Duel of Champions (Might @Magic F2p CCG)


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I was going to go back to Inferno with b2. But it/garrant looks butchered. No demented. no lilims. no hikyuu, no ur-khrag, or ravagers, etc. fortunes butchered too.
I'm not really sure what to build for a good inferno deck.
revealed cards, haven't shown any good inferno. The mini fireball fire magic looks ok though.

Everyone gets a free sanct deck, and we saw that stupid OP HoN naga. 5 life on that thing, wtf...
Pretty sure my Akane deck is just as strong. so might play that.

Loosing nergal. And dont have ariana yet. If I get lucky with getting her. I might build a full Namru channeler deck. Hopefully, will get another of that. probably should have just bought one I suppose in hindsight.


Avatar of War Slayer
Also, they have all sorts of stuff on reddit btw. And their site.

lore stream atm.
Revealing new cards.
matches, big spoiler stream before it goes live.


Avatar of War Slayer
Today is the day.

11am EST is a spoiler stream. iirc, 2 hour stream, revealing cards, etc. Then game goes live.

Client is updated already though. AND you can look at the xml to check out most of the card stats.

Each faction gets a new hero in HoN.

BS2 is going to be unplayable VS HoN decks. hon is required to make any use of the new tribe system. Those of us with high ratings, and Wildcards/seals saved up will have a MASSIVE advantage over anyone starting new.


Trakanon Raider
Played for a while this afternoon. Beat the new campaign and the puzzles, they were fun, though short. Haven't done ranked duels yet, will get into that this evening.


Avatar of War Slayer
Played a bit. back to work now though.

RNG was not kind with bs2 and HoN.

Was right my decks were butchered with bans for standard. Having a hard time putting together a s2 deck that is not completely awful.

Not sure what a viable inferno build is. I know I don't have it, thats for sure.
My Academy looks like it came out the best. Was already in good shape moving to bs2.
And then I did get a nur, loyal rakasha and 2 crimson wizards.
Akane aggro+spells? too many good cards to pick from there.

1 HoN box, and 200k gold in bs2 packs.
All I got was 1 nur, and 1 shinoshi for Epics. Zero heros.

Dunno if the free sanct is always yukio, but did already have her.


Trakanon Raider
Turns out you get a free pack every time you complete a campaign mission with all 6 factions. That means once you finish the full campaign with every faction, you end up with 150,000 gold and 25 free packs (5 bs1, 5 void rising, 5 herald, 5 wars, 5 towers). Quite a nice boost.


Molten Core Raider
Well I started at champ II and have made it up to 59 points so far. Some odd and crazy combos out there, freaking 50% of the decks I play against are necro but oddly enough not too many hugely vamp focused ones yet.

I'm running an a acamas deck I built and used prior to HON release as a BS2 design. I added some HON but so far if I get a good flow going and stay in it until turn 6-7, shit gets nasty fast for anyone other then heavy, heavy removal hero's.


Avatar of War Slayer
no its a pack when you do all 6 factions
so 1 void rising, etc.

or no. your right, its every mission huh.


Molten Core Raider
Well sitting at 152 right now on the ladder. Freaking got so mad at necro's removal I tanked back to zero CP trying to come up with something different. Ended up making a few tweaks to my strong hold and started again and have made it out of the necro area it seems. Higher up on the ladder there is alot more diverse matches which is nice.

Using Kat at the moment.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone understand the progression on the leaderboards? I can't seem to find a linear pattern, is it respective to all the champion II's (in my case) so you have to dynamically progress to 100% and then you have a promotion match? I started doing well after my fall but event though i was in the top 100's I was like 15%....now I won some and lost a few and i'm 111 in the total CP's on the entire ladder but i'm 73% in now progression wise.

Dazed and confused....


Buzzfeed Editor
Worth it to buy a premade deck to start sanctuary or something else? Have shaar, zardoc, yukiko, kat, seria, hakeem, fleshbane. So thinking be good to get a heads up on a semi functional deck. I'm not up on all the ideal decks. I was always unlucky with never drawing key popular cards.


Avatar of War Slayer
Worth it to buy a premade deck to start sanctuary or something else? Have shaar, zardoc, yukiko, kat, seria, hakeem, fleshbane. So thinking be good to get a heads up on a semi functional deck. I'm not up on all the ideal decks. I was always unlucky with never drawing key popular cards.
you should have gotten a bs2 sanct deck just logging on.

there ARE some good steam deals.
Might Magic: Duel of Champions on Steam

this is the only way currently to guarantee HoN heroes. the Advanced packs.

2 boxes of HoN is 40$ here, while about 50$ in seals directly.

And if you are new, and sludig isn't.. that 10$ pack is kindof fantastic. and WAY worth it. not having to deal with trying to luck out on heroes and cards for each faction.
354 cards for 10bucks.


Buzzfeed Editor
I do have the bs2 sanct, I meant buying the white deck whatever that's called, mind blank atm.

In some cases, I wonder if it isnt worth starting over. TOo bad no easy way to link everything you own.


Buzzfeed Editor
Should add, right now im real money adverse. So was thinking more should i save 50k gold or just blow them on bs2 packs.

Way it looks on steam, dont see anything that strictly says you can get the noob pack. Might be a decent way of fleshing out bs2 basic cards since what I have is so scattered across expansions and half banned?


Trakanon Raider
50,000 gold is just 2.5 levelups (much less when you factor in the gold earned during games while you're leveling). I wouldn't start over just for that.

Be sure to clear the campaign. Tons of gold and cards for free for doing the 2.0 campaign, as well as 40 wildcards to help finalize a deck you want to work towards.


Buzzfeed Editor
It would be start over for the $10 noob pack if that's what it requires.

Original question was based off blowing 50k for a pre made deck if any of their basic heroes are strong. (IE is Haven still bestly meanwhile other factions were more heavily nerfed) Or not worthwhile because it's all commons and I could just WC the hero.


Avatar of War Slayer
i dont think you have to start over for that pack?
But anyway, dont need to spend money if you dont want to.

50k is no small amount. a few levels yeah. and/or campaigns/dailys.

Its what 800g/win ish?


Trakanon Raider
So it turns out I had misinformation. Swiss tournaments are not by bracket, but still a total FFA like pre-patch. Means I rating dropped pre-patch for no reason. Been working my way back up the ranks to get to champion to unlock the 3rd daily quest slot. Made it to lord commander rank before taking a break, not sure how far off I am from champion, my elo is 980 atm (you can check your elo from your replay files, even though it's hidden in game).

Been playing the Ariana deck I had in mind. 4 banshee and 4 enthrall are amazing in the BS2 games. Seems though all I face are other necros or hakeem. Dark magic users everywhere. Everyone else seems to love crippling / weakness spells too. So irritating when 5 of my 8 slots are filled with units having 0 attack thanks to wither, moonsilk, etc. Tempted to include some week of the dead just to counteract them clogging up my lanes.

Went 2-1 in the single swiss I ran, losing to some inferno rush deck. I should probably try to farm swiss asap, since right now swiss is in the weekly format, which is currently BS2 only (aka, no heart of nightmares cards allowed). Since I went into BS2 without any saved seals, I have 0 HoN cards currently, so would need that weekly limitation to be competitive.


Avatar of War Slayer
I thought they were by bracket as well.

Yeah, tried a swiss for the first time last night.

there were 4 necro out of the 8 players.
Necro decks finished 1,3,4,5. I played inferno... went 0-3. Other inferno guy went 1-2, beating only me in a mirror. :/ Pretty infuriating draws. I was dead by turn 4 in all 3.
#2 was a haven deck.


Trakanon Raider
To knockout the win with every faction swiss achievement, I still need haven and inferno. Inferno should be easy enough, but I don't really have any good ideas on a solid BS2 haven deck. Anyone have some suggestions? Don't have morgan (need to win the swiss for him!) but have the other 3 (alia, cass, kieran).

A nice unannounced feature is they changed replays to not require login. Seems minor, but when you watch as many replays as I do, being able to click watch and go right into the viewing without requiring login etc is nice. They still didn't fix replay bugs though such as it freezing up when making forced selections (like with chaos seer discard, etc). Seems even worse now since even things like choosing the moon phoenix banishes will freeze the replay. Sigh.

Another tip, more for any newer players, but vets too, is check your achievement window. Lots of free cards to be earned for doing easy achievements. They also added a bunch with the latest expac for cards. You can earn 7 or so free packs very simply by doing the deploy achievements, such as deploy 10 wizards in a duel, deploy 10 spirits in a duel, etc. You get those achievements even if you lose, so just build a deck stacked with the creature type, deploy 10 and finish the match, bam free pack of cards.