
Blackwing Lair Raider
I think the prize split is about perfect. Hell, I'd even put a full 50% to winners.

You *really* want the top talent to want to WIN. No, not place well, not earn a living but motherfucking win the damned thing.

It's hard to translate a professional trophy's value into eSports so you just do it like poker. Win = $$. Not win = soso money. Not that the non-winners are going to go broke here but every team sure as fuck is going to aim for the prize.
This has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard, you obviously know nothing about e-sports. Counter-Strike pretty much died because no one but the top 4-5 teams made any money.


Trakanon Raider
I think the big thing is that Alliance has now got their own chest "for being champions". That means Dota 2 events don't have to rely on prize money, getting a chest in the store must be worth something.


For some perspective, at TI3 7-8th place brought home around 40k. When it's all said and done this year, the same placement will probably this year will probably put out $600k (about what Na'vi got for 2nd place last year).

That's extremely good for the scene. Sure, the people outside of the top 8 will see some restructuring, but that's a positive thing. They under-performed and missed out on a big payoff. They will want to change things up so it goes better next year. If they are successful in reforming, there is plenty of money available in tournaments throughout the year to keep them eating. Not to mention, you need there to be some fluidity so new players can break in. If everything stays too stable, it becomes very difficult for a new good player to land on team that could potentially become a contender.

Conversely, the teams that placed in the top 8 will probably want to keep things as they are to maximize their chances of doing the same thing next year. If they attempt to reform, they risk being left out of the tournament entirely or ending up on worse team. That's a tough sell when you just won over half a million dollars together. The top 8 end up being the veteran teams with history and money, while the bottom 8 become the scrappy contenders.


The Big Mod
I can't be arsed to go through 360 pages to find it, but we compared theoretical prize pools to sports events like ATP Tour a while back, and they are generally far more evenly spread.

In a sport where prize money is pretty much all you get, it's not healthy for the sport to give the first place winners enough to retire while the up-and-comers can't make a living.
shut the fuck up pussy. it's a competition. if you can't do better than 12th place when your life is literally devoted to playing dota, then you need to stop playing dota and go get a job at hot topic.


The Big Mod
there is a third place playoff game right? i think there should be a lot more disparity between 3rd and 4th place amounts if thats the case.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The matches that determine who get's knocked down to 9th-10th place are insane. Difference between going home with 45k or 500k.


The Big Mod
This has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard, you obviously know nothing about e-sports. Counter-Strike pretty much died because no one but the top 4-5 teams made any money.
lol. keep dreaming you socialist faggot. giving the shit tier teams money will do nothing but prevent less established but more talented teams from rising into the competitive ranks.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Got in a game against Some Russian cunts last night. They made what should have been a 20 minute victory into a 50 minute hero farm. That's some bullshit and the jimmies rustled through me.


The matches that determine who get's knocked down to 9th-10th place are insane. Difference between going home with 45k or 500k.
Yes this puts huge preasure on phase 2 middle tier teams. You basically don't want to be ranked after 7th, otherwise you have to play Match A/D on phase 3 and could get knocked out of the big money pool. These match A/D on phase 3, the earning from that bo3 win will be 3 times bigger than any earning from any tournament this year... so huge
These matches will be awesome.


Almost every match once phase 3 starts will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional guaranteed money.

Phase 3:

Round 1 (7 v 10, 8 v 9) - Winners earn a guaranteed top 8 finish and win at least 500-600k, loser is eliminated and gets 50-60k.
Round 2 - Not worth anything in guaranteed money, but gives the winners a chance to end up in the WB.
Round 3 - Winner earns a guaranteed 5/6 finish and wins at least an additional ~150k.

Main Event
WB Round 1 (2 matches) - Winners guaranteed a top 4 finish, making the match worth at least 300k.
WB Round 2 (1 match) - Winner guaranteed a top 2 finish, making the match worth at least 600k.
LB Round 1 (2 matches) - Winners into the top 6, worth ~150k.
LB Round 2 (2 matches) - Winners into the top 4, worth ~300k.
LB Round 3 (1 match) - Winner into the top 3, worth ~200k.
LB Round 4 (1 match) - Winner into the top 2, worth ~400k.

Grand Finals (1 match) - Worth $3.5 million+


Trakanon Raider
I will be very sad if official Alliance chant at the event isn't:



<Silver Donator>
Data compilation for the compendium predictions:
Stats Corner: Compendium Predictions
TI4 Compendium Playoff Predictions: Misc Predictions |
The International 4 Predictions - DOTA 2 - featured_articles -

They have spread their stuff on the various sites. Team prediction is imo the most subjective and random one, I personally went for what I expected without looking into it too much. Rest is nice to have an idea of what to expect, even though a lot of it can be wrong.