EQ Never


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Sounds super open ended which could be good or bad, but no I didnt know they were doing that.


Sounds super open ended which could be good or bad, but no I didnt know they were doing that.
Yeah it's a pretty forgiving system. Your weapons/Class make up your "cass defining abilties" so if you want to tank you would pick a tank class with a tank weapon but you also have 4 ability slots that you can slot anything you like as long as your class can socket those abilities.

For example warriors have 1 defense 2 movement and 1 offense socket. Eventually when you unlock enough classes you pick what 4 main abilities you want combined with the 4 class abilities you want combined with the weapon abilities you want.

Aka make your own class.



Name the classes.

First EQ Next info of the year!

Left: Baseball Pitcher class confirmed
Top: Lacrosse Class confirmed.


Trump's Staff
They said guess the classes... Druid, SK, Pal, Mage?

For example warriors have 1 defense 2 movement and 1 offense socket. Eventually when you unlock enough classes you pick what 4 main abilities you want combined with the 4 class abilities you want combined with the weapon abilities you want.

Aka make your own class.
They did say that while you can mix any abilities, not all builds will be perfectly viable due to mana/stamina costs.


Trakanon Raider
I'm going to say, left to right: enchanter, sk, cleric, hmm...mage/conjuror is as good a guess as any, and I think the fifth was the tempest.

My gut actually says the dark elf with the staff is probably a new caster class, rather than a legacy class from a previous EQ, but I've got no clearer idea than that, so I'll say conjuror.


Trump's Staff
You can't see it in the screenshot but the far left human had what looked like a lot of bark type armor, which is why I guessed druid. It's definitely nature based.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Everything I read about this game makes me think combat is going to a weapon switching AE spam fest. "Collectable" classes sounds fucking awful.


Assuming at least a couple of those classes are casters, it looks like they decided to go with the EQ2 style split robe instead of EQ/WoW full robe. I imagine it's a hell of a lot easier to animate and allows for more variety for casters but I'll miss the old EQ robes if that's the case :.(


Edit: Higher quality shot including the 5th class


Trump's Staff
Using your example, you wipe out an orc camp and then move on to go do something else in another part of the zone. I login 15 minutes later and go to the spot where the Orc camp that you wiped out used to be. What can I expect to find there?
Sorry, didn't see this earlier. That's the point of the dynamic NPC's. When you go to the prior camp spot after I've wiped it out, it won't be there again because it's wiped out. The Orcs you want have moved on. There may be orcs there again in the future, who knows how long, but it won't be 10 minute spawn cycles. You don't camp mobs in this game, you go find them.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah also in terms of EQ gear, have to remember it was pretty early in the 3D era and the game looked pretty alright at the time(not amazing but still pretty decent), so the impact of different looking gear was bigger because of that I'd say. Personally not a big fan of linking cosmetics to power level though and much prefer games with wardrobe/skin swap type of mechanics, where you can wear what you find appealing to you. That's why linking cosmetics to cash shop is fine for me. Having unique rare skins on legendary item/epic quests rewars/whatever is great though, but it should be rare enough that it pops compared to other cosmetics/normal gear.
This reminded me of you in DC Universe. You stood out like no other in a sea of millions, you looked so crazy and unique haha.