Epic Seven


Molten Core Raider
What was the reason they gave out two 5 star tickets? Heard it about it and logged in for the first time in months. Dupes lol. Stopped playing cuz work schedule shifted and didn't have time to play like I wanted. Also got a little salty at the rates. Might actually see what they do with the ML and all that if I get more free time in the future.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
What was the reason they gave out two 5 star tickets? Heard it about it and logged in for the first time in months. Dupes lol. Stopped playing cuz work schedule shifted and didn't have time to play like I wanted. Also got a little salty at the rates. Might actually see what they do with the ML and all that if I get more free time in the future.

The immediate concern was the blowback from it being found out that the game was easily hacked by editing things in memory.


Molten Core Raider
If you aren't in Rerolled Guild (global server) and are active and want to participate in guild wars hit us up; few lazy fucks about to get booted. If you are a lazy fuck not attacking and are in guild....get unlazy.

For those doing tower 96 i beat it again on my wife's account using a different strat. I kept all my crit and just went full throttle. I went Ludewig, Luna, TAM (attack buff and cycles), and iseria for reset/target/def debuff. Got abit lucky on ludewig living with like 12 hp from an attack but did win on my first try with this group.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If you aren't in Rerolled Guild (global server) and are active and want to participate in guild wars hit us up; few lazy fucks about to get booted. If you are a lazy fuck not attacking and are in guild....get unlazy.

For those doing tower 96 i beat it again on my wife's account using a different strat. I kept all my crit and just went full throttle. I went Ludewig, Luna, TAM (attack buff and cycles), and iseria for reset/target/def debuff. Got abit lucky on ludewig living with like 12 hp from an attack but did win on my first try with this group.
Im in a total random guild right now since I got kicked from my old one. :p

If theres a spot I can apply, but need to wait for the cooldown.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
We have 4 spots open in Rerolled if you want to join. We don't ask much aside from being active and doing your GW. I don't care if you lose or draw, but at least get your attacks in and try to set a defense that isn't a push over :).

It is currently set to level 63 or higher so hopefully you at least meet that criteria. I've mainly set that to eliminate the scrubs from applying.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
We have 4 spots open in Rerolled if you want to join. We don't ask much aside from being active and doing your GW. I don't care if you lose or draw, but at least get your attacks in and try to set a defense that isn't a push over :).

It is currently set to level 63 or higher so hopefully you at least meet that criteria. I've mainly set that to eliminate the scrubs from applying.
Im 63 at the moment. I'll apply in a few hours. Ingame name is Rakpipa.

What are you all using as GW defense teams?
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I use Dizzy/Rin/ML.Tenebria for one and C.Armin/Diene/Charles for my 2nd. Unfortunately I rarely even get attacked to know if they are super effective lol.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Im currently preparing for the cornholing my defense is going to receive shortly after maintenance ends. There's two guilds tied at #2 in the rankings atm and we're fighting one of them. There's one fortress with 80 health left between me and all of them. Gonna be a humbling experience.

My team 1 is Ruele, Blood Blade Karin, and Dizzy. Team 2 is Arbiter Vildred, Fallen Cecilia and Diene at the moment.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Damn you got some nice units...you guys are ranked much higher than us casual scrubs. I think we are like 500 something lol. Trying to fix some of that by kicking people who never attack. We lose mainly because of lack of attacks and shitbird defenses.


Buzzfeed Editor
Btw, Corvus is ridiculously OP now against any team without a healer. If you build him for 150+ effect resist and as much defense as you can get after, he'll kill anything that doesn't have a healer behind it (He doesn't do enough damage to work against someone with a healer). If I had the gear to give him effectiveness too, I'm sure he'd be be OP against all comps. But for right now, he's what I use to kill Arbiter Vild in Challenger and he'd work even better in GWs (Haven't failed when I've used him).

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Damn you got some nice units...you guys are ranked much higher than us casual scrubs. I think we are like 500 something lol. Trying to fix some of that by kicking people who never attack. We lose mainly because of lack of attacks and shitbird defenses.
Im pretty happy with the teams Im able to build, but I'm also very concerned and apprehensive about these upcoming ML changes. Im positive Arb Vildred is getting a whack with the nerf bat but I can live without him being as strong as he is, they just need to leave F Ceci and Ruele alone or I may walk.

My guild (Fallens, I have no idea why it's plural) managed to stay just outside the top 10 for the entirety of the pre-season for guild wars. We tended to win wars against guilds our rank or lower, people in the top 10 were usually close, sometimes wins, mostly losses, but any wars against the guilds in the top 3 were always humbling. The level of whaling that goes on in Ambition, that Asian guild we're fighting today, PT, and Traphaus is insane. It's funny, I joined this guild cause the FoH one was full and the main drawing point for me was these guys didnt allow catalyst requests for daily aid. Who knew they'd be good at pvp too?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm also concerned for the upcoming ML changes...however if they go overboard you know the Koreans will rage the fuck out and we'll wind up getting 2 free 5* ML's lol.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Out of all those I have Dizzy, Rin, C Armin and ML Cecilia, only Dizzy and Ml Cec are geared though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
C.Armin is the best damage mitigation hero in the game. I have her s2 maxxed out and with a +30 Aurius she's a monster. She might get nerfed?...they said ML 5* but who knows! She's in almost every PVP team the higher you get.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
There's zero question C Armin will get nerfed. At this point, Arbiter Vildred, Sage Baal, and Crimson Armin will definitely, for sure get nerfed. For some reason the Koreans really really dislike ML Aramintha also and want her nerfed even though there's a dozen units that can completely shut her down. C Armin has replaced Kluri as the go-to tank in the arena (albeit harder to come by). She's too prevalent, I'd expect that S2 to get hammered.


Molten Core Raider
Nyx have our discord, you can hear all about the awesome that is ML Kitty!!

Ya, i have ML Baal and ML Ara but i'm praying for a nerf so i can trade in as i have jack shit for a good conistent defensive team that can compete at high champ/legend. I've retired ML ara completely and use two primary teams

Iseria w/song > TAM w/tomb > Baiken w/ RnL (is able to soul burn at that point) > ML Schuri who hits non auris teams for ~ 30-31k and still 1 shots Crimson easy if she is holding Aurius. Baiken handles 80% of ML vildreds but i do use Lillibert instead of schuri depending on how they comp is setup. TAM with tomb plus baiken push means i get iseria debuff into baiken combo who can easily 1 shot some one though crimson+aurius with her s2 alone if iseria debuffs hit and if not still S3 combo kills, another 1 shot 90% of time with Schuri, into a TAM dispel + schuri DA before the team ever goes outside of a dizzy at the start which is a joke since TAM/Iseria run immunity anyway and are 223/213 speed which stays ahead of all the other meta units i use the team against. Pretty effective tank shredding team and mvildred counter team.

Then for the stupid speed teams that ML baal or a dizzy + speed imprint + ML ara or rooz boost where i can get stripped and CC'd before TAM combo goes off, i use A. Monty + Krau + typically Baiken + filler depending on comp. Alot of ML kitty against Baal + Dizzy + ML ara or multiple CC teams because initial cleanse all from ML kitty rocks before A.Mont gets into her full cleanse cycles. Plus ML Kitty and A.Mont both rock 195-200 eff resist which holds fairly well against most team CC's. And Kitty's S1 cycles baiken's S2/S3 faster so can be pretty effective.

Had a fight a few nights ago with freaking C.Armin, ML Ken, ML Ruele, ML Vildred....man was that an extremely delicate team to fight around and they were geared to the fucking teeth. Managed to get on my second try but thats a fucking mean ass combo. I 1st pulled ML ara without even realizing how insanely lucky that was and got baal I think in 10 pulls and Sez pretty early but have no other units that can really hunker down defense higher up especially as my speed set is embarresing for the amount of gear i have leveled and having been up to legendary so i can't really leverage that.

Biggest question is who to pick if Ara/Baal get nerfed, fairly positive i will go ML ken or ML corv + ML Ruele to give me some strong corner stones on defense plus a strong 4th for my anti speed team. Ken can be worked around but he is still extremely annoying to deal with as he limits people like baiken combo's depending how well geared he is. I hope they tone down Armin's S2 as its abit stupid to have 1 person in the game to allow that much more mitigation without anyone else offering. Then add a geared ML cecil and ML Ruele and massive dps like ML Vildred or ML ken and like wtf...CC is your only hope but speed C.Armin giving immunity etc. Good times!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Seems they nerfed the tower, did it rather easily to floor 100. Fucking Phyllis as reward...


Buzzfeed Editor
Equipment preview is the best addition to the game since launch, change my mind.

Also, bunch of new buffs announced. Lulluca is going to be a fucking beast. So glad I got her. ]

They also seem to have made Ludwig really good. His S2 now finally grants him invulnerability so he can complete his own chain into his S3 penetrating defense. He'll be amazing on 2 round cleave teams now, he's essentially made for them because he can just invuln tank through the first cleave.

Buff expectedBasar, Yufine, Lilibet, Lidica, ML Coli,
Nerf expectedML Aramintha, ML Baal&Sezan, ML Vildred, ML Armin

Weird how they are buffing ML Coli and Yufine, those both seem really strong already. I mean, I'll take it, I love Yufine she's one of my favorites. Only thing I wish they would change is her dispel activating before her S3 lands damage (But after damage is calculated). ML Coli is also great, not sure what they could change on her without making her extremely OP.

Got Basar as my second free 5 star from the other day (Krau was my other), haven't even leveled him. Hopefully they make him...useful.

I think everyone saw those ML heroes as the ones getting nerfed. I just hope they don't nerf ML Araminthia's damage too much. I use her a lot in PvE and its pretty clear the main problem with her is people bitching about PvP (Which funny enough, I don't care about now...outside of GW I don't use her in most PvP anymore. If I'm going up against a defense team I need people who can deal high single target damage, and if I'm going against cleave I use revive/tank characters now. So hopefully they just change her stun to be not 100% and call it a day.)
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Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Nyx have our discord, you can hear all about the awesome that is ML Kitty!!

Funny you mention ML Kitty, there's a dude in my guild whose last eight ML pulls have been Kitty Clarissa. Seriously, no exaggeration, he pulled #7 earlier this week after clearing the raid and pulled #8 last night after clearing the Automaton tower and absolutely lost his shit, it was hilarious.

Regarding ML Coli, their last "buff" to her was actually a nerf when it came to her pvp usage so they are probably just going to adjust that. With the expected nerf to Arbiter, they are unexpectedly buffing Lilibet which will make him even less likely to be used. Pretty sure my Arbiter is going to the woodchipper and Ill swap him for Judge Kise or ML Ken.