EQ Never


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hint book going to be sold in the cash shop!? We have to wait and see.. It would of been cool if the book was not hints but riddles/puzzles that lead you do shit. Maybe treasure maps, land deeds, etc.. like I mentioned before

I do find it odd they felt the need for something like that. I think we all need to just realize that SoE is a business first and it's their job to make a game that appeals to the masses. That is an appeal to the masses decision..

Beating the dead horse but they need to open an Indie studio for small budget niche games. Go mass appeal and let Indie make the hardcore PvE and PvP games.. reuse world and art to save money.

The only way for this to happen is if another game made quality niches games like EQ3 and SoE lost it's players that are playing EQ/VG. Or a boycott..=P


Musty Nester
Boo hoo for cyber-bullied devs.

How much money do they make a year, doing what exactly? Entirely too much for writing spreadsheets. Please tell me why I should have any amount of sympathy at all when devs get burned at their own media exploitation game.

I think I'll save that for the guys that these assholes continually screw over. You know, the ones in Rhode Island with mortgages they didn't realize they had... the one in the parking lot who got fired even though the bossman was too chickenshit and high to even show up. You know, the guys who actually do the work. If these oldfags don't want to get called bad words on the internetz maybe they should stop stealing and wasting the time of people who would be all to happy to praise them given cause.

It's like Justin Beiber complaining about the papparazi with this shit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Boo hoo for cyber-bullied devs.

How much money do they make a year, doing what exactly? Entirely too much for writing spreadsheets. Please tell me why I should have any amount of sympathy at all when devs get burned at their own media exploitation game.

I think I'll save that for the guys that these assholes continually screw over. You know, the ones in Rhode Island with mortgages they didn't realize they had... the one in the parking lot who got fired even though the bossman was too chickenshit and high to even show up. You know, the guys who actually do the work. If these oldfags don't want to get called bad words on the internetz maybe they should stop stealing and wasting the time of people who would be all to happy to praise them given cause.

It's like Justin Beiber complaining about the papparazi with this shit.
That's why it worked so well back in the day for Dev's. Yea, they gave in on some stuff but generally they just made a game they liked and told the players to suck it. They need to learn to have confidence in what they make and that starts with building games you actually believe in. I don't think that's the case with some of these projects. Dev's need to make money too so they are working on features they would never put into a project had it been theirs.. That's the price you pay when you sellout so to speak.. Thick skin but people need to chill with the RL threats


I think this speaks more to the management of the Dev's than on the Dev's themselves. If you are seriously getting demoralized over something, then action must be taken. In the end, it is the internet community we are dealing with. We can be real dicks. While they "should" understand that the internet is the internet and will never stop being the internet, some people get huffypuff and demoralized over negativity. Management should keep peoples spirits high and make jokes out of this. Keep people upbeat and go through the hate mails and read them aloud in jest.

Allowing them to be demoralized over players attacks may show a problem within their own inner community.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Boo hoo at scared devs. I work in northern Alberta in the tar sands, our plane, site, oil lines and families have been threatened by natives, hippies, movie executives and so on. Having our plane diverted because of threats is not rare. Do we cry?

Nope. We go to work and give you assholes gas.

Have a nice drive
Furious, I want to personally thank you for my gas. Now, if only you could get it to us cheaper asshole!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Boo hoo at scared devs. I work in northern Alberta in the tar sands, our plane, site, oil lines and families have been threatened by natives, hippies, movie executives and so on. Having our plane diverted because of threats is not rare. Do we cry?

Nope. We go to work and give you assholes gas.

Have a nice drive
Right sure but you still have a reasonable desire to continue living don't you? There's a nice comment on the next page where someone is saying something about how much money these guys make, not all of them are making 6 figures, in fact most aren't. They do better than some for sure but not all of them are making rockstar money.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Right sure but you still have a reasonable desire to continue living don't you? There's a nice comment on the next page where someone is saying something about how much money these guys make, not all of them are making 6 figures, in fact most aren't. They do better than some for sure but not all of them are making rockstar money.
I think everyone just tends to look at their own situation. I'm not saying it's right for them to take abuse but at the same time they are getting into a type of work that is highly scrutinized. I've had my life threatened at work a few times by people who would really take my life.. But it was my choice to work in that profession.

Btw.. I might know one of Furious bosses.. well she was relocated to Houston but ran HR of Sands in Calgary. small world


Developers should be able to take criticism on the chin, but when are death threats ever reasonable? Those socially inept fuckwads should be beaten.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Developers should be able to take criticism on the chin, but those socially inept fuckwads threatening people should be beaten.
Exactly.. I think it's probably the unproductive ranting that gets them. Blah blah your game sucks and so do you type shit. There is never feedback, just criticism


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I played Skyrim for a few hours until I realized how neutered the series had become. Every conversation is shallow and none of your actions come with consequences. The direction gaming is headed is fucking ridiculous.
That's my problem with TESO. Slowly edging over to where they aren't really different than the next guy. We need unique at this point or at least a promise of unique.

At least the EQ devs are used to criticism for the most part. Death threats should have serious consequences though. People do know better and that shouldn't be protected speech.


Trakanon Raider
I played Skyrim for a few hours until I realized how neutered the series had become. Every conversation is shallow and none of your actions come with consequences. The direction gaming is headed is fucking ridiculous.
this. and this is what i'm afraid of with EQN. i can't believe that people are jizzing all over themselves at the thought of these rallying cries. all i heard from ponytail was how sandboxy this version of EQ was going to be. well, rallying cries are about as far from sandbox as you can get. in a sandbox game, the PLAYERS would decide to build a city and the game itself would give them the TOOLS to do so. and there would also be a way to prevent the players from building that city. what they are doing in EQN is the exact opposite. they are telling the players there's going to be a RC and they need to participate in it, and the fact is that no matter what the players do, that RC will probably be completed as intended, because they're not going to allow freeport or felwithe to not be built. all this is is warcraft with another coat of paint. the original everquest may not have been a sandbox game in the truest sense of the word, but what they did was created a world and then dropped you into it and you steered your way through it as you saw fit. i prefer that kind of world much better than "hey, RC #400 is starting now, and if you don't help us gather wood, make bricks, pave a road, chop down trees, build a barn, kill some kobolds, write out some blueprints, then this mini town may not be built exactly when it was supposed to be." sorry, that sounds like shit. if i wanted to do that kind of shit, i'd work for PENN-DOT.


this. and this is what i'm afraid of with EQN. i can't believe that people are jizzing all over themselves at the thought of these rallying cries. all i heard from ponytail was how sandboxy this version of EQ was going to be. well, rallying cries are about as far from sandbox as you can get. in a sandbox game, the PLAYERS would decide to build a city and the game itself would give them the TOOLS to do so. and there would also be a way to prevent the players from building that city. what they are doing in EQN is the exact opposite. they are telling the players there's going to be a RC and they need to participate in it, and the fact is that no matter what the players do, that RC will probably be completed as intended, because they're not going to allow freeport or felwithe to not be built. all this is is warcraft with another coat of paint. the original everquest may not have been a sandbox game in the truest sense of the word, but what they did was created a world and then dropped you into it and you steered your way through it as you saw fit. i prefer that kind of world much better than "hey, RC #400 is starting now, and if you don't help us gather wood, make bricks, pave a road, chop down trees, build a barn, kill some kobolds, write out some blueprints, then this mini town may not be built exactly when it was supposed to be." sorry, that sounds like shit. if i wanted to do that kind of shit, i'd work for PENN-DOT.
It is apparent that the "sandbox" referred to Landmark and was never intended for EQN. Very disappointing.


Cmon tadley. You can't honestly say that having random # of mobs spawning and attacking is amazing AI. The only speak of any type of AI that has been anything but normal was making boss mobs harder by making them "smarter" everything is just scripting. Even then there will be set values that control what a mob does in situations. How many possible scenarios can a boss do in a fight without being COMPLETELY random. And if that is what smart AI is they can have that. Theres nothing more annoying than a mob thats randomly attacking whatever without a purpose. See some of wow's raids when tanks can't control the fight at all its not even fun. Everything will still get mapped out. We do x, mob does,y, we do z. There will be 2-3 instances of different attack phases probably will cause players to zone in and out to reset the version to the easiest fight possible.


Having all the terrain get jacked up and then fixed by a "earthquake" is seriously laughable. Its the same as resetting an instance without just crashing the zone. So what all of a sudden ur done fighting and the zone shakes and its back to normal?


"increase in reports of verbal and written threats and attacks against devs, a practice of zero tolerance of abuse,punishment by withdrawing participation, the guarding of developer's personal information and by consoling the devs."

What the fuck i've never laughed so hard! What a JOKE soe!