EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content


Toe Sucker
Fo sho, assuming I can find the shit i'm looking for lol
You still normally on decappin? i forgot your bards name lol


Toe Sucker
I found all my shit on the account I assumed it was (which was a berserker), I don't think i'll have any time for the next couple days to pop on though.

Apparently i got this berserker to 77 already, but i'll probably PL a Beastlord up to him and then figure out something lol


Molten Core Raider
I want to finally try a head shot Ranger before it gets further nerfed (they said it's coming soon at this years Fan Faire).

Need a Bow of the Destroyer and don't have plat. So I need to paypal some cash to someone for either a Bow or some plat on Firiona Vie. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.

Or if you have one and don't want to sell I'd appreciate borrowing one.


Registered Hutt
bow of the destroyer is irrelevant. max bow haste + autofire delay (capped at like 2.0) vs. spamming the ranged attack barely come out any different due to lag. if you autofire the destroyer it removes any point of having it, and spamming ranged atk is gay as all hell. Just get any decent bow.

The real efficiency comes from being able to handle massive trains of mobs which takes a lot of hp/ac/+avoidance if you ever slip up even a little bit. Being 95 at the feerrott temple (HoT) was pretty rough. I saw some guys in absolutely fantastic gear barely sweat the root when he tanked the entire peninsula. What bow you equip doesn't do much to affect that situation. I was constantly out pulling little bits of the area (5-15 lizards), this guy just AFKed between repops and did the whole thing over again.
I want to finally try a head shot Ranger before it gets further nerfed (they said it's coming soon at this years Fan Faire).

Need a Bow of the Destroyer and don't have plat. So I need to paypal some cash to someone for either a Bow or some plat on Firiona Vie. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.

Or if you have one and don't want to sell I'd appreciate borrowing one.
Dude, buy krono and sell them. There's your platinum


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I have a ranger and I really don't see the point of going with a really low delay bow. The limiting factor with headshot will be sitting on your ass (or logging out) waiting for crap to respawn in your zone after you totally clean out all the ones that give exp for you.


Trump's Staff
Well, no fuckin wonder I couldn't get on when Fight was trying to hook me up with exp pots!

This same guy is apparently DDoS'ing Blizzard and others, too?


I want to finally try a head shot Ranger before it gets further nerfed (they said it's coming soon at this years Fan Faire).

Need a Bow of the Destroyer and don't have plat. So I need to paypal some cash to someone for either a Bow or some plat on Firiona Vie. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.

Or if you have one and don't want to sell I'd appreciate borrowing one.
I can give you a TFO FV copy. Includes a bunch of 32 slot bags, tons of xp pots, bow of the destroyer, clickies, illusions, full augments, etc. Just make the ranger, run him/her to the bazaar and PM me the acct info to do the copy.


I can give you a TFO FV copy. Includes a bunch of 32 slot bags, tons of xp pots, bow of the destroyer, clickies, illusions, full augments, etc. Just make the ranger, run him/her to the bazaar and PM me the acct info to do the copy.
Hi Nitsude! You're still playing I see? How are things going?


PM'ed Piestro a few days ago about universal chat being down since Christmas.

"I'll mention it to the team, it happens from time to time based on what we are doing on the back end.

Senior Community Relations Manager"

Hopefully we'll see them back up soon.