EQ Never


Registered Hutt
"Old school nerds" does not describe the people I played with when I was subbed to EQ for a few months recently. They were barely nerds at all. "Old school" nerds ought to be into dps parsers and after action reports. You can't find a subset of people more fanatical about metrics than my IRL nerdy friends.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The only problem was that some items they wanted to be 'rare', ended up taking days or weeks for some people. But in those cases they could have just replaced that item with tokens that drop every time. So mob spawns every 30 minutes, has a token. Have an NPC that requires 4 tokens, bingo. You never get it too fast, or too slow, it always takes about 2 hours.
Good solution but instead of tokens the player should be able to loot different damaged/broken pieces of that item. Can be from 2 pieces to 6 depending on how tough you want the item to be. If the player ends up owning all "different" broken pieces they can combine them in a forge for that particular item. Those broken pieces can be traded. This makes your time not a complete waste and at the same time it doesn't destroy immersion with tokents/tickets and also makes it actually harder than just collecting tokens because you need all the different pieces.

Of course these broken pieces will only drop if the actual item didn't drop for you. It's just a compensation for the time you've spent farming that named. If the item you're seeking dropped for you, great you're done. No need to loot all these broken pieces to combine them.


Molten Core Raider
So what kind of demographic still plays EQ?
A lot of stoners and assholes and people who couldn't do it big when EQ was still a popular game. I got a druid to level 100 with like 5000 aa sometime in the last 6 months. Also the players are really terrible at games still. There was a raid encounter where the main mechanic was !!!!!! don't stand in a red circle and people were acting like it was the craziest shit anyone's ever done in a raid encounter.

Edit: also no one groups, literally 0 pugs asking in general / lfging leveling up.


No way I'm all for having items so rare that vendor bronze armor seems epic like it did to me. Upgrading armor every 20 mins is pointless. Every game these days you can get like 15 levels a day that is the problem no games slow you down mid and low levels and have content that will keep people. Fuck for sure spawns every 30 mins. Random timers w random
Chance of boss spawn lets people exp and hope for the boss pop it's win win you exp where your items drop you want.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Again, I thought TBC striked a good balance between tokens, badges, and drops with stuff like Dragonspine Trophy being BIS up through BT/Hyjal. I think there was something better in sunwell.

Apply that and some mechanics to instances and noninstanced dungeons and you're good.


Why do you even come on this thread just to troll? I don't see the point of coming on a game thread and just talking about how much it will suck lol. Each and every to their own but why just try to bring everyone down every other post about how much it's going to suck you just sound like a tard.


Elisha Dushku
To all the @NoDowntime people

Just because you want every game to cater to your ADHD does not mean that every game should cater to your ADHD. The rest of us have lives, don't mind taking time out for the social aspects of games and/or pizza breaks.

No way I'm all for having items so rare that vendor bronze armor seems epic like it did to me. Upgrading armor every 20 mins is pointless. Every game these days you can get like 15 levels a day that is the problem no games slow you down mid and low levels and have content that will keep people. Fuck for sure spawns every 30 mins. Random timers w random
Chance of boss spawn lets people exp and hope for the boss pop it's win win you exp where your items drop you want.
Pretty much this. Anyone suggesting anything different just doesn't get one of the major problems with the general run of FTP MMOs out there WoW. People say that want everything right now, but when they get everything now they get bored and move on.

Slot machines are why Casinos rake in the big bucks.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm not wired for that. I always viewed loot as a tool to see content. Who cares what my fucking gear is if I can beat the boss or mob? When did genuine multitasking become ADHD. I have a life thus downtime sucks when I'm playing a game. Same at work. Can't stand waiting for slow asshole employees.


Again, I thought TBC striked a good balance between tokens, badges, and drops with stuff like Dragonspine Trophy being BIS up through BT/Hyjal. I think there was something better in sunwell.

Apply that and some mechanics to instances and noninstanced dungeons and you're good.
I think tokens are pretty lame themselves. Not the idea behind them, but the fact that you trade tokens for gear. Very lame and unimaginative.

I really dug how the planes of power expansion in EQ did some of its gear. IIRC you quested/random drops to get a mold for the armor, then you had to find a few pieces that were random drops off certain mobs and then just forged them.


<Silver Donator>
To all the @NoDowntime people

Just because you want every game to cater to your ADHD does not mean that every game should cater to your ADHD. The rest of us have lives, don't mind taking time out for the social aspects of games and/or pizza breaks.

Pretty much this. Anyone suggesting anything different just doesn't get one of the major problems with the general run of FTP MMOs out there WoW. People say that want everything right now, but when they get everything now they get bored and move on.

Slot machines are why Casinos rake in the big bucks.
Downtime doesn't have shit to do with slow progression, other than it's the shittiest way to achieve it. Here's a fucking genius idea for you, you can only gain xp for 15mins a day. Isn't that perfect? Means it can take 2years to get to max level, and you can do other stuff instead of having to play a video game, awesome!

Forcing players to not play the game as a timesink is a fucking awful feature. You can have slow leveling without having long downtime in the middle of it, you just you know, tune the fucking xp rate. You can have slow pacing without having downtime, add slower more impactful combat, strategy and whatever else. You can even have an easy way to take pauses(short content sessions with waypoints to pick up where you stopped) without forcing people to take pauses.

Downtime is fine in small quantity and/or as a punishment mechanic. You didn't play well this fight, took too much dmg, now you're going to have to sit on your ass to regen. Next time you can do better and have less downtime. Downtime as a consistent result of whatever you do is fucking terrible.

Downtime also doesn't create a socializing aspect. The rest of your design does. Slow leveling, hard content, group reliant content, that kind of shit forces you to communicate and socialize with people. Take an easy example, force downtime on a wow dungeon. Do you feel like people would suddenly talk to each other? Fucking no, they'd either avoid the content that has the forced downtime because it's not efficient, or if it's the most efficient, they'd alt tab/go afk because there is nothing to talk about when you're facerolling content with any combination of drooling retards. You actually see that when you do hard content even in modern mmos, where you wipe on a boss then discuss how to approach the next fight before you pull again. This isn't downtime, you can pull right away, but instead you choose to discuss tactics and strategy because the other aspects of the game push you to, by having challenging group content.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
The token idea is idiotic.

Your basically saying you want to be assured with X hours you will get Y item. Might as well go roll a panda and do dailies for gear. Its the same thing.

I would rather farm a rare mob for a rare drop in a noninstanced dungeon that know, "Well, I have to sink exactly 5hrs:20 minutes into this item, then another 3.5hrs into this item". The unknown / luck / erratic nature of the drops is part of what made it exciting. Coming down to Lguk, seeing Frenzy empty, it pop'ing in front of you, and dropping FBSS. Or the day you spent 6hrs camping Spore King, with fuck all drops. With out the lows, the highs are less high (relatively speaking). Without the grind, there is no excitement in hitting the level cap or attaining gear.


2 Minutes Hate
(edit: @Pyros)^Truth

Not wanting downtime doesn't mean you have ADHD, it just means you don't like games where you have to sit and lick your monitor. If I want downtime because real life factors in I ask people if we can chill for a few minutes so I can take care of my shit. 9 out of 10 times people are cool with that.

re: Tokens
Fuck tokens, it was the worst addition to WOW in my opinion. I hate farming whatever dungeons is the fastest just to collect points to get gear. It takes any of the "dungeoning" out of the game. You have items X, Y, Z? that means you beat boss A, B and C.

I have no problems if you can farm points for sub-par gear though just to help people catch up in a game or whatever, but fuck anything BiS or close to it.

If you're main complaint is the RNG, well the devs need to design a better loot system or a game with better loot tables. Or something with analytics to it.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Downtime doesn't have shit to do with slow progression, other than it's the shittiest way to achieve it. Here's a fucking genius idea for you, you can only gain xp for 15mins a day. Isn't that perfect? Means it can take 2years to get to max level, and you can do other stuff instead of having to play a video game, awesome!

Forcing players to not play the game as a timesink is a fucking awful feature. You can have slow leveling without having long downtime in the middle of it, you just you know, tune the fucking xp rate. You can have slow pacing without having downtime, add slower more impactful combat, strategy and whatever else. You can even have an easy way to take pauses(short content sessions with waypoints to pick up where you stopped) without forcing people to take pauses.

Downtime is fine in small quantity and/or as a punishment mechanic. You didn't play well this fight, took too much dmg, now you're going to have to sit on your ass to regen. Next time you can do better and have less downtime. Downtime as a consistent result of whatever you do is fucking terrible.

Downtime also doesn't create a socializing aspect. The rest of your design does. Slow leveling, hard content, group reliant content, that kind of shit forces you to communicate and socialize with people. Take an easy example, force downtime on a wow dungeon. Do you feel like people would suddenly talk to each other? Fucking no, they'd either avoid the content that has the forced downtime because it's not efficient, or if it's the most efficient, they'd alt tab/go afk because there is nothing to talk about when you're facerolling content with any combination of drooling retards. You actually see that when you do hard content even in modern mmos, where you wipe on a boss then discuss how to approach the next fight before you pull again. This isn't downtime, you can pull right away, but instead you choose to discuss tactics and strategy because the other aspects of the game push you to, by having challenging group content.
If I had to choose on 500hrs of wack a mole DDR finger rape (Cata / WotLK WoW), or 450 hrs of auto attack / fuck up and die (Classic EQ) + 50hrs of idle down time, I'm going the 450+50 every time.

Sometimes, after 30min or so of breaking a hard camp, you want that 5 minutes to go fucking piss, stand up, stick your dick in something wet, make a drink, talk to others about how you wish you were 16 eating shitty Totino's pizzas, find some new music to listen to, change whats on the TV, put in a movie, make a phone call, read a forum, jerk off, check the score to a game, send a text, put laundry in the drier, etc, etc, ETC