EQ Never


Ok, Ill help start the tone conversation:

Norrathia-huge, hidden, dangerous!

Races- lotsa with motsa! Just enough for everyone...

Classes- think D&D, then take it up a couple notches to ROCKING!

Story- you tell your own epic story. We won't stop you! Have I said EPIC yet?

Graphics- you WILL be blown away. Unity has nothing on our shit!
You're hired get to work. This is gonna rock


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I'd like to volunteer as a beta tester:

fukin game sux crashed agin lots a lvl of xp wtf enjoy ur game fagits!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
again.. all this work going into EQL when they could have just got EQN out the door and let people make content for expansions via EQL. What a waste of dev time with all this.


Trakanon Raider
Eh, as I understand it, it's more like *a* dev that's doing the whole building mode. In terms of pure Landmark stuff, they've pretty much just have a skeleton crew working on it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
it's the same team tho, they just spend more time on EQN now. They could have just all focused on EQN from the beginning and not been so entrenched in making EQL work. They've spun it well, saying you test EQN in EQL anyway, but does anyone really think this process didn't delay EQN?


Bronze Knight of the Realm

Not much positive news from SOE/Daybreak this year, i wonder why they were bought at all. I dont see them making any money with their mediocre games. Better to just close shop and be done with it. So much time has passed, nobody cares for EQ games any more.
1) they never made any money since WoW was introduced
2) despite spitting out mediocre games at best their teams were amazing. had Smed being canned earlier it would have been different. Now all the talent has been poached by Riot, Blizzard etc and the ones left are the ones that cannot get a job anywhere else
3) true nobody gives a shit about EQ as not only people got older but also the game landscape changed completely
4) they weren't "bought", they were given away for free as long as they would pay salaries
5) the problems mentioned about PS2 existed from the private beta, Smed was aware, did jack shit
6) H1Z1 has exactly the same issues