Duel of Champions (Might @Magic F2p CCG)


Avatar of War Slayer
They've been revealing cards, etc for the last few days.

Big changes to the economy and a writeup though.
Economic Changes to Duel of Champions - Letter from the Producer, Samuel Jobin | Forums

Gold will be easier to come by.
higher ranked opponents will give more gold when played against. And gold will be awarded based on time played. They do not outright say, it "should" be even for lost of fast wins, vs a long drawn out game.. lets hope it is though.

Seals will be harder to get they say. so save them up for sure, I guess. and get on farming them now if you can. awarded for level gain remember.

Big change is, "current" expansions will only be seal only for a few weeks. Instead of waiting till the next expac, it will only be a few weeks before becoming purchasable with gold.

Super packs added for seals. 2 guaranteed rare, epic or heroic cards+ wildcards.
Boxes upgraded to contain 10 super packs.

Heroic packs removed. (the ones with a guaranteed hero)
Premium, Emilio's and Small packs removed too.

Standard format is ONLY base set 2 and Heart of Nightmares. + any new expac.
old expacs are not part of base set 2.

I totally didn't get this before. Good deal though. Alot of the spell/fortunes were totally broken imho. Games just totally revolved around things like song of the lost.

Daily's will be gold and tourney tickets. with wildcards instead of seals as 7 day rewards. Lots of suggestions of requiring actually playing, guess they didnt change that though.
Campaigns added, and reward packs.

Achieves mostly the same for total gold/packs, but seals more rare.

Level up will be gold, not seals.


Trakanon Raider
So seals are now only obtainable through buying with cash. Free players will have no access to seals post-patch. The fact that expansions are becoming seal only (even if only for a month'ish) means expansions are now off-limits to free players. That's a horrible change which will really hurt the game I suspect.

Other changes are nice and all, but that change to seals is hard to look past.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I worry about that too.
They do say "a few weeks" though.

So just gated by time. As long as its reasonable, might be ok.


Trakanon Raider
They had (are having) a stream on the changes today. Some new info... wildcards will not be in any packs bought with gold, only seals. The only way to earn wildcards post patch is with cash or a tiny amount as the 7 day login reward (replacing seals). What in the....


Avatar of War Slayer
on one hand they UI changes, and even the near total wipe of player decks greatly aid in removing barriers for new players..
But then they do that wildcard and seal shit... well good thing I am sitting on 150wildcards and 3500 seals?

ok. though. I can see this. the wildcards are effectively replacing seals. if wildcards come from dailys, and weekly, then yeah. it makes sense to not get them from packs/boxes. from gold anyway.

Tier instead of elo I worry about. adding more plateaus won't remove the elo plateau problem.
if I hit platinum/general or whatever with Akane, it does not mean I can play at platinum with Seria. I need to be able to drop down, to play against players with a comparable deck.


Trakanon Raider
And they remove decay spitters, necros best unit. I haven't played in over a week anyway. The wildcard and seal changes really killed the game for me. I'll check out 2.0, but I think I may be done with the game as a free player.


Should I buy the champions box on sale for 1800 seals or save for base 2? All I have is a fire people starter deck.


Avatar of War Slayer
save imho.

heroic box maybe. champions does hve alot of seals though.

How many cards you have now, and what level?


Single digit level, I played a couple times around Christmas and haven't done anything but roll over the daily chest since. It was over 2700 seals when I looked earlier.


Avatar of War Slayer
Tough call. it is a good deal.. But many/most of those cards will be banned for standard play.

If you want to play OPEN, which will be every card free for all. yeah. good deal. especially since their price is going up even higher after the update.

Personally, I don't think I will be playing OPEN much.
While, the huge card library adds a ton of great complexity... there are some bullshit broken cards, which have not been outright banned. Its kindof annoying.

Like, I just accidentally broke 1k again today playing nergal necro. So, stuck playing bullshit decks again. Everyone with 4 wolf captains, 5 heroics in every deck, etc.
Had my first song of the lost+ice shards today even. how is that shit in the game still?

might want to save up, and play some games, get those levels to break 3k seals. Assuming a 1500 box cost post expansion.


Avatar of War Slayer
Live stream today.

lots of good changes.
But yeah. paywall confirmed basically. Giant mistake. What should have been a rebirth of the game, probably just became the deathknell.

new expacs are seals only for 2-3weeks. Seals are from purchase only.
Cards from expacs CAN be bought at any time with wildcards. (the 200 card requirement is removed from the alter.)

Wildcards will be given in any seal deck purchase. As well as superpacks from WINNING swiss tourneys.
Wildcards can also be attained via daily quests.
Daily quests will have 3 teirs. T3 dailys for wildcards. estimated comparable to 1200 rank, now to unlock t3 quests.

So here is the problem.
So you need to somehow magically beat players with expac cards with base set cards to even get wildcards.

no reason to even log on during those two weeks after an expac drops if you are a free player.

Write up of stream.
MMDoC King | News, Guides, Replays, Deckbuilder for Duel of Champions


Molten Core Raider
Argg! I've always liked to mess around and find out good deck combo's that are abit off the beaten path and have spent my time over the last month when I played trying to come up with really good BS2 decks that will dominate (prior to knowing they had added HoN; so mad!). I've always been a 1200-1450 elo while doing this, after i tanked down to 1200 this weekend trying to make my fleshbane bs2 competitive (it would have raped with no HoN since lack of removal I would have owned all). I decided to make a push for 1500+ before the patch tomorrow.

So god damn fucking fustrating, i've won 80% of the 1500-1530 games i've been matched up with but christ sakes i'll sit there and just get a bad draw or hit 1 of the few weaker decks that actually compete well with mine and look a shit ton of elo. Sitting at 1440; I killed 3 cassandra's that were 1520-1540 and then i just got gank busted by a stupid mill deck that was like 1050 and raped my elo again. I'm new to the whole card game thing but this mill bullshit has to be the dumbest fucking thing in this game. Not because you can't beat it just because its the longest game possible with zero action or fun and if you have a bad draw or don't stack some of your deck to deal with mill idiots you waste so much time jacking off. Just horrible design as a new player.

Only other bitch going into the patch is Gazael's ability. What high mother fucker thought it was a good idea to allow you to replay completely game dominating cards that you already just played for 1 resource....seriously. Similiar abilities cost 6 to play and they are limited to your graveyard but this whore can pick from your graveyard or another while having access to the best removal spells and even a nasty AE spell. Yes yes Turbo, if she is so OP you should play her...no fuck you. I won't, i don't like that heavy of removal based plus to be frank I would have bet a paycheck that she would have been nerfed by now and I don't like to play things I think are going to get nerfed.

Other then that I give them credit, game has kept my interest off and on for months and i'm excited for HoN. I got high hopes that I got a beast of a fucking strong hold deck that is going to turn some heads in standard. From the 2 epic cards ive seen so far from HoN that I will add it will absolutely go perfect and as long as there isn't an insane amount of removal introduced in HoN (I hope not since they are removing so much of it in BS2), i think my deck is going to crush since it has 2 extremely high and relible methods of removal and scales very well into late game while having high pressure up front. We'll see but I think its my time to come out of the booth!

Turbo-Fangz for anyone who plays and wants to friend me.


Trakanon Raider
One nice thing in the patch that will fix your problem of facing that 1k elo guy and dropping mad points is that post-patch, you can enable a setting in options to only queue up against same elo players. It will increase your queue time, but you won't be matched against someone 500 elo lower anymore (or 500 hidden MMR post-patch).

I do agree Gazal is bullshit. You can't play big units because she just steals them all. You can't rush with small units because she just curse of the netherworld AoE's them all. Not sad to see her banned in 2.0.


Molten Core Raider

Joy! Starting last night all the way down to 1250 just broke 1500 15 minutes before the server came down for the patch! Probably would have been smarter to stay in the below 1500 which i assume will turn into non champion ranked so it would be easier to develop the new BS2+HON decks but like I said, daddy feels he has some pretty bad ass shit in store for the top field. 1530 is the top 500 ranked in the world and I destoryed 4/4 on my last 5 matches of 1520+'s so i'm pretty sure i can at least compete at that level.

I wasn't going to spend anything on HON or much but now that I got the taste...I'll probably drop $100 to go with my 5k seals already and 190 WC's to stack my 2 decks. Anyone have any decks they are feeling going to be strong post patch? I know its hard with limited cards having been shown. Like I said, god let their be limited mass removal and single target and Fleshbane and Kat (may use acamas if the new cards include 1-2 dominating enrage cards but most likely not since Zef is still key in my strat and she needs 1 magic anyway)

I'll probably run Garant out the gate for any open competition especially if they introduce another fatty. I also wish they put in a 2nd faction/profile for people to play a 2nd deck on a ladder so they aren't stuck facing t1 people while they learn it and develop. I really love Phrias and have won more total games with him then anyone. He doesn't compete well against some and isn't T1; but I love his 2 resource ability. No matter how good a player they put themselves in position for me to trade 2 for 1 or 3 for 1. Or best dropping a pao when he doesn't think i can get to him and drops the bomb.


Trakanon Raider
Keep in mind Garant lost a lot of power in BS2 with the last round of changes, since it banned gate to sheogh for BS2. I decided to elo drop pre-patch so I start in a lower bracket. As I understand it, swiss tournaments will be within brackets, so post-patch I prefer to farm some swisses in a lower bracket to hopefully win some HoN packs, instead of only facing champion level players in swiss.

I was enraged at the seal/wildcard changes, but the latest info on how you can earn up to 3 wildcards per day from quests has calmed me down some, lol. Looking forward to tommorow.


Molten Core Raider
Thats why I said Garant will only be my fall back open deck, my BS2 focus is a Kat Stronghold and a Fleshbane that I have to see what HON cards will supplement it. Its got a few built in tricks to recycle Banshe's alot and also get it into play without me having to have the resources plus takes advantage of almost all incorporal which +1 health and less removal in the game will counter alot of the create decks. Combine that with my removal tricks for Banshee and its going to be solid, it will run 4/4/4 slow playing the 4 magic since i'll bring my first banshee in without resources needed. It will be slow and painful to play but I think its going to fuck people up outside of academy but the banshee removal trick will hopefully come into play for anyone running that. I cleared out unneccassary cards and have room for 10 HON cards at the moment, I am really hoping for a high cost incorpral create that I can use similar to banshee magic with; also need something that is more damage based to replace my damn decay splitters.

I like more aggressive decks though so my Kat deck will be the big focus out the gate, depending on what they are introducing for + might capabilities all I need is that capability and the new pao warriors and I'll be having me some fun. What are you starting with Sin?

Also i just installed DOC replay and looked at my stats, i went 75-36 with most my losses coming early since i've never played Garant outside of the first few days i started playing the game. Once I made about 10 card tweak to my deck I started dominating once I got the feel for it. Went 22-12 against 1501-1559 players; by far the most common heros were Hakeem, Cass, and Kelth which I actually dominated pretty well. Crag hack was my only losing record as far as vs. heros and after I made a few more tweaks I can handle them decent now.


Trakanon Raider
I plan to try to make Ariana work as a kind of control deck. Losing decay spitters in the latest round of changes seriously puts a hurt on my plans, but I still want to make it work. Enthralls + soulreavers + void ripples + banshee + Ariana's racial skill are a lot of strong single target removal / steal, which should lock down the lategame. Insect swarm / moonsilk strand should slow down rush decks for early game. Plague bearers are also a very strong "4" drop card, though with decay spitters being gone, they will usually be a turn 6 drop instead.

Ariana is weak against goofy non-creature decks like ignatious discard, mill, prison lock, etc etc, but as I understand, none of that will be around in standard format, so Ariana seems like she will really be good against creature decks. My concern is she can be weak to rush if you don't draw those early insect swarms, but usually necro creatures are tough enough to block and stall for a few turns to bring it to lategame.


Molten Core Raider
I was toying around with a few other half built BS2 decks to have ready to throw some HON cards into and she is one of my top 5 I am going to try with a slight twist. With the lack of removal I think there is finally going to be use for alot of earths hp/regen buffs. Combine a high hp character that has infect plus her ability supllemented with +1hp/regen or +2 hp that makes for some tough for some of the other decks. I wanted to try and make that work with either her or Zardoc, Zardoc has alot of awesome strong creatures that could become almost impossible to get rid of with high hp/regen. I like her removal though, I am really hoping HON introduces a few necro cards that are abit more offensive so you can buff them up. Also namatrua's can become ass rape real fast with alot of her buffs and debuffs out there, i may try that as well with wither etc and buff creatures and then have her come on for 3 resources with 5-6 attack and 5 health + infect.