EQ Never


Molten Core Raider
I'd love to go back to the way we played as kids but things changed, and that's the way it is.

You tell em Pac.



Potato del Grande
Well I was actually not hyped at all for EQN but now I am. I do think this will be the MMO that dethrones WoW, and tbh, it was probably what Titan was going for, and they found out what EQN was doing. Considering Titan was said to be a user created content game. But, fact of the matter is, the genre is at a dead end, and games like this will only help progress the genre. This is the first big fundamental step forward in the MMO genre since WoW. I welcome no levels, tiers based on gear, unique items, parkour style moves (getting away from the static unfluid feel of MMOs is good), Tera like combat, customization, topped off with one of the best class systems (FFXI rip off) etc. The pieces for success are in place. Also you can tell it is still early Alpha. I am sure animations and such will be improved before launch. It's still over a year away and I wouldn't be surprised if doesn't get delayed to 2015. A lion's nose is the least of my worries right now. The human faces and animations look amazing, and the art has an awesome style to it imo. Hopefully it scales well on all ranges of systems.

When I think of the opportunities of an actual renewal to my first MMO love, it is exciting yet scary. So easily able to fuck it all up, but also with the right decisions this could actually bring me back to the glory days of what made EQ so magical for me. The whole procedural and rally call system, will alone prevent spoiler sites like wowhead, etc. I miss the days of EQ, hearing rumors about some kedge keep place and not knowing if it was true or not, having to get guided (because maps did not exist) through Kithicor forest at night, guided by other players because you had to learn it from experience not maps. Going to the server driven bazaar in the EC tunnel, etc, and the first time taking the boat from Butcherblock to Freeport and not actually knowing what was there or what to expect, except what I heard from player rumors. If every server is different, our news will come from server boards, which will create a close knit community because you will have to rely on them for info. And if the world is as big as they say it is, and fast travel will be hard to come by, this will really put a lot of stress on community play. Plus rally calls will definitely force community, and you will learn other players on your server, and their reputations, etc. The good guys are helping build Halas, and Sir Assfucker is leading the charge against Halas, of course he will become known, and the forum drama will be wonderful. Then think of the possibility, of johnny noobs repairing on Halas's wall, while uberguild drives back the legions in some epic battle, and got to take part in some 1 time epic fight, where it was not raid wipe and try again, but an actual meaningful battle where win or lose actually matters. Maybe they will throw some boss battles like that giant golem that smashed the house, into some of these events. Add in some rare random drops that WoWhead style sites can't mine, and boom, magic. The guild's name will go down in server history as a critical point.

The whole underground thing almost reminds me of Terraria. Dig to deeper layers, discover more, need to acquire item A to get to floor B, get item B from floor B to go to C, etc. I REALLY like the idea of items again that actually DO things. Not just +gooder stat. Like Boots of Zephyr. Throw in some items like JBoots that are dropped based on some rare spawn that spawns off random conditions (remember in EQ the rumors of having to kill a rare zombie at a certain time inside of some ruins, to get the one sand giant to spawn, etc?) It could make getting these unique items an actual effort and memorable experience. Items like this could make it kindof like Terraria. And that game owned hardcore. Also, remember stumbling through Upper Guk to try to find Lower Guk? Now imagine if they are procedural on different servers, and you NEED players to guide you through them, or your group goes exploring a dungeon you found server first. All the rare spawns you may find, all the unique items that you can get to show off and everyone will be like WTF where did you get that? Then you can charge them to show them the place, or keep it a secret, and take your wares to a bazaar or something and run a monopoly on it.

Also the rally calls and engine system should allow content/raids to be created at a lightning pace. Just create the raid mobs and throw them in some lava cavern, boom problem solved. Guilds will maybe have to have explorers to go out and actually find these random caverns with bosses and stuff, to lay claim on them. And you'll have epic drama races and fights over bosses, etc. Instead of ogre walls, maybe we will have raids digging out the floor from underneath another raid? Make their healers fall through, etc. Good times. And always new rally calls to keep stuff coming. Use player created dungeon/temple or whatever. It frees up time for expansions to really work on things besides just new world/quests/raid tiers. Long story short though, don't fuck this up SOE. You actually have a chance to revolutionize the genre. It will be refreshing to see a return of the sandbox element in an MMO, and less themepark. An actual world I can be part of and escape to and feel like a meaningful part of the world, not just a raiding/questing/leveling metagame.

Also, Tad, if you are taking questions to ask, this is kind of generalized, but I am curious if we are going to have a player driven economy, how in depth crafting will be, will we be able to trade rare items? Twinking? Also will it be mostly a player driven economy or what? I am hoping for an evolution of the original EQ style economy. None of this AH stuff and soulbound items.


Gotta say, as an avid EQ player from it's original release (up until WoW), I'm actually quite impressed. But I have some questions for the community:

I'm curious how they are going to pull this off without having everyone buy a brand new top-of-the-line computer. Are there less limitations on voxel-generated content? I'm just wondering what their "average" tri-count limit would be for on-screen rendering. To me it seems extremely high at the moment, which is normal for companies to far exceed system limitations for showing their games off.

Also, did anyone else find the destructive environment to be a bit overdone? Half the fights being shown I couldn't see anything with all the dust particles or falling debris everywhere.

I'm most excited about the Landmark toolset. I think it's going to be incredible.


Trump's Staff
Many people are definitely going to have to crank down the graphics but probably more because of the lighting than the voxels. Though I'm almost positive you'll be able to lower the density of destroyed objects/particles.


Many people are definitely going to have to crank down the graphics but probably more because of the lighting than the voxels. Though I'm almost positive you'll be able to lower the density of destroyed objects/particles.
Yea. They god-rayed up the place in that demo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Many people are definitely going to have to crank down the graphics but probably more because of the lighting than the voxels. Though I'm almost positive you'll be able to lower the density of destroyed objects/particles.
I think my shitty laptop lagged just watching all those explosion particles.


Elisha Dushku
Also, Tad, if you are taking questions to ask, this is kind of generalized, but I am curious if we are going to have a player driven economy, how in depth crafting will be, will we be able to trade rare items? Twinking? Also will it be mostly a player driven economy or what? I am hoping for an evolution of the original EQ style economy. None of this AH stuff and soulbound items.
Items are mostly BOE/BOP (confirmed not sure what they're calling it). As per the eqn.junkiesnation.com lots of "well-known" items will be in game from EQ/EQ2.

Crafting is like PvP not talking about it. The swg/copper comment previously is the most I've gotten. General comment is "crafters will like our system". Have to find recipes out in the world. Have to get needed resources out in the world then bring them back to craft.


Trump's Staff
"Talked to lead game designer at pool party for a bit, here's what I learned"

Hey everyone! I talked to Darrin the lead game designer for a bit at the pool party and wanted to share the info with everyone here. I do want to mention that I was slightly intoxicated (and still am) so forgive my brevity. Also I know a lot of this is already out there but some tidbits may still be unknown.

. Seamless world - no zones
. The land mass shown was not Antonica, it was just a land mass. I asked if Kelethin existed and he shrugged as if he could not answer. BUT IF THEY HAVE CRUSHBONE (concept art) THEY MUST HAVE KELETHIN RIGHT?!
.*I asked about the limitations I had read about with the Light Forge engine in regards to water (rivers) and square-ish maps, his response was that it was a heavily modified version so there will be fluids in the game.
.*No oceans, 'yet'.
. There will not be 2 factions (ie alliance/horde), or 2 sides (evil/good).

.There will be 8 starting classes, the one you pick you basically get for free. The other classes you will be able collect. I am assuming these 8 will be a part of the 40 planned classes (more of which will be shown tomorrow in the classes panel). Their plan is to release new classes as the years progress. It was also mentioned that some classes will be extremely hard to obtain.
.*No levels - referred to as `tiers', the 'zones' will be tiered with certain level mobs and usually will be higher tiered the deeper you go in that specific area. In order to tier up you will have to complete certain objectives; one example given is say completing a specific set of armor would tier you up.
.*8 max total abilities at any given time. 4 per weapon, and 4 per class. He mentioned something about all 8 being from weapons if you were say duel wielding, but I may have misunderstood him here.
.*There is NO XP from mob killing, no grinding, etc etc. Essentially what we're looking at is a set of objectives and how we go about completing those objectives will be up to us. It was said that one may be able to tier up without even having to fight.
.*Cannot progress both a paladin and a shadow knight at the same time. Basically you have to do bad things to get friendly with the SK people so you can up the SK skills, but you have to do good things to get in nice with the paladin folks to get trained in paladin things. You can however, do bad things and get the SK class, then redeem yourself and get the paladin class, but in doing so you may no longer be able to talk to the SK people and continue your progression with that class.
.*I asked about death; they cannot talk about death. All he said was "it's cool and we think you'll like it".

.*All items will be bind on equip (or pickup, not sure). He said that he loved the idea of non-bind weapons but they ruin the economy.
the game will be heavily based on gear, he loves gear and loves the hunt for gear. One example he gave us is say you were a Rogue that wanted to get the wizard's teleport spell - well once you obtain the teleport spell and use it, you most likely would not have enough stamina/mana/whatever to do your backstab, so you would want to gear that class specifically for this task by obtaining a weapon that returned stamina/mana/whatever on teleport.
.*Crafted items and dropped items (say from raids) will be of equal value many times. This is all dependent on the class, spec, etc though. He basically said there is a big emphasis on crafting and they want their goods to be competitive.

.*NO AUTO ATTACK, I asked if was similar to NW's combat system and he said it was similar, but more advanced.
.*The demo shown was more of a `tech demo' for the destructible environment. None of the NPCs were even pathing (the small ones were not even attacking back).
.*BOWS are in the game (more on that tomorrow apparently).

.*I asked if there was a large majority of the game that they were not showing us (maybe due to lack of polish etc etc) and he said yes.
.*Crafting was compared to SWG, but better
.*There are currently 70-90 devs (don't remember the exact number) on the dev team for EQN.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Edit: lol oops didn't see the not.

I like the idea of SWGs crafting. That game you would literally try to find the good crafters because they made the best quality stuff. You ran around or ask around trying to find the guys shop.

The rogue teleport part is weird. Why would teleport and backstab use the same resource? And if they did, wouldn't any gear you have give you resource already? When he says teleport I assume it to mean the blink style spell, not porting around the world(in which you wouldn't care about resources).

No auto attack, and all that talk from tad and others wanting to slow combat down so they could chat and socialize. If anything that combat looks even faster.

With tier based zones you should be able to hit whatever max tier there is and go back and own tier1 if you wanted(unlike previously stated).

About death ""it's cool and we think you'll like it" worries me.


Molten Core Raider
?*No levels - referred to as `tiers', the 'zones' will be tiered with certain level mobs and usually will be higher tiered the deeper you go in that specific area. In order to tier up you will have to complete certain objectives; one example given is say completing a specific set of armor would tier you up.

?*All items will be bind on equip (or pickup, not sure). He said that he loved the idea of non-bind weapons but they ruin the economy.
Don't know how I feel about these two things. I think the best stuff should be BOE or BOP, but some stuff shouldn't be to allow twinking and stuff.

I also don't quite understand this tier thing.


Elisha Dushku
Um.. specifically says NOT 2 factions or 2 sides
Also my question. I asked about special servers like Tallon Zek (4 factions) and he said they had better ideas and didn't like factions. There were four of us hammering him for about ten minutes.


Elisha Dushku
Don't know how I feel about these two things. I think the best stuff should be BOE or BOP, but some stuff shouldn't be to allow twinking and stuff.

I also don't quite understand this tier thing.
Think of levels 1-10 as tier 1. levels 11-20 as tier 2. Etc.
But tiers are a combination of abilities, achievements and gear. Instead of being granted level 11, you have to earn it by acquiring the right things.


Trump's Staff
I'm waiting for something to get pissed off about, and so far, it isn't happening.

This looks like a game I want to play.


Molten Core Raider
Tiers are just levels that you get from accomplishments instead of exp
This has me a little concerned then. Will higher tier stuff be blocked off from lower tier players? That shit was annoying in EQII when it first came out. "You must be level 30 to enter the Thundering Stepps." That shit pissed me off. Would piss me off if it's in this game as well.

Also, I wonder what these accomplishments entail. I wonder how many different ways there are to tier up?

This could easily make or break this game. I'm excited that they're trying something new, but worried at the same time.


Trump's Staff
lol I was in the same group as this guy when talisker talked about BOE/BOP. Auto-attack was my question.
As I read I was wondering if you wrote it, haha

Also my question. I asked about special servers like Tallon Zek (4 factions) and he said they had better ideas and didn't like factions. There were four of us hammering him for about ten minutes.
His ass must hurt


Trump's Staff
Don't know how I feel about these two things. I think the best stuff should be BOE or BOP, but some stuff shouldn't be to allow twinking and stuff.

I also don't quite understand this tier thing.
Why the hell would you twink in this game?