Duel of Champions (Might @Magic F2p CCG)


Trakanon Raider
edit : did they say when this expansion is going to hit ?
The dev on the stream said they are aiming for a late march release.

I agree somewhat Kanglor about control decks should be a viable option. DoC though did take it way too far. When you can be in a match where you literally take 12 turns in a row where you can do absolutely nothing but sit there completely locked down by a deck running and recycling 4x altar of shadows, stone shield, etc, while they take even longer to actually finish you off, it's just not fun.

I'm not in the least sad to see most fortunes being gutted. What I disagree with is that they also seriously limited your options with nukes. Now, if you lose board control early game, there will be limited ways to actually catch back up when you don't have things like fireball, sunburst, etc.

Air magic still has most of it's key spells in the new set. Lightning bolt, chain lightning, forked lightning are all sticking around. Prime as well is keeping most of it's good spells like town portal, time jump, void ripple. I'm thinking of playing Myranda in the patch. She's an air/prime 2/1/0 academy hero. Perfect stats for a strong early game supported by quick spells, with a great and cheap racial ability.


Molten Core Raider
The dev on the stream said they are aiming for a late march release.

I agree somewhat Kanglor about control decks should be a viable option. DoC though did take it way too far. When you can be in a match where you literally take 12 turns in a row where you can do absolutely nothing but sit there completely locked down by a deck running and recycling 4x altar of shadows, stone shield, etc, while they take even longer to actually finish you off, it's just not fun.

I'm not in the least sad to see most fortunes being gutted. What I disagree with is that they also seriously limited your options with nukes. Now, if you lose board control early game, there will be limited ways to actually catch back up when you don't have things like fireball, sunburst, etc.

Air magic still has most of it's key spells in the new set. Lightning bolt, chain lightning, forked lightning are all sticking around. Prime as well is keeping most of it's good spells like town portal, time jump, void ripple. I'm thinking of playing Myranda in the patch. She's an air/prime 2/1/0 academy hero. Perfect stats for a strong early game supported by quick spells, with a great and cheap racial ability.
I'll have to get back into this, I kept hanging around 1400 but wasn't dedicated enough or astitue master of the meta game to get to the 1500 elo range. Part of the reason I quit playing as much was because the absolute stupidity that is decks that basically don't have some level of creature dependancy tied to them. I'm not saying its right or wrong but its just plain unfun for me even when I win. The worst is the decks with tower of oblivion, yes lets force me to be unable to not have a huge hand and then make me eat a 15 damage to the face or the magic decks that let them stall and use the buff stack to hit you for 18+ in one hit. Or the stupid prison lock shit which while slightly better probably the dumbest idea of a card that could have been introduced. Make more of these cards unique and the game would be ALOT more fun with MUCH more dynamic play while still leveraging some of the cards.

And note, i'm not saying you can't beat the decks above, its just not fun and you also in many cases have to really mess up your hands to carry a card just for 1 spec deck. I don't like the idea of all those bans personally, if it was me i'd just make alter of shadows, prison, and thrown of removal all unique cards and get rid of tower of oblivion. I'd also add another method or to to banish since its fustrating to have someone cycle multiple unique spells over and over (i do this with a few of my decks to be fair and its just not fair sometimes for the other guy).

Anyways, this was my real first cardgame i've tried and I really enjoy it in spurts. I'm sure i'll continue to play, every week or so i get a hankering and play heartstone and this in the same night and realize how much better this game is then heartstone but still sometimes am drawn to play heartstone because of the quick games and just kinda casual feel....help i'm being poisoned!


Trakanon Raider
Some of those, like prison, are unique already. Making more unique won't really fix it, and could even make it worse in some decks. Being unique opens up a card to being able to be drawn on demand through things like magic peddler. So just because it's unique doesn't make it any harder to have in your hand when you need it. The bigger problem is that there's so many ways to bring cards from the graveyard back into play.

The idea of unique cards is a really solid. A nice bomb effect that can be game swinging. The problem is when you keep using that same bomb, over and over by bringing it back. A better solution in my mind would be once a unique card goes to the graveyard, it auto-banishes itself. Forbidden flame wouldn't be nearly as bad if it truly was only used once per game instead of 3-5.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I agree that certain 'control' type cards were probably too strong, ie Prison, and being able to recycle Uniques was also a problem. I never had the cards to play any of the Prison, Pillage, etc decks, I had just enough to get a functional mill deck, but it was never able to lock someone totally down, especially if they put in a few counters, ie Crushers, Kappas, whatever. If they had just tried making changes to specific cards, that would make more sense to me, this screams of panic at falling numbers and doing what so many other game companies do, try to chase what Blizzard is doing.

Oh well, maybe there are tons of people who quit because of all the 'unfun' decks with little to no creatures, and they will come back to support the game. I'd be highly surprised if it makes much of a difference, I think most of those folks already found that Hearthstone is a superior product in that regard.


Unelected Mod
Are they adding a draft mode and other ways to acquire cards? That is what they need to add, not fuck with the complexity.


Trakanon Raider
Are they adding a draft mode
This question was specifically asked on the stream. The dev gave a typical PR spin response though of it's a good idea, they want to do it, it's a lot of work, not in the near future.


Avatar of War Slayer
Cleared a few games off my table.
And started playing again. well, I did play here and there previously still.

Broke 1k elo a little while ago. Bleh what a mistake. The ranking system is pretty terrible with that plateau. I broke 1k with an akane deck. My garant probably could have as well, if I wanted to just play that 1 deck all the time. But then I swapped. I wanted to try new things. and brick wall. went like 1-25 with nob0ru. and it wont let me drop down. eventually just deleted the deck, after deciding, I just didn't have enough cards for a real strategy with him. 2 of this, 2 of that, just doesn't work at 1k+. And EVERYONE has 4 of every key card at 1k+. There is no spread in Elo there. its a brick wall. everyone that should be 800-900 is 1k, because they just needed to pass it ONCE, and got stuck there. Its just a mess.
Made an Alia, which is doing much better. not good. but not just loss after loss. 20-30% win ratio at best. Again, still a massively incomplete deck.

Just got a Hakeem today. my akane was some mill, with lots of spells.(duh.) I should be able to make a near full hakeem mill. which might be fun. I do like Academy.

Creature decks do seem a bit weak to me, past 1k. Too many board clears, and akanes with nukes that clear.

Base set 2 is real close. They have been teasing screen shots.
New campaign missions, new ranking, etc.


Trakanon Raider
I'm so stoked for BS2, especially since they're hinting at adding tons of new campaigns.

As for elo, you can drop under 1k, it requires 10 losses in a row. The in a row part is the tricky thing, if someone gives up before you, the counter is reset, which makes it a headache.

Noboru was my only sanctuary hero for a while, so I used him lots when I played that faction. Honestly, his spell schools don't complement each other very much, and eventually I just bought the pre-made deck to get Yukiko, and have better results with her for sanctuary. The sanctuary hero I really want is Shalan, even though he's not "tier 1" but building bounce decks looks like a lot of fun. I'm not going to spend 25 wildcards on him though, and my sanctuary cards aren't good enough yet to win a swiss to get him for free.

I'm up to level 57 now, so my card collection is starting to come together. I'd have more if I grinded tournaments, but I dislike the tournaments so I only really play ladder.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah, Im level 15 now, was 13 when I hit 1k. which probably gives an idea of my point of, "ffs, My decks aren't remotely fully realized enough to compete"..
Is that 10 in a row confirmed? I see some random players saying 10-20.

I havent even tried a tourney yet. I doubt its even worth it without said solid deck?

Looks like most of the people reading here already read the base set 2 stuff. But linking the faq, and one of the card lists.
Base Set Two Card List - Feedback Thread Event | Forums

Key points.
Base set 1 decks are being removed from the store.
Expansions like, void rising, herald of the void etc. will still be in the store for a period of time. to be retired, one at a time, as new expansions are added.
All base set 1, and expansion cards will still be available from the alter.
No new art for base set 2.
No new CARDS for base set 2.

No real reason to save gold when you consider this.

Achievements tied to base set 1 are being removed as well.

No News on draft yet. :/ seriously, really missing.


Trakanon Raider
I went above 1k early on for the achievement of doing so, for the 50,000 gold. Like you, it was a nightmare so I dropped down. I can confirm at least for myself it was exactly 10 in a row, but it took me like 20ish as well because after like 4 someone would just quit right away and reset my counter, which is what probably happens to people saying it took 20 losses.

There's two kinds of tournaments, alternating each day. There's jackpot tournament, which is free to enter. When you play a jackpot game, you have a seperate elo, starting at 0 that's only for that day's jackpot tournament. You are matched up against other people based only on your tournament elo for the day. The games are normal duels, with the only difference is after the game, 80% of your gold earned from the match is instead put in the "pot". After the jackpot ends, the pot is divided among tiers. Tier 1 gets a huge amount of gold, on average something like 65,000? Tier 2 gets less, etc down to tier 5. If your deck is strong, you can make ok gold, but if you don't win lots, it's a total waste to play in jackpot because all you will end up is an 80% penalty on your earned gold for the day and nothing from the pot. Another stupid point is that games played in jackpot ALSO fluctuate your actual elo, so if you're trying to stay under 1k, and get matched against a 1600 player during the jackpot and happen to win due to dumb luck or insane draw, you will gain like 200 real elo.

The other tournament is Swiss. Swiss tournaments require a ticket to enter. Swiss will queue up 8 players together, then there's 3 rounds of games. If you go 3-0, you win the swiss, which gives a free premium pack of the latest expansion. Second place gets a normal pack of the latest expansion. Then, of the 6 other players that lost, 1 emelio pack is randomly given out, but to qualify you have to have played all 3 games without dropping out. There's also one time achievements for lots of prizes for your first time winning swisses. Each faction has a unique hero you get for your first swiss win (such as Shalan for sanctuary, wtb), and a bunch of gold for your first ever win. Finally, one other difference is games in Swiss have a timer of 7 minutes. During your turn your 7 minute timer is ticking down, and during your opponents turn, their 7 minute timer is ticking down. If one of your timers runs out, you instantly lose the match. So you need to be able to play fast, and very slow stall decks are usually less viable as a result.

Now, because Swiss wins are the absolute best source of wildcards, the best of the best players farm them frequently, and if your deck can't beat things like Spell Kelthor, Ishuma rush, Hakeem mill, Dhamria control, Sandalphon lock, etc, it's usually not worth bothering with swiss. You do still at worst have a 1/6 chance per tournament for a free emelio pack even if you go 0-3, but meh. Because the contestants in swiss are just first come first serve, unrelated to elo, you do sometimes get 8 players that are all not top tier, and you can win. I've won a swiss tournament once, and both early games were against clearly newer players, and the final round I was playing Adar vs a crag hack rush, which I was heavily favored to win, even though the crag was a 1600 player. Here's the replay of the final game if you're interested:Replay :: Sinzar vs Delmar_v | MMDoC King

A final point:
No real reason to save gold when you consider this.
In base set 2, packs will only contain legal cards from base set 2. So, if you plan on swapping to standard format, you will get more value to save gold and buy post-patch, since packs bought pre-patch will contain half or more of cards that are being banned in standard format.


Avatar of War Slayer
Expansion will be at the same time as base set 2.
Heart of Nightmares.

Reddit link.
Introducing the next DoC expansion: Heart of Nightmares (To be released alongside Base Set 2) : duelofchampions
Forum link.
Heart of Nightmares: new expansion announcement! | Forums

The Heart of Nightmares update will include:

The Heart of Nightmares expansion: 100 new cards added to the previously announced Base Set 2

Lots of new game content, including:

New game formats
New achievements
New solo campaigns and puzzles
New totally revamped UI
New rankings and matchmaking system
Rebalanced cards
New deckbuilder functionalities
A powerful new game engine


Avatar of War Slayer
Timeline for release is still before PAX east, as well.
Earlier I had mentioned that we were shooting for before PAX East. That's still the goal. We'll see...

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Finally got around to playing this today. Liking it a lot so far, although now I am regretting my inferno starter deck.


Trakanon Raider
Finally got around to playing this today. Liking it a lot so far, although now I am regretting my inferno starter deck.
It's a big deal in the very beginning, but if you put in much time, the initial starter deck choice doesn't really matter much. You can grind the gold to buy any of the other starter decks in 1-2 nights of play. Inferno is probably one of the better decks with just "basic" cards at least. I'd look into maybe working on another faction though, since inferno isn't all that great against better decks aside from one or two specialized builds that are very expensive to create (ignatious discard, dhamiria control, or garant gate).


Avatar of War Slayer

Heart of Nightmares - Gameplay Talk #1 | Forums


A neutral angel.

Light aligned and Angel tags as well.

Starting with Heart of Nightmares, you'll have new gameplay directly tied to a specific creature type. We're also adding school types to creatures, both existing and new.
Not all creatures have a school type, only the most powerful ones, or ones using school-specific abilities. Those creatures don't require you to play a specific school to play them; it just adds more depth to their gameplay.
Creatures will start having schools. Vampire, Angel, orc, etc.

the magic school referenced in the title (here it's "Light - Angel") means that the damage from that creature will be of that school. If you are using protections against a certain school of magic, then damage from a creature of that school of magic will be affected by the protection.
The word "aligned" in the description (here it's "Light alined") means that you can only play that creature if your hero uses the same magic school. In this example it means that you can only play Anael with heroes that use the Light magic school.
Short version. "Light aligned" means she can only be played in a deck with a light casting hero.
"Light" description next to angel, magic flyer, means she deals light damage.

Edit: corrected statements on" light aligned."


Molten Core Raider
Wish they would space the expansion abit; mainly because I have been crafting a few BS2 sets and playing them against the current meta and still doing alright. Made it to 1350 using strictly BS2 cards. I have a fleshbane & acamas that both have very strong but different approaches that I think will destory in BS2.

I haven't had time this last week to mess around or read forums but are the new expansion cards going to be played to some extent in BS2 or is BS2 strictly going to be the defined cards they have communicated?


Trakanon Raider
Yeah the new expansion and all future expansions are BS2 legal. Until they make BS3 far down the road or something.

I've been trying to finish up a lot of the achievements that are going away before the patch. The big one I'm trying to do is the win a swiss with each faction achievement. So far I've won withNecro,Stronghold, andSanctuary.

I have 0 wolf captains, so I don't know how I'm going to win a swiss with haven. I'm missing way too many of the cards for garant gate and dhamiria, so don't know how I'm going to win with inferno either. My academy card pool is ok'ish. Missing too much to run a mill deck, but I think I can take a swiss with Hakeem control, maybe. Tried twice so far and both times died to rush.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah, I'm not even close to most of those BS1 achievements, so not going to bother.

I thought I found Inferno fairly cheap/easy to get a solid rush.
Lots of options, not really dependent on ONE specific card. Only really gate, but even that. Gate is strong, but not GG. Just build a fast deck. Gate lets you add some fatties in, and have them increase your win rates, not hurt it.
Maybe the gap between good, and winning a swiss is large though.

Then again, I have a gate, an abyssal lord, a hikyu, 5 enforcers, 8 lilium, 3 deathseekers, 2 dark assassins..

and yeah, got my 20 wins with a void rising haven, and 30 with Haven achievements with Alia. ugh, though. such a pain.
I dropped out of 1k finally too, doing it. Amusingly, went in total freefall. I made changes to the deck, and they only seem to make it worse. Even at like 800 rating, was only getting like 10% at best win ratio with her. haha.
Haven man. jeez. It DOES need specific cards it seems. wolf captains...

So playing Necro now.
Nergal. I do have seria too. but, he seems fun. I did it more on whim, but I do totally have might of nature. which is one of those cards that just changes the game.
so, have a namru channeler(just 1), atropos, damran.

6-8 games later, I have to decide if I want to lose on purpose to stay under 1k. (2 of the people I beat were 1068, 1100something, and lost to a 1500 hakeem, 3-5)

Are poison counters earth damage?
looking at the deck/library atm. I have greater earth elemental. earth heal.
I only have 1 insect swarm atm. but already insect swarm+might of nature is a ridiculous combo. 3 damage to all creatures. 1 damage to that melee row..
Currently have 2 ghost dragons in the deck.. which have nice effects.. but yeah, fatties are so hard to make use of.
Swarm should outright heal that earth elem, though. And swarm from others is something that hits alot. Dhamira's especially.
Think im going to pull those ghost dragons out, and try that earth elem.


Trakanon Raider
Poison counters are physical damage, not earth. Incorporeal halves it, magic resist does nothing. Necro is by far my favorite race to just farm wins for gold on ladder. Nergal though is a little meh. Ariana is superior in almost every way. Superior starting stats, the same spell schools + dark as well (and dark is amazing). Her racial is nicer also. Here's myAriana deck. I'd recommend if you like Nergal, you try Ariana. Downside is that Ariana is a reward hero, so you can't get her in packs. You either craft her (21 wildcards), buy her pre-made deck (125,000 gold), or finish her achievement (own 5,000 cards). I just saved up the gold and bought her deck, since it also comes with puppet master, time jump, and 2 arch liches, all of which I needed and would have had to craft anyway, so it was a good deal.

Fatty creatures are great in some scenarios, but terrible in others. Dark magic users are the worst to use fatties against. You spend 8 mana to drop a ghost dragon and they just soulreaver it, wither it, or far, far worse, they steal it with puppet / enthrall. Most primal users will just town portal it back to your hand for only 3 mana. Most fortune decks will just broken bridge it.

The best decks to use a fatty in are those decks where you can protect it. Water or light magic users are easiest since you can make them untargetable with ice armour / elrath's protection, though that won't help against broken bridge and in fact makes it even more painful to get bridged since now you also lost your buff card. Water magic at least can also strength of the sea, which makes friendly units fortune immune. SotS + ice armour on a ghost dragon in a seria deck would be basically GG!