EQ Never


Trump's Staff
They need to move that armor on the second screen and give us a glance at that map. Hopefully Kunark will be there day one, but I'm betting against it.
The north eastern landmass looks like the south eastern tip of Faydwer (steamfront/dragonscale hills area).... But that continent to the southwest of it doesn't look like the eastern coast of kunark. Such a tease...


FoH nuclear response team
holy shit they actually spilled something, I'm betting they spill a bit more at E3 even if it's just another render.


Molten Core Raider
I just want to know some details, goddamn it.

And hopefully they bring back the areas of EQ1 and actually make them resemble EQ1. EQII sucked until the areas actually started looking like EQ1 zones.


Elisha Dushku
The north eastern landmass looks like the south eastern tip of Faydwer (steamfront/dragonscale hills area).... But that continent to the southwest of it doesn't look like the eastern coast of kunark. Such a tease...
The NE Landmass is covered by clouds. The so-called "continent' in the "southwest" is not. It's likely an image of something in front of the map but not actually part of the map (perhaps an EQN logo with a dragon or wtf). So if it is a map of EQN (a pretty big if), and if that is Faydwer, then there is no Kunark at release, which would make sense.

Anyway, that's enough posting on Draegan's terribad overmodderated site for this year. For board old timers going to SOE Live this year I'm up for drinks after the announcement whether to mourn (if it has too much grey), to celebrate (if it's got potential and we got beta keys) or to circle in confusion (if Smed starts talking in tongues).

Thumbs Highyou bastards.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Ugh oversized shoulder pads... I wish MMO's would move on from that clich?.
The reason we get oversized shoulderpads is because in third person the shoulders and head are the most prominent features we see on our own character. The fact that the shoulder pads are that big is indicative to me that they are, at minimum, designing with third person in mind. Whether they design levels and architecture around third person (500 ft tall caverns, 250 ft tall dome shaped raid boss rooms, etc) has yet to be seen.


I don't think there's much of a question that it'll be designed around third person. People like seeing their armor sets and given that there will be a store with SOE and player created cloaks, armors, etc., it'd be cutting out a large chunk of how they'll be making money with EQ Next if they go with first person being the primary perspective. The biggest thing is getting the scale right as third person games tend to shrink the world. I want everything to feel massive, which the Forgelight Engine seems to be more than capable of pulling off.

Dr Ent_sl

So who is going to SOE live? I've just decided I'm definitely going. I noticed here (https://www.soe.com/soelive/pricing.vm) that the Friday only passes don't get access to Keynote Addresses, does that mean I'll have to shell out the $149 to see the EQN reveal? I'll probably get a better shot at beta if I go with the more expensive option anyway.... This also interested me...
Following the keynote, SOE Live passholders will be able to ask questions and learn more in-depth information from the developers during a number of panels
I've never been to any kind of gaming convention, so this is all new to me. I'll ask as many questions from this forum as I can, since it looks like I'm going to buy the $149 pass anyway, so post em up.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The schedule should denote what are keynote addresses (or at a minimum what passes get you into which panels). Questions will (likely) be asked by people who get in line to ask questions. At Blizzcon they have a guy at the front of the line who holds a mic for the people asking the question. I've seen another guy towards the back who may or may not be screening the questions. I've never attended an SOE Live so I'm not sure how they handle their stuff, but that should give you a decent expectation.

I vaguely recall watching a panel about the EQ franchise from a previous SOE Live on youtube. You might consider looking around for those if you really want to know what goes on there.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think there's much of a question that it'll be designed around third person. People like seeing their armor sets and given that there will be a store with SOE and player created cloaks, armors, etc., it'd be cutting out a large chunk of how they'll be making money with EQ Next if they go with first person being the primary perspective. The biggest thing is getting the scale right as third person games tend to shrink the world. I want everything to feel massive, which the Forgelight Engine seems to be more than capable of pulling off.
i agree 100%. i'm hoping for first person, but if it is 3rd, at least make the world appear massive.


I'll probably have a million questions to ask once we actually see something, but for now it's 100 percent speculation. They're not even wanting to say who the composer is at this point. A good OST can really bring everything in and I'd like to see who's scoring it. Jeremy Soule does some pretty good work so I wouldn't mind seeing his name on the list.


Trakanon Raider
I'll probably have a million questions to ask once we actually see something, but for now it's 100 percent speculation. They're not even wanting to say who the composer is at this point. A good OST can really bring everything in and I'd like to see who's scoring it. Jeremy Soule does some pretty good work so I wouldn't mind seeing his name on the list.
john williams!


Buzzfeed Editor
I just looked him up.Based on his background, he looks like he'd cost a fortune, haha.


I just spent the last hour Twitter fighting about DRM policies of the new consoles, I make no claims to not being a nerd -- I just don't know my movie composers.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Man, I'll be honest. Just drop some City of Mist redux on me with updated graphics and gameplay mechanics. Toss in some NToV with a dash of Lake of Ill Omen.

Sign me up.


But what if I told you that Diablo 3 has just been announced for the 360? Would that make all your dreams come true?

And Ill Omen is the best. I started playing EQ just after Kunark launched, I love that expansion so much and Ill Omen might have been the highlight of my time back then.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Is there a universally accepted definition of theme park MMO vs. sandbox MMO?

I'm sure two extremes would probably include WoW vs. EVE, but present-day EQ resembles WoW much more than vanilla EQ (and EQ2 is unarguably WoW in an EQ universe in terms of its world design).