one before."


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you want to see how awesome the announcer is just watch Merlini's stream, he's got it. I may or may not have given it to him.