Epic Seven


Buzzfeed Editor
I feel like an Anvil is going to fall on my head, I've been crazy lucky in this game. After getting ML Ara, I got a dupe Ken on a free pull, then a week later I got a Violet (Really like him--attack break is so undervalued, its an amazing debuff), then I did a couple mystics and got Kayron (Mystics continue to be insane for me). Lastly, today got Dizzy in 3 pulls.

Really enjoying have good luck in one of these games for once :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
i got 2 dizzy myself, but i kinda want the artifact /. Its pretty awesome even tho it suck dizzy sb is 20 soul, if it was 10 u could use the tome that give ya 10 soul at start to go s3>s2 in pvp for major ownage, specially if added with cDom and 2 more heavy AoE hitter (Granted u dont face immunity set holder thats it p)

Edit: What u guys think bout dizzy? i mean am kinda thorn cause if u do a cleave team, s3 doing zero dmg and inhability to go into s2 is kinda bit wasted i think (i mean u could open with s2 , but at that point isnt shadow rose better for CR push?)?
in pve i think she s ok, but i think Sol is mayeb the best out of the 3 collab heroes? or am i completely wrong? Geared baiken will 1 shot ya yer luna or any kind of blue unit if u dont have immunity up, but thats it.
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Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I had been hoarding Skystones for a while so when Dizzy hit last night I burned enough of them to be able to do another ML summon and just pulled all the bookmarks on the collab summon. Ended up with zero artifacts and five Dizzy's in about 400 bookmarks. I really want that artifact :confused:


Golden Knight of the Realm
Thanks I managed to get a 5star unit with my 30 summons. I hope amarintha is good not sure how much rerolling I wanna do

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
She will carry you for a while through the story, but overall she's fairly lackluster. From the selective summon, i think Sez is the overall best unit you could get with Vildred, Destina, and Ken being other top choices. Personally I'd recommend rerolling maybe one or two more times to see if you could luck out with one of those units. What 4*s did you get? Did you happen to pull Angelica?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Try to get dizzy and Sol before the collab is over if you just started, dizzy is amazing offensive support and Sol is a great bruiser.


Buzzfeed Editor
Thanks I managed to get a 5star unit with my 30 summons. I hope amarintha is good not sure how much rerolling I wanna do

Amarintha is a better late game unit than a starter unit, IMO. She's an excellent "support/DPS". She's also a pretty amazing farming unit, too. But as Nyx said, not as good as Sez/Vild would be. But imo, she's better than those two in late game content. Ken is, imo, the best possible pull though, he's really good early game, he's a monster late game, he's a tank and DPS in one, and brings ridiculous debuffs (Stun, Defense down, Attack down, Burn..). He's not a great farmer though.

What makes Amarintha shine is another strong DPS in the group. She pairs really well with most other DPS, and in that composition (2 DPS), she's one of the stronger DPS but on her own she's only "okay". So for a starter she's not great (You also need a lot of Mola to build up her burn rates, because burns are really important on her.) At Max enhance she can do Fire Pillar-->Cata, and do some nice burn damage plus put up the unhealable debuff. But Mola's are like the most difficult resource to get in the game, so meh.

So it really depends on if you got strong 4 stars imo. Did you get any 4 star DPS? And the one healer I think you should reroll for if you didn't get is Angelica, she is massive for beginners, she'll have more of an effect on you being able to do difficult content than any DPS will. So if you got Angelica, and a decent 4 star DPS, I'd stick with it, but otherwise, try for a reroll. (A lot of the 4 star DPS do as much, or more damage than 5 stars--5 stars just usually bring more utility. But for the start of the game, 4 stars tend to just as well.)

Also, as Uriel mentions--try to grab as many copies of Sol as you can from the special event. Burn up that mountain of free energy going for him. He's an AMAZING unit, not just "amazing for a free unit"--he's amazing in general. If he was in the summons, I'd spend bookmarks on him no problem, he's that good. (I know that's super rare for Gacha games, but seriously, he's incredible. IMO he's actually as strong or stronger than the limited summon units in the collab.)
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Dizzy is boosting my arena rating. Almost at challenger now. Having a CR destroyer just adds easy mode on the lower ranks. Guess Celeste could have filled that role as well though. :)

Doing Dizzy, Bellona, C Dom and Sez right now. And its going well, might switch in ML Rin later when she is 60.

Nightrun, I know rerolling can suck and I usally give up on that as well. I think Aramintha is fine but I'd say going for Vildred would be the absolute best and Sez after that. Getting Angelica as a 4 star with either of them too, but the stars would really have to Align for that.

A tip I would give is hoard the Skyshards for new Hero Banners, I pulled lots on covenant and when the banners came out I had no bookmarks left for them. Luckily Ive gotten a few from the free pulls afterwards.

About gearing, check guides for labyrinth gear, lots of OP gear in chests in those when you can run them. Also % stats are better then flat stats but in the beginning it doesnt really matter as you need everything anyway. :)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Rerolled got Ken with zerato purrgis and armin. Worth keeping or shoot for angelica
Yea Ken is solid. But others might know better if he is a good pick for a starter hero. He is one of the top tier in the game though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Rerolled got Ken with zerato purrgis and armin. Worth keeping or shoot for angelica

I say keep rolling for Angelica. You'll end up getting enough DPS. Angelica/Sol/C. Lorina should be able to get you into most of the midgame content. Rolling for Angelica and a DPS/support unit is pretty much the standard if you think you may play this game for awhile.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think my reroll was Sez and Dust Devil artifact, got lucky with Angelica after a week maybe. But back then the talk was all about Destina and that Angelica was trash... :p


Golden Knight of the Realm
I wish I’d get lucky and get an Angelica. I haven’t gotten an Angelica in probably 2 months of playing.


Buzzfeed Editor
Got Angelica and tywin haven't seen any talk about him but he is a 5 star.

Until a few weeks ago he was kind of garbage. But they buffed him and he's really good now. He's a knight, which is a class that has one of the most powerful artifacts in the game, Aurius--it makes everything easier late game (But people don't use it much because knights are kind of hard to slot in outside of Kluri, Tywin and Charles). And he can wear that artifact well due to his class comp (He scales with HP and his S3 gives him a defense buff). In addition, he has an AE defense break (Extremely rare skill) and he can buff the shit out of your highest damage with Attack/Crit and boost their turn speed (Attack/Crit buff, crit buff is rare...Buffs in this game are massive. Attack buff for example is +50% of total attack, after gear. Crit is +50% Crit, so you can gear a DPS with more attack if you have Tywin on the team, and let him get them to 100% crit.)

Overall, he's pretty amazing, but like all support, he's amazing because he makes other characters good--not because he's a rock star on his own. He's very dependent on team comps. But that said, getting good DPS is easy, as someone else said Lorina is one of the best in the game and she's free, and Sol is great and you can get him for free right now (Again, both of these are not "good for a free unit"--they are good, period. Lorina may be the highest raw damage in the game). So overall, he fills a much more difficult slot than any of the good DPS you could have pulled.

I'd keep this pull for sure. Ken might be considered a slightly better 5 star, but not by much IMO, and Tywin is more versatile (And certainly this pull is better if you have Angelica, she's really powerful). Like Ken though, he's not going to be a good farmer--so try and get yourself Lorina class changed and geared up asap, or if you get a nice 4 star DPS, run with it.