EQ Never


Lord Nagafen Raider
How do you feel about childrens week? Worst event ever.
The simple fact that you'd carry a child in battle to see how cool it is to be a mass murderer (for the sole purpose of stealing flags, imagine that!), made it by itself one of the most retarded things ever made in the whole videogame industry, I mean pants on head retarded.
Yet some people think it's cool because of "Hey I get a pet".

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
The only thing worthwhile I found in the thread for that poll was a small, but growing number of players who copy/paste this into their sigs.

Please give us a PVE Immersive (Throwback) server. Its attributes would include (but not be limited to):

Firmly curtailed travel; no flight paths, no flying mounts (unless there are flying monsters as well--or limited to flying-required areas only), long refresh timer on 'gate', low occurrence of portals.
Corpse recovery or other harsh death penalty. No permanent death or loss of items, just harsh in terms of time and difficulty.
Increased over-all difficulty level so that soloing is discouraged by the strength of the content.
No 'summon group' type abilities/stones/Call of the Hero etc.
Allow players to transfer off, but not onto the server.
Mounts would have a hitpoint threshold and be vulnerable to attack.
Items will have weight, and you'll have a limit!
No rest exp. Don't force us to log out in a city or inn. Let us stay out in the world without being punished.
No auctioneers or auction houses. Don't separate the community--embrace it. Let players set up new EC Tunnels or player ran bazaars.


Sony wants a piece of the Playstation crowd and will design the game to attract as many of them as they can. What little hopes I had for this title are fading everytime I hear someone from the team speak.


Trump's Staff
Just watched the EverCracked! documentary on YouTube... People have said it in this thread and others, but man, EQ was a total fluke. They launched with the perfect product, taking advantage of new technology at the perfect time... Other than that, the game is what the players made it.


Golden Squire
While I'd say calling it a fluke is way over the top, it was definitely a perfect storm of timing and other factors as well. But to call it a straight-up fluke is short-changing all the effort put in by the designers and developers, that were also part of that perfect storm.


Trump's Staff
While I'd say calling it a fluke is way over the top, it was definitely a perfect storm of timing and other factors as well. But to call it a straight-up fluke is short-changing all the effort put in by the designers and developers, that were also part of that perfect storm.
Watch the documentary


Just watched the EverCracked! documentary on YouTube... People have said it in this thread and others, but man, EQ was a total fluke. They launched with the perfect product, taking advantage of new technology at the perfect time... Other than that, the game is what the players made it.
EQ was a fluke? Really? That's like saying the IPhone was a fluke. Or wait............is it, Apple creates better products then everyone else? You cannot simply dismiss hundreds of design decisions as "accidents that worked".


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
The roundtable polls are stupid to begin with. There is no way that the people who vote are a varied sample of the possible population of EQN. So they either follow the votes of a sample that is skewed or they look like they aren't listening to the very people they are claiming help make decisions. Masterful marketing...not at SOE.


So is anyone actually excited for this release? It looks HYPER gay to me.

I am an original EQ zealot so yes I am qualified to comment on this.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I wouldnt say excited, but it is the MMO project I am looking forward to the most, and with a positive outlook. That's however for the innovations their contractors bring to the genre which would probably languish in a void without EQN, and not for anything SOE themselves have shown so far.


So is anyone actually excited for this release? It looks HYPER gay to me.

I am an original EQ zealot so yes I am qualified to comment on this.
I love the three "tiers" idea, and the destructible environment, but its looking more and more like they are balancing the game for the 13 year old Playstation/Xbox crowd rather then serious MMO players. Maybe I'm wrong, but we will see.


Blackwing Lair Raider
While I'd say calling it a fluke is way over the top, it was definitely a perfect storm of timing and other factors as well. But to call it a straight-up fluke is short-changing all the effort put in by the designers and developers, that were also part of that perfect storm.
Say what you want about eq but I am pretty sure something that has lasted nearly 15 years and just released its 20th expansion this week is likely not a fluke.


Trump's Staff
Say what you want about eq but I am pretty sure something that has lasted nearly 15 years and just released its 20th expansion this week is likely not a fluke.
Watch that documentary.

The two lead 'designers' (Brad & Steve) previous experience was a game that sold 1500 copies... They worked at a seasonal nursery making spreadsheets to track the age of plants in stock... No shit...

But hey, they played a ton of DND.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
So, Classic EQ was borne out of a nickel bag of shake, some cool ranch doritos, and a azalea bush spreadsheet. Who knew?


"John, John! Hey! Listen, will you shut the fuck up for a second? I know! Fuck the shrub inventory, I got an idea..."


Honestly, most good games come out of situations like that. Once they are in the "SOE/EA world" the games seem to go to shit. Middle managers and devs who are no longer concerned with the game and more their career end up in charge, and bland , lifeless shit is the result.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Watch that documentary.

The two lead 'designers' (Brad & Steve) previous experience was a game that sold 1500 copies... They worked at a seasonal nursery making spreadsheets to track the age of plants in stock... No shit...

But hey, they played a ton of DND.
Not for nothing man but there is a little luck sometimes a lot in most successes. The fact that those guys were ready and willing to try and make a game like EQ..they deserve some credit imo. It's been a theme lately to take all credit away from anyone who worked on EQ. It's not really a fair thing to say because in the end they did design that world and did make design decisions based on the tech available to them. Yea, stuff popped up that they didn't account for but you could say that for any game.

I'm guessing you don't think Brad is capable of making another successful MMO?

I'm still looking forward to EQN. I like the idea of adventuring for classes and what not. Just was hoping for a different class system. That's not to say I wont like what they come up with.