EQ Never


what Suineg set it to
You can make a pretty strong case that PC gaming is dying. You can look at Desktop sales to get a pretty good feel as to why Blizzard wont be making WoW2.

PC sales to drop by 6% in 2014 | Computerworld

PCs lumber towards the technological graveyard | Technology | The Guardian

The fact that anyone would make something as expensive as an MMO is pretty amazing to me. EQN if its released within a year or two will be at the dying edge.
I'm not sure why that has anything to do with anything for two reasons. First, I don't know of anyone attached to their desktop merely because it is large, but because of the capabilities. Form factor is irrelevant ultimately. Secondly, I seriously doubt the PC game playing demographic are the ones witnessed by that data. Bonus third: If you pull the data for computing devices running a full version of Windows, I bet it's not anywhere near as bad or even better. Laptops are basically as good as anything except for pure gaming or processing requirements at this point and tablets are now capable of running a full version of Windows.


Elisha Dushku
While you are at it why don't you stop yourself from posting anything related to airplanes.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well played. You do realize though that the data you posted was when WoW hadn't released anything for two years? It was still highly profitable despite having no new content at all. If anything that proves the point that there is no reason to make a WoW 2 and just release xpacs at a faster pace. Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean it isn't good.


Elisha Dushku
Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean it isn't good.
I don't play WoW for the same reason I don't play Risk or eat McDonalds: I'm not twelve anymore. Risk is a fab game and McDonalds French Fries are the best when you're twelve, not so much when you're thirty-two. More specifically, WoW, except for a brief shining moment in early Vanilla, has always been too on the rails for me to enjoy.

I don't expect a WoW2 to be any different. I think you are dead wrong on the "no reason" to make WoW2. WoW 2 would be the ultimate gear reset, and we all know how Blizzard loves gear resets.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I don't expect a WoW2 to be any different. I think you are dead wrong on the "no reason" to make WoW2. WoW 2 would be the ultimate gear reset, and we all know how Blizzard loves gear resets.
Blizzard stopping development on WoW2 is the best example of why they believe there is no reason to make it. Blizz makes tons of fab games in several areas and has been successful at all of them. What need to make WoW2 when there are no real examples of this market expanding significantly and they have cornered the current market? There is no need or significant enough desire for another WoW. As Draegan has mentioned, new expansions can update, redirect, and change the original product enough to meet their current needs and desires.


Not to bring the discussion back on topic (pretty good indicator of interest I guess), but was that the full team in the Q&A video? There were like, 25 people or so total. Given the hell this product has given them, uh, good luck completing this project.

Unless they had 30 more or so devs stored in the basement.


Elisha Dushku
Blizzard stopping development on WoW2
I'd want a source for this - I've never actually heard they ever started development of WoW2: I just assume Blizz being Blizz would have something simmering. They stopped development of Titan, which wasn't WoW2.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hope, don't hope. What does it matter?

Everything is moot until they release something. It will be good or it will suck and no amount of speculation, hope, angst or belief effects that. We can cast chicken bones and try to divine what the stars portend, but the reality is there are so many factors we have no idea about. What we DO know is that the one thing they have failed at is making a completely open developmental process. At this point I wish they went the Blizzard route and released no information.

If it turns out to be good, we will all play it. If it sucks, we wont.
If we didn't speculate, this might be the worst forum of all time. Dare to dream!


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I'd want a source for this - I've never actually heard they ever started development of WoW2: I just assume Blizz being Blizz would have something simmering. They stopped development of Titan, which wasn't WoW2.
It was close enough. You second answer makes my point even more effectively. They never even attempted a second WoW. The reasons were noted above.

On topic, this game is toast. As mentioned earlier, you don't get rid of the creators of unique product whose sole point is to make that product...unless you are trying to dump something off quickly. When it was mentioned that people working at Daybreak had plenty of experience with AI, it really reeked of desperate measures.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Not to bring the discussion back on topic (pretty good indicator of interest I guess), but was that the full team in the Q&A video? There were like, 25 people or so total. Given the hell this product has given them, uh, good luck completing this project.

Unless they had 30 more or so devs stored in the basement.
Someone asked that on the official forums, and Dex laughed it off. (I cannot seem to find the link though)


Elisha Dushku
Not to bring the discussion back on topic (pretty good indicator of interest I guess), but was that the full team in the Q&A video? There were like, 25 people or so total. Given the hell this product has given them, uh, good luck completing this project.

Unless they had 30 more or so devs stored in the basement.
Does anyone actually think at this point that EQNext will be anything but this?



Mr. Poopybutthole
You can make a pretty strong case that PC gaming is dying. You can look at Desktop sales to get a pretty good feel as to why Blizzard wont be making WoW2.

PC sales to drop by 6% in 2014 | Computerworld

PCs lumber towards the technological graveyard | Technology | The Guardian

The fact that anyone would make something as expensive as an MMO is pretty amazing to me. EQN if its released within a year or two will be at the dying edge.
Well, there's probably a few points to be made about that. One, outside of the extreme edge of gaming (4k) just about everything can be played on earlier iterations of current hardware. CPUs are still overpowering standard game use by a large margin, and applications in general haven't jumped in requirements by a noticeable amount in at least two years. A mid-range (200) card from 3 years ago will still play everything at 1080p with minor tweeks. Ram has been cheap forever, and even with only 4g you can still do just about everything, as 4k was the average shipping size a few years back. Hard Drive space has been cheap for a decade, and even with most applications starting to balloon in overall space, finding room for those apps has never been an issue. So basically, even if you are a hardcore gamer (and lets face it, the majority of MMOs aren't running at Crysis 3 specs) your equipment from 2-3 years ago is still more than sufficient. And if you are a standard consumer who doesn't play technologically taxing games, your equipment from 5-6 years ago is still sufficient. As has been pointed out, we are getting pretty close to the limits of how much power we can physically cram into hardware, and application/game designers aren't aiming for the $10,000 system builder that is pushing those limits. With that in mind, there isn't really a need to upgrade if you already had a good machine from a couple of years back, hence a decline in overall sales.

Two, take point one and combine it with the second article focusing on a company using iPads has a name "iCore." I mean, not to say that isn't a direct apple shill or anything, but it looks biased as hell from outside. But that aside, the current longevity of pc equipment means that they already have quite an entrenched pc/laptop base, while the tablet market grows because they don't need to purchase more pcs or laptops. Especially when it comes to a business angle. Aside from video editors or graphics artists that require loads of horsepower (whom would be purchasing those 10k rigs I mentioned earlier anyway) 99% of business functions can easily be handled on much less powerful hardware than current designs supply. Even 300$ E-machine type shitboxes have 4 gigs of ram and something that looks like a quad core processor. That type of power simply isn't in high demand for the -vast- majority of office work, and unless the home-owners are doing high end gaming, it is still probably more than enough for their needs.

Three, I would hazard that while mobile technology and pad technology are definitely growing, that the costs of many consumers and businesses are shifting from upgrading their workstations/hardware towards upgrading network infrastructure. Netflix will run happily on a 10 year old machine, but if you don't have the right connection, you'll be streaming in 8bit blocks. A new PC won't help that in the vast majority of cases, but a better wireless solution or higher throughput cable/dsl/satellite connection certainly will.

Basically, using the sales of PCs/laptops as a descriptor of waning interest in online gaming just isn't a good metric today. When we were having giant leaps in technology 7-8 years ago, sure. But now? Not so much.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Not to bring the discussion back on topic (pretty good indicator of interest I guess), but was that the full team in the Q&A video? There were like, 25 people or so total. Given the hell this product has given them, uh, good luck completing this project.

Unless they had 30 more or so devs stored in the basement.
All we know is that EQN has the largest team at Daybreak, and that H1Z1 has the second largest team.