EQ Never


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I wish to thank all you forum posters for the 30 pages of entertainment; I had to step out for a few hours and came back and read all the reactions. Sounds like it was kind of like watching the 'boom...goes...the dynamite' sportscaster disaster kid, funny but in an uncomfortable way.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I thought the Jeremy Soule surprise was nice. The preview of his theme did sound good. However, could he not at least throw in a few notes from the original theme? Come on, its not EQ without the opening melody. Anyways, Jeremy will produce some nice music, but I wonder why they didn't go find the guy who did the original EQ music. Always thought that guy did a fantastic job. His melodies are so memorable, yeah, a bit simplistic compared to the orchestral work we hear in today's games, but you recognize his work even a decade later. Some of Jeremy Soule's stuff is great, but some of it is so forgettable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Meh that theme didn't really do much for me. The first 30 seconds felt like some b-rated movie and the rest just doesn't fit into a video game.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to have to abstain from the "forgettableness" of the revealed theme vs. the original theme discussion since I know my Rose Colored Glasses are in full effect. I'll be 98, in a nursing home, unable to recognize anyone in my family, and painting the walls with my shit while humming the vanilla EQ theme.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
The theme music sucked ass. Lets all be honest.

It sucked. Ass. And that kind of ass where the person took 5 minutes to shit, then 15 minutes to wipe because it just kept smearing around.

Forming up to be a colossal trainwreck. But I will be watching it live tomorrow! Lol


Trakanon Raider
Apologize if this was already posted but it's a great article.

That article is as if it is from my head. He mentions these forums, so I guess he is one of the jaded people here. Written by Wolfshead, Wolf from the old PGT?

EDIT: Fell asleep so missed the presentation. I listened to the music theme from youtube (ok I guess, not sure it reminded me of EQ though). However, saw over 40 new pages in the thread, so read the comments. What the hell happened? Based on them the two hour presentation apparently left half of you drunk with STDs. Rapping? I feel sad and glad I missed it.
Could'nt watch the keynote. From yall's reactions I take it that was a double sized shit sandwich with a large helping of fucked up?


<Silver Donator>
I thought it was pretty shitty, but I guess matter of taste. Builds up too slow, slightly too repetitive, didn't appeal to me much. Hope the rest of the music is better.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It was good, but not memorable. You want that music at the title to grab you. Something EQ and WoW both did well. Hell, SwToR had good title music and that wasn't ripped from John Williams.

Didn't he do gw2 also? That was excellent so he has it in him.


Tranny Chaser
It really needs the original melody to be incorporated into it, I know there are hints of it here and there but the original was a very strong tune and this is just kinda... flat.


Avatar of War Slayer
Honestly they have been "turning it around" for EQ2 since Faydwer- classic EQ2 had a vision and a true feel- the shitty xpacs really REALLY ruined that game till the sails where pitched in Faydwer- there where some rocks in Kunark but really they have been doing a bang up job imo- and that is what gives me hope for Next - and the music in EQ2 and EQ are all awesome, EQN sounds okay imo... need more to judge- but today is the judgment day.

Beta on Monday is the word on the streets but I am anything but well informed.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Nothing SOE produced has been passable for over a decade

What's the best indicator of future behavior again?
SOE has LOCKED DOWN Jeremy Soule for the foreseeable future:


Jeremy Soule: Jessica, it may seem that way, but I have really only been involved in small additional music support roles for most MMO products outside of Guild Wars... In other words, I was a member of larger teams of composers, and in some cases I didn't contribute more than several minutes (at most) to these products.Everquest Next marks the start of an exclusive relationship between myself and Sony Online Entertainment. It will be my musical home for the foreseeable future in games.And the game has a team that could achieve what I believe to be a #1 hit. If you're looking for the Next major experience of a game with my music, it will be Everquest Next for years to come.