EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
So the reason WoW combat objectively sucks for an MMO (among other reasons), is that at a high-end dungeon crawl, the mash-button design translates to a reality that it doesn't matter which button you mash - which skill you use, as long as you use something. You could go in use skill A vs. skill B, and it doesn't matter. Maybe one is a little more efficient than the other, but they've designed it to where both of them will produce the same result: you winning.
Not sure it's quite as black and white as you make it out to be. Go look at combat in TBC Heroics...what you did definitely mattered. They've moved away from that design, but the combat really hasn't changed as much as how dungeons and mobs work. It's completely possible to have action combat, but still make your moves matter. Additionally, since there appears to 'telegraphing' of enemy abilities, not only does movement become much more important, but they can increase the requirements for reactionary abilities.
I see the Vision now.

Say your and High elf warrior and your level 50 or 60 whatever cap is to start, and you have invested a lot of time into your character, achivements etc, but now Due to the constant class balance patches that MMO's have now Warriors are nerfed to hell etc.

So normally you would be forced to either not play that character for while anymore due the nerf, Now instead of doing that you can just switch classes you keep your name, crafting level etc,race, achivements but now by just unlocking 2500 station cash you can change classes and bam you are now a level 50 or 60 rogue, monk,wizard or whatever.

Due to this if your main or co main, alt gets its class nerfed or you just don't like that class anymore, you don't have to either delete the character or stop playing it or reroll cause for low price of 2500 to 3500 station cash you can switch classes now.

did they talk about death penalties at all?
When you die you become a pixie and automatically fly back to the spot where you died. Then the pixie explodes and kills everything in a 1 mile radius, and the ground even smashes. And then you respawn in the crater with a powerful buff to help you not die again.


Trump's Staff
I'm hoping some of those 40 classes are actually class titles from the original game. Like Pathfinder, Warden, Forest Stalker could all be extra-specialized Ranger classes.


Vyemm Raider
When you die you become a pixie and automatically fly back to the spot where you died. Then the pixie explodes and kills everything in a 1 mile radius, and the ground even smashes. And then you respawn in the crater with a powerful buff to help you not die again.
i lol'd


I'll read back through the thread later, but hearing there'll be CC roles leaves a little hope for individual mobs being strong as opposed to the AOE fest they showed at the reveal. Still wanting to know how loot will work (named mobs or shit like defiant armor that drops off everything, or currency based loot ala GW2's karma events)


What these developers, and many players, don't realize, is the design of one mechanic absolutely affects another, which affects another. Every piece of the design influences the other pieces.

So the reason WoW combat objectively sucks for an MMO (among other reasons), is that at a high-end dungeon crawl, the mash-button design translates to a reality that it doesn't matter which button you mash - which skill you use, as long as you use something. You could go in use skill A vs. skill B, and it doesn't matter. Maybe one is a little more efficient than the other, but they've designed it to where both of them will produce the same result: you winning.

The reason this makes a difference isn't necessarily because of the mash button design itself, but due to the death penalty mechanic. I would say that if WoW had the death mechanics of EverQuest, then WoW combat would be more exciting - because it would be slower in that people would think about the skills to use, the decisions would have more impact. But because one mechanic (death) is designed terribly, another mechanic suffers for it (combat).

That's what these developers are lost on. They absolutely suck in terms of designing real gameplay, but they're pretty good at design that extracts and exploits casual consumers.

EQ:N looks to be a failure as an MMO from what I've seen. It could turn into a good or interesting game possibly, but it's not really an MMO. It looks like they're just mashing a bunch of cool features together and hope they all stick and play nice. I don't see a Vision (tm) here at all, just throw it all against the wall and hope it works well.
not even remotely true. Once you have raid gear, yes every dungeon will fall before you, however heroics in blue gear require you to know how to play your class in order to get through it. Healer skill, tank skill, and dps skill all matter.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Digging trenches, pulling mobs, double jumping over said trench, and spamming fire into the mob-filled trench for exp is the new quad kiting.


Silver Knight of the Realm
The world builder will be fun to tinker around with and may build some hype, but aside from that they clearly don't have much yet. Wake me up in a couple years when EQN is actually ready for release. Unless the game turns out to play exactly the way it LOOKS as of now... actiony, spammy combat, with cartoon models / armor / mobs tailored for ADD WoW kids... then don't wake me for it.

My only hope is that there will be contests to create some sick (non-instanced) dungeon recreations that would eventually be picked to go into the actual game. Guk, Sebilis, etc. recreated by players could be the best way to get proper dungeons.


Vyemm Raider
Don't bother responding to Dumar, he has his head shoved so far up his ass with his WoW hate that has invented his own reality where WoW is a completely different game.


I see the Vision now.

Say your and High elf warrior and your level 50 or 60 whatever cap is to start, and you have invested a lot of time into your character, achivements etc, but now Due to the constant class balance patches that MMO's have now Warriors are nerfed to hell etc.

So normally you would be forced to either not play that character for while anymore due the nerf, Now instead of doing that you can just switch classes you keep your name, crafting level etc,race, achivements but now by just unlocking 2500 station cash you can change classes and bam you are now a level 50 or 60 rogue, monk,wizard or whatever.

Due to this if your main or co main, alt gets its class nerfed or you just don't like that class anymore, you don't have to either delete the character or stop playing it or reroll cause for low price of 2500 to 3500 station cash you can switch classes now.

No levels. No paid class change.
Wonder if switching classes will involve 2500 station cash for the unlock?

I am sure this will launch with a barber shop cash shop as well which is staple of MMO's now, so if you have to pay for sex change, faction change, race change, appreance change.

Then why not a 2500$ station cash class change.
Does anyone else think they would do this as much as was being sarcastic could this happen lol?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hey, I can finally get on here; the site hasn't been loading for me all day.

Oh good, so I'm not the only one who saw that.

Overall, I like what I saw in that reveal. They definitely need to scale down the shoulder pads a bit (seriously, I'm not one to get wigged out over somewhat exaggerated armor, but that kerran was like 70% pauldron), but otherwise I like the art style. Destructible landscape and storybricks both look good, and the class system is intriguing, but I want to hear more about it. They probably also need to tone down the spell effects a smidge so that you can actually see the combat, but otherwise I'm not going to pass judgement of the combat yet, although there does seem to be more than a little GW2 in there,which I enjoy well enough.

One thing I'd like to know is if land ownership and structure building will be part of the main game, or just the Landmark thing. Even if it's a stripped down version of what Landmark has, I'd think they would have something like that in the base game.
Wife "saw that" too - but to me it's just the normal "American Anime" thing like Disney movies and the like do with somewhat exaggerated features to convey emotion better on a small screen. Her and Elizabeth look nothing alike to me besides the lips/eyes.

I liked what I saw besides the combat style - which is a shame since it's such a key part - I like gaming where I don't feel like I have to AFK to sip a beverage when it comes to something like an MMO where there's no "breaks" between rounds or otherwise. Telling my group "Hey, hold up a minute" because I want to drink my tea (Yea, I drink tea often - fuck off if you hate on tea drinkers) or nibble on some desk friendly snacks or whatever is bothersome to me. I'm one of those types that would play EQ1 and cook and eat all without substantial breaks in gameplay since I've got the office immediately next to the kitchen. (Living room on the house plans but we "officified" it for the wife and I)


CC role = kill 20 mobs with one spell. Job done.
Dude we get it you're disappointed but give it a fucking rest. Go do something else for a while and come back when you calm down. Nobody wants to read this shit post after post after post. I'm pretty skeptical about a lot of the stuff we saw in that reveal too. It wasn't what I was expecting but I'm waiting until we learn more cause they honestly didn't really tell us very much.