Edge of Tomorrow (2014)


Life's a Dream
I saw this today on my way home from work. I went the Imax route. I really dug this one. Great story and great acting. A+.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I figured it was this
He was reset and the omega moved since it knew what was going to happen, thus no sign of it.


Life's a Dream
Well, apparantly the entire army was frozen or DOA after the Omega died. That's at least what the news report said at the end. It didn't make sense because the Omega died a day or two after he was first arrested. Yet Hollywood magic made it so it was dead a day or two earlier once he "woke up" at the end. It was strange. Still a very enjoyable movie, though.


> Than U
When Cage killed Omega, the tazer thing never happened so it simply reverted back to his last waking moment which was on the Helicopter and not as a private. The omega was the controller of the ability and apparently lacked the ability to bring itself back, or brain is dead. It was able to do it for alphas/others as long as it was alive. That makes sense to me. Cage soaked up the blood/brain bits at the end which made Cage the new Omega.

Edge of Tomorrow 2, Cage dates Cher and go on a if I could turn back time tour.


Life's a Dream
EoT2, Cage forces Emily Blunt to have anal a LOT while constantly resetting the night so it isn't really happening. Then it's all puppies and kittens in the final version.


Molten Core Raider
I enjoyed it, but not completely enamoured since I read the book first and preferred that.
Still give it a solid 7.

The whole hunt the omega down made things a bit too neat and self contained, but not surprising given it's a movie that doesn't really lend itself to telling a long story.

The happy hollywood ending was pretty atrocious though. Could have done without that, and I would have rather seen that after the omega dies, and Cage dies too, the next day continues with the invasion but on landing that find no opposition and then discover the aliens have been wiped out. Possibly with a footnote about Rita mysteriously going MIA, and Cage not even being mentioned. Pretty ignoble way for it to end and treat the people who saved the world, but seems like it would fit the storyline a lot better on a bunch of levels.


<Gold Donor>
You're singularly wrong.
He was prematurely killed by rolling under a truck, not to mention during failed training, much earlier than the Omega raid timing

But also, how does no one recognize the one guy who is responsible for PR and recruitment.
but he died rolling under the truck while under the influence of the alpha he killed, not the omega. You could assume I guess that since he died to the omega (thus "influenced" by it) when he was not under the influence of the alpha, that he reset to the previous day's awakening; the day of his arrest.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
****1 Avatar Fox $760,507,625 2009
2 Titanic Par. $658,672,302 1997
****3 Marvel's The Avengers BV $623,357,910 2012
****4 The Dark Knight WB $534,858,444 2008
****5 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Fox $474,544,677 1999
****6 Star Wars Fox $460,998,007 1977
****7 The Dark Knight Rises WB $448,139,099 2012
8 Shrek 2 DW $441,226,247 2004
9 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial Uni. $435,110,554 1982
10 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire LGF $424,668,047 2013
****11 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest BV $423,315,812 2006
12 The Lion King BV $422,783,777 1994
13 Toy Story 3 BV $415,004,880 2010
****14 Iron Man 3 BV $409,013,994 2013
15 The Hunger Games LGF $408,010,692 2012
****16 Spider-Man Sony $403,706,375 2002
****17 Jurassic Park Uni. $402,453,882 1993
****18 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen P/DW $402,111,870 2009
19 Frozen BV $400,654,227 2013
****20 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 WB $381,011,219 2011

I count 12 that are not chick flicks/kids movies.

*edit* - Guess I caused a bit of a derail. My bad.
Sorry I didn't respond sooner, but you missed #1 and #11.

As someone else said, a movie can be a chick flick AND something else. It's not a label just for romantic comedies, though those are the worst of the lot.


Log Wizard
Pretty sure the idea was that the specific point in time when he was flying in was when the omega 'set up'. When they killed it, they killed it in all time frames. So they say there was a disturbance in paris, that was the omega exploding, imploding, whatever, at it's point of initiation. After that they say the mimics are unable to fight back (for reasons unknown to the UDF) and the invasion is going to be a cake walk. Pretty sure it's a "Happy-everyone-winds-cool-smiles!!!" ending. Not much deeper than that.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Caught this last night, and you guys were right, It was very entertaining watching cruise die so much. Half the time he went out like a pussy.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
My biggest complaint is along the lines of Blackyce, the last 10 minutes were crazy run of the mill action sequence for the sake of having one. Otherwise it was pretty solid overall. Good action, good humor, good acting.

The way I rationalized the ending (having not read the book/story or whatever) was that when Cage absorbed the Omega super blood he picked that point to reset to, Omega's death reverb'd throughout the time line so it died at all points, and everyone lived happily ever after. And then I tried not to think too much more about it, because time travel.

Emily Blunt was smoking damn hot.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
achymo hit the nail on the head about why he woke up at a different time. He had lost the power from the alpha because of the blood transfusion, then went and killed the omega before the invasion, meaning he died sooner that last time than he did the first time. So when he got the power again, he was resetting to an earlier time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just saw this tonight. Why did they go with time traveling machines instead of tachyons? I mean the tachyon theory from the book is very real world plausible but full on time travel is straight up bullshit. Plus now they have to have it transfer by blood whereas in the book a tachyon pulse became intertwined with our nervous system. Sure it's hard enough to accept that but that is still FAR easier to accept then a BLOOD connection.

Whiich sounds plausibe.

A tachyon pulse sent by an advanced alien machine at the time of death which becomes misdirected by direct contact during death with a human central nervous system thereby allowing said human to experience the pulse as visions of the future. The nature of the pulse causing the human to experience them as if they are literally living each day over and over.


A blood to nano-tech blood (btw it should have been dust) connection that allows a human to travel back in time when they die.

I know both aren't easy to accept but the difference between time travel and tachyon pulse is like pre crisis superman vs modern superman. I guess us Americans are just to fucking stupid for the real stuff.


Log Wizard
Just saw this tonight. Why did they go with time traveling machines instead of tachyons? I mean the tachyon theory from the book is very real world plausible but full on time travel is straight up bullshit. Plus now they have to have it transfer by blood whereas in the book a tachyon pulse became intertwined with our nervous system. Sure it's hard enough to accept that but that is still FAR easier to accept then a BLOOD connection.

Whiich sounds plausibe.

A tachyon pulse sent by an advanced alien machine at the time of death which becomes misdirected by direct contact during death with a human central nervous system thereby allowing said human to experience the pulse as visions of the future. The nature of the pulse causing the human to experience them as if they are literally living each day over and over.


A blood to nano-tech blood (btw it should have been dust) connection that allows a human to travel back in time when they die.

I know both aren't easy to accept but the difference between time travel and tachyon pulse is like pre crisis superman vs modern superman. I guess us Americans are just to fucking stupid for the real stuff.
That is both the nerdiest and the dumbest at the same time.


As far as I am concerned, when something fundamentally does not make sense, it's often preferable to say 'this makes sense in the world of this fiction' in the simpler and most economic way possible rather than wrap it in 25 layers of pseudo science that require long expositions. Also note that we never know how it works in the movie, only how the characters believe it works.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As far as I am concerned, when something fundamentally does not make sense, it's often preferable to say 'this makes sense in the world of this fiction' in the simpler and most economic way possible rather than wrap it in 25 layers of pseudo science that require long expositions. Also note that we never know how it works in the movie, only how the characters believe it works.
Movie is based off of a book though which is where I am coming from. Plus tachyons aren't pusedoscience. The best science fiction out there often places it's roots within a feasible scientific concept. It is when we stretch and stretch and sttrrreeccch those roots that suspension of disbelief starts to fail. The fewer the ideas you have to accept to accept the premise the easier to buy into a story.

For the tachyon premise to to work you would at most need

1. An advanced alien species (no problem accepting that one)
2. Advanced nano technology capable of teraforming (again not a huge stretch given what are still learning in the field)
3. A power source capable of sending a directed tacyhon pulse back in time a few days
4. That the pulse in #4 can interact with the human CNS

Of those 4 only #3 and #4 requires a significant suspension of belief for the story. Do the same for a blood borne time traveling mechanism and I can't even see where the roots might touch any scientific concepts if they even have any. How do they power the ability to go back in time? The power required to theoretically travel in time is infinitely larger then the power required to generate a tachyon pulse and if you had the power to go back into time well h-o-l-y fuck have you just unlocked a can of worms. But ignoring all the possible fails left open with such an OP ability how they hell does it link with human blood? What concept has anyone heard of that isn't written in the Holy Book can explain why nano -> human blood would suddenly and instantly transfer time control power to a human? And even assuming that were possible how would such a power be maintained after the first event? Did his blood go back in time too? Did it somehow pump through and spread itself through his entire body at the instant of his death so the ability would take all of his person back in time? Where is his original self? how does he generate the power every time he dies?

I love reading science fiction but good science fictionalwaysplaces it's roots behind reality based concepts. Sure some of those get turned over as we learn more and advance science forward but sometimes we get true masterpeices because you don't have to think up weird any crazy shit to have a good story. The real world is weird enough.