Dr. Cliff Huxtable was a mega rapist


Millie's Staff Member
So you use the age of most of the accusations to discredit them. Then you say the newer ones have even less credit.

Good to see you have an open mind on this.
i have an open mind, i watch all those bigfoot, space alien and loch ness tv shows. i enjoy those, but at the end of the day what they share with these rape allegations is the lack of solid evidence. i want to believe, give me something besides a story? is that too much to ask?


what Suineg set it to
So I'm confused, are thereanycorroborating stories at least from people who worked with him other than victims or potential victims? Like a stage hand saying 'you know I always thought it was odd he had his bodyguards carry women out of his dressing room'. Or even stories from associates of 'victims' where they confessed or told confidants or something. I just find it fishy when the only possible explanation is Bill Cosby planned and successfully carried out a string of flawless crimes over 40 years with no witnesses or evidence.


Registered Hutt
I'm pretty sure some guy said he covered these up for Cosby years ago. It sounded like he doesn't work for him now.

I still think it's an attention/cash grab. A tiny bit of proof is all I need to believe every bit of it, and there is nothing.


Murder Apologist
This guy WAS television. It's impossible to overstate how powerful he was in showbiz. Those assistants and bodyguards probably had their fair share of blowjobs and free anal from aspiring starlets begging for three minutes with the guy.

Three decades from now a pack of worn out sjw cunts will scream and holler that SEINFELD tricked them into inhaling jewdick against their wishes. And it will be exactly as absurd.


Millie's Staff Member
I'm pretty sure some guy said he covered these up for Cosby years ago. It sounded like he doesn't work for him now.

I still think it's an attention/cash grab. A tiny bit of proof is all I need to believe every bit of it, and there is nothing.
there was one ex-nbc employee who claimed he watched cosby's dressing room and said he noticed women of varying ages going in and out and he saved CCs of checks cosby cut to some of them. he has no other info. thats not even enough for sherlock holmes to be suspicious of.


Lord Nagafen Raider
want to believe, give me something besides a story? is that too much to ask?
I want someone to corroborate all these stories!

there was one ex-nbc employee who claimed he watched cosby's dressing room and said he noticed women of varying ages going in and out and he saved CCs of checks cosby cut to some of them
No, not this guy. Someone else.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Except that guy doesn't corroborate any of the drugging stories. Just that Cosby was paying for strange and some of it might have been underage. That doesn't get us anywhere near drugging people to rape them.


Millie's Staff Member
I want someone to corroborate all these stories!
i will settle for one, give me one instance where one chick filed one police report and because Mr Television was such a big star the cops never even looked into it. the cops were all over michael jackson, but they had a lot more evidence such as eyewitnesses and jackson's own words saying that he literally sleeps with children and reports were filed. michael jackson was a much bigger star than cosby ever was.


Millie's Staff Member
If you dont report it and have 0 evidence or coroboration, then its just a story. It sucks that they were raped, if true. It also suck that they didnt report it abd allow an alleged rapist to continue to get away with it.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I have heard several comedians say that it was pretty much common knowledge in comedy circles that Cosby was a major league asshole and a creeper. I don't know if people would talk about him raping but he definitely had a reputation before all this blew up.


Molten Core Raider
As for not reporting it, that's not too surprising. This wasn't a case of a dark alley rape by a stranger. It was by a powerful man under situations which could be seen as somewhat consensual. Unless there's definitive proof, no woman would have won a he-said-she-said case. At the time, each woman likely thought she was the only one and that there would be no one to corroborate her story.

It's not uncommon for women who are in physically abusive relationships not to report it either. They may be in the hospital with broken bones and they'll tell the doctors they fell down the stairs or something. And then they keep going back to the abuser. Clearly they are behaving illogically, but that doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen.

Furthermore, many women in abusive relationships feel like it is their fault for being abused. "If I didn't make him so mad, he wouldn't hit me." I wouldn't be surprised if many of Cosby's victims felt the same way. They may have thought they were partially at fault for leading him on or something. That would also make them less likely to report it.


Millie's Staff Member
its not surprising for some or more than half the women not to report it, but 0? nope thats totally unbelievable. its also unbelievable that no cops from the 60s 70s or 80s would think a black man raping white women isnt interesting. cosby only became a big star in the mid 80s.


Unelected Mod
As has been pointed out to you many times Chuk, the women had no good reason to come forward. Even if believed and Cosby was prosecuted, their career would have been ruined.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
it's alot of woman but that line of reasoning makes no sense, most of these people aren't actresses, so what career would have been ruined, a career in pornography for a playboy playmate? doubtful.


Unelected Mod
Again dude, what would they have to gain? It would have been a he said/she said. Against someone powerful and with many friends.

If you don't think that makes any sense, but somehow all these women just come forward "because SJW", well, I think maybe you need to reevaluate what makes sense.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
some of the accusations are really dumb like cosby touched my boob was one of the accusations, omg. The scary sounding ones would have been worth mad $$$$ so yes there is a gain. I think the cosby raped me while I was drugged and got me pregnant one would be one. I doubt the courts in the 70's were so stacked against women that she couldn't have gotten some serious money from it, gloria allred was practicing then wasn't she? it wouldn't have cost her anything to persue.


Molten Core Raider
How many people here saying the women should have reported it were around in the 60's and 70's? What these women went through would not have even been considered rape at the time. Date rape was not even a concept back then. The police would likely laughed at her and done nothing. At the time, rape was only considered a violent attack by a stranger. And even then, they might have considered her asking for it depending on what she was wearing. If a woman willingly left with a man, then it was assumed she wanted it.

And even if the case went to court, she would have been eviscerated by the defense. "You went into his dressing room, that means you're a slut. You've been with more than X guys, that means you're a slut. You were wearing a skirt, that means you were asking for it, you slut."