E-Sim: World Sim Browser MMOG - Always Looking For New Players


<WoW Guild Officer>
Speaking of China...

Keep an eye on the game and IRC occasionally. Don't have to live there 24/7 but check in once in a while, especially if you're in congress.

China and USA signed a NAP, and that includes the release of Manchuria. They also get 50 gold a week for renting out their oil.

China still has a hard-on for attacking us and "liberating" Taiwan. Working out a deal with Taiwan, but talking with Sadanaga (Taiwan's CP), he agreed with my assessment that China might want their High Iron region.

China is currently "looking for allies", but they've been kicked out of OGD. Sadanaga said they didn't officially kick Taiwan as far as he knows, but they donn't invite them to meetings, talk to them or anything, so he thinks its pretty much considered they're out.

If China war decs us, I'd like to preemptive strike them with one of our own, and attack them in Manchuria before they can attack us in Gyeonggi (our capital). They would go all-out to take our capital, so remember that. Keep an eye on this thread, IRC, or the game on occasion in case someone does decide to fuck with us.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Posted this in the secret forum, but wanted to make sure everyone that plays sees it.

Had this idea kicking around for awhile, and got a few GOs to approve it.

Basically Im going to have a few gunshops devoted for guys to make their own Q1 guns. I'll keep these shops @ 1 or 2 people with 3 being the absolute max so the productivity is always high. You usehttp://ideacode.pl/e-sim-calculator/to find out how much iron you'll need, buy it on your own dime, and donate it to me. Donate 1 CC *country currency* to me, apply to the jobs I'll have up, work and I'll send you the results minus a small amount of the guns. I'll basically just go with matching on the econ skill. So Econ skill of 7, means I'll donate all by 7 of the guns back.

To give you some numbers.

Econ 7. Requires 207 iron, results in 95 guns after paying me my fee.

You'd spend 1.66g on the iron, and get 95 guns, which at .032 would have cost you 3.04g. Basically you can get the guns at half the cost. You could easily find the iron cheaper as well, thus getting a even better return.

This idea is mainly for guys that want to stockpile items instead of currency, or guys that will use the weapons and have their food/gifts taken care of via bulk. While I wont say no to those that want to use this as a way to profit for themselves, you'll quickly devalue the guns if you only use 55 a day and sell the rest.

Let me know if you're interested in doing this. If enough interest is given, I'll start up the project. Until I get at least a few guys that want this option, I'll just keep it on the backburner.



Who do I give gold to for MU? I have 22 now. Just lurking so not paying the attention I should. Same name ingame. Oh and sekrit access please. Never know, one day I might be useful.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Valos, I think your weapon shop is a great idea for people who otherwise don't have a source for weapons. Market buying always makes it tough to get any progress in the game. I have a buddy (alborn) who's thinking of starting up an iron operation real soon.. and I'll make a Q1 weapons spot too. That should at least keep him and I supplied with weapons for battle.. and probably some extras. It does handicap us from food (or money to buy it since we'll be working for ourselves)... so I'm hoping someone out there is willing to work something out? I figure there has to be a ton of this inter-group trading going on, but I'm just not seeing it in the channels when I'm on.

So yeah, looking for a source of some Q5 food. Might not be able to afford it every day, but we can work something out.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Erronius' avatar is so hawt ~

In other news / If you want to corner the market with the weapons you make there, Nevele. You can go on setrade and slice the profits by just a hair. Setrade always has someone looking for Q1 weapons. You have some really stubborn ass buyers and sellers alike. They wont budge off their price. So while dickweed 1 and 2 wont come off their .033 sell price, you can sell to dickweed 3 that wont come off his purchase price of .0315. This all being just an example of course. Sell it for what you want. Just telling you how you could make some extra Gold, and quickly. Creating a cycle to have weapons, gifts and food. Upselling to people is the best advice I can give. "Hey look, you're buying these at .0315, but you're going to have to buy at least 300 if you want that price." Thats two days of all out Damage Output. So its not like they arent going to use them.

Oh, and before the rest of the weapon makers come after me with pitch forks and torches.. Dont undercut by retarded amounts and lower the overall price of weapons. kthnxbye


<WoW Guild Officer>
We're doing a Civil War this weekend, so could use everyone we can to log on to IRC and get involved. Some of you might not be eligible because they want to go for some serious records, but we still need people to watch the homeland in case someone decides to be a smartass and attack us, or RW one of our regions.

Also, the test server is up athttp://testura.e-sim.orgto try out the new equipment changes they want to implement. Get to know them and check out what's to come. It would be nice if we can trade and try to suit up people as best as possible when this patch finally gets pushed.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Thank's D. I'm not really interested in making a profit at the moment. That's always welcome, but really it's just about increasing the damage output for myself and my bud. We'll supply our own iron, and reap our own weps for a bit. Basically, I got tired of being dependent on the market offered to me.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Unless your friend is willing to cough up 190G for Q4 iron and is looking to run a company with a few employees for profit, I'd strongly recommend you just buy the iron off the market or #setrade and have both of you work in a gun shop. One person doesn't make that many guns anyway.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Remember, during CW time. Check before you do ANYTHING. Check your messages, shouts, ect before you click anything.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Remember, during CW time. Check before you do ANYTHING. Check your messages, shouts, ect before you click anything.
This. Especially traing. Don't train until you've been told to.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Equipment update is going through day 150 on Secura, so make sure to log in and get to know the system.

They change some things from the original stats they had for it:

* Lowered basic miss chance to 12.5% from 15.0% (this makes it possible to only need two pieces of equipment to cancel miss % out)
* Increased base critical chance to 12.5% from 5.0%
* Base avoid damage stat was increased to 5.0% from 0%.
* Introduced cap to critical chance and avoid damage chance at 40%
* Reduced the number of helmets sold by vendors

We are of course a community of gamers, and so equipment really helps people like us. We'll all likely be trading and helping each other out, so get involved.