Draegan sold the site to MMORPG.com


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Wear your Coast Guard approved life vest.

Also for the last time they didn't buy this board. I doubt we were even a factor. They bought all of the Junkies sites . We were just part of the bundle.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Of how much consequence would it be to them if down the road they decide they no longer want to spend the money to keep these forums operational?
Exactly, and the answer is "None whatsoever" and don't fool yourselves, if they were this silent about taking the board over, imagine how quiet they'll be about shutting it down.

Anyone who thinks different is free to bid on my large bridge available for sale in New York.

The move has not started.
Your willful ability to deny reality extends beyond the political arena I see.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Anyone who seriously wants to risk this should take the time to at least go see how awful MMORPG.com's actual forums are.

They could roll us into that at any time they want.

They could be in the process of doing that right now.

Tuco wouldn't know.

Draegan wouldn't know.

Ben Literallywho would be the only one to know.

Until they flipped the lights out.


FoH nuclear response team
I'm shocked that this has happened and we have to move on...again. I don't blame Draegan for selling but I wish he would have let a fellow RR member purchase it.

I have registered at the new site, however, I would like to request that we carry over Gravy's name to the new site as well.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
What bothers me most ultimately is we didn't even get first right of refusal to buy it. Like that was never even an option.
Yeah this is a big deal, especially since a_skeleton_03 and Aladain and others have made it clear they'd have been happy to at least have a shot at considering it.


"We should wait until the new owners fuck us in the ass, at which point it would be too late to get the word out to everyone, before we keep the community that has been around for 15 years together and under the leadership of an internal member"
You're literally retarded.

MMORPG.com could shut down Rerolled at any given moment, and it would in no way be "too late". We've got another board already set up that absolutely everyone knows about and most of us have registered on already. If anything,anythinghappens here that would compromise what we get out of Rerolled, it's a given where we're all going next.

Again, we have exactly nothing to lose by waiting until we are given a reason to leave.


Vyemm Raider
Has anyone reached out to Craig on Twitter yet? or MMORPG? Do they know how much tranny porn they now have?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Retard can't understand linear processes in yet another instance.

No suprise there.


FoH nuclear response team
Has anyone reached out to Craig on Twitter yet? or MMORPG? Do they know how much tranny porn they now have?
lol, this made me bust out laughing.

In all seriousness though, I don't know if posting it on Twitter would be a wise idea. I am curious to see the Wu Trans Clan attempt to siege us though.


Shit Lord Supreme
As I understand it, a_skeleton_03 owns the new site and MMORPG.com has owned this site for about a month now.
Ok so we know Sunieg, he can kinda be a slightly whiny bitch who makes a lot of polls, he's generally tolerable and he's one of us. I don't know if he would abuse powers, or instill mods that would censor or ban people.

Ie: not just shock posters, but even shitty posters like Toonamba need to be protected from unfair bannings, no matter how terrible and wrong they are. I don't want a pure group think on the board, I don't want silencing. The fact that Toonamba is still here despite everything is actually pretty impressive, since virtually no one take's his side of the debate ever. Granted he's not a good debater or anything, but its impressive that he hasn't run away.

There's no room for exposition without differing points of view driving discussion. To me that, and the fear that Sunieg is just straight up data mining all out emails for some nefarious plot are my main fears in migrating.

I don't know anything about MMORPG.COM, sounds like they're trying to absorb as many MMO fourms as they can, and they ate this one up because WOW/EQ?

Otherwise this is personal.

The former means they don't know what the hell they bought and it's probably just a matter of time before our forum get's micromanaged and turned into a shit sandwich by outside forces, and the later guarantees exactly the same thing.

It stands a fair chance we are better of with the whiny bitch.


Vyemm Raider
I should have seperated my ideas better in that post..

Perhaps if we reach out they can provide some assurances to us, if they provide silence well the writing is on the wall.

But do they really know about all the tranny porn?? (not suggesting we talk about trannies on twitter)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wear your Coast Guard approved life vest.

Also for the last time they didn't buy this board. I doubt we were even a factor. They bought all of the Junkies sites . We were just part of the bundle.
That junkies stuff was still going? Man I thought that shit died years ago.