EQ Never


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Last we heard, he was on Vanguard for a time, but there's been speculation recently (can't recall what it's based on, if anything) that he's on EQN now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Everyone see on Twitter where Smed announced they let the EQ and EQ2 teams see EQNext for the "first time"? Do we really need someone on the inside right now that could throw us some anonymous information. I would really just like to know how much is done...
Visual queues are scriptable as well. Summoning a giant metor? Has to show it somewhere, something has changed, pixels are different colors, that is all recognizable by the right scripts/bot.
Lol nuh uh. The bottom line is, you can beat bots if you give a shit. Some games do, some games don't.

What you basically just described was a materials market. If you make the rarities such a pain in the ass to acquire that it's simply not worth it outside of collectors and the lucky...then the bots/rangrangs will farm raw mats that sell well in bulk.

One thing to also consider is that a large portion of RMT is in the buying and selling of just raw currency. Even if you removed droppable items from the game completely you'd still have rang rangs buying gold from people who are a couple bucks short on paying the rent this month and then selling it to someone who wants the new mount that sells for more gold then he's willing to farm/wait for.

You can't really stop RMT. You can just mitigate the effects it has on your game.
But that's fine by me. That's the only point I wanted to make in my post really. I think you 'could' stop the RMT market, but it would just make for a boring sterile game. All this no drop shit and whatever else, it's a sledgehammer solution. You could go all the way with that kind of thing but that's not how real life is, and that's not how I would want a virtual world either. If someone wants to be an asshole and farm some item and cockblock people or whatever, then so be it. I like that because it just makes it more like a real world. Not everything should be perfect and instantly accessible to everyone at any time. If you do that then you just have WoW where nothing really has any value anyway.

p.s. I'm still excited for this game. Smed talks a good game, a great game infact. Whether he will actually deliver that or not, is the big question. But I'm happy to wait and see what happens. If it turns out that he was all talk, then oh dear, oh well. But if it turns out to be the real deal, it's happy days for me.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Developers will not be able to stop bots, eventually. They're becoming so complex and advanced that if the developers were to design against them, the designers would be making the game unbearable to an actual player. Pretty much what is being stated.

Simply put, a game complex enough to limit bots is only going to attract a certain crowd. That crowd certainly wont be Casual Timmy's and that appears to be what most MMO companies want.


Ssraeszha Raider
Visual queues are scriptable as well. Summoning a giant metor? Has to show it somewhere, something has changed, pixels are different colors, that is all recognizable by the right scripts/bot.
Ya seriously, not sure what is so hard to understand. Information can't get from the server to the player without going through the client


In my opinion, the reason that soulbound items became popular was to reduce the effects of RMT. I really dislike games that bind items, but all the games that do not bind items need to do more to ban gold buyers. I am no lawyer though, so I do not know if this is possible.
this is exactly why games have gone the way of the bind and item restrictions and also easy access for all is to battle RTMs. If EQN comes out with the same style environment, item attainment and game play EQ was, we would be taken over by RTMs in less then a week of launch. which will kill the game sad to say...fucking RTM have ruined our lands...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Many are "I want Warcraft -/+ one feature". The game is fundamentally different than EQ or WoW so using those as a parameter and then asking for no instances/"ability to cast while walking" (which is was implemented in Pandaria for warlocks if you were paying attention)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It sounds like what you're saying is until info is realeased it's going to be hard to accuratly speculate what EQN will be.. I don't know where all the WoW talk is coming from... That's the last thing I want. I think those are just naysayers.

Smed did say a one point that the game would be more like the orignal EQ, Less classes than most mmos, etc.. Was that a preproduction statement prior to what is now EQN?

Also..knowing that Talisker worked on VG I'm wondering if that game is where he draws his inspiration from when designing EQN?

There are some great ideas in this thread. I'm hopeful that even tho EQN may not be like EQ1, the staff uses the early world/music to bring back that feel. I think wanting EQN to stand on its own is great but why not utilized the little things that made EQ so memorable


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All I can say is that it should be a sandbox (in the same way PlanetSide 2 is). Can't talk about classes yet.

We want to make games that last more than 15 years. That?s why we made the decision to change it. EverQuest, WoW, SWTOR all use the same core loot gameplay, which is kill stuff, get reward, get loot, level up.
Yep, read that. It's probably linked in here somewhere too. I appreciate the vision, I think it's great you guys want something longer lasting. If its going to be a sandbox it's going to have to feel that way. It will be interesting to see how a sandbox will co-exist with a cash shop.

I just hope SOE sees the need for a niche pve game in the market.

Btw.. Is there anything you can put out there? Something we might not know. We have so little at this point to go on.. Will they at least build a world thats familiar to the original EQ?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I hope they actually make this game someday, and that it won't be shit. There are many things from the EQ franchise that I loved. Most notably:

- The breadth of classes and races.
- Being able to faction swap via a difficult series of quests.
- The shinies (?). Seriously, why haven't other MMOs copied these collectable and tradeable objects?
- The multitude of optional Lore quests (visit all these locations, kill one of each type of monster, collect a different body part, etc).
- The immersion.
- Being able to do stuff while levelling, i.e. not just zerging to max level to get to the end game.

Just to name a few of the good things.

The only things I didn't like were the skill bloating that often took place, and the graphics/animations in EQ2.

From other games I wouldn't mind seeing non-bound items (I like how you could buy whatever you wanted in Eve-Online), and the "skill levelling" in LotRO (use this ability X number of times and it becomes better).


Silver Knight of the Realm
lol I remember in Aduentus we'd start fighting Aerist in Ssraezsha Temple. Usually we had some Dark Defiant WArriors with us. If we started winning, Zephyros would show up. If Zephyros showed up, Ancient Dawn would show up. If Ancient Dawn showed up, they'd kill DDW + Zephyros. If we started winning against Zephyros, Defiant would show up.
Oooooh Aerist...fefs!


I think that models from WoW.
Yeah, it's a saurok - a member of a lizardman slave-race magically shaped and created by a now-fallen evil empire, which then rebelled against its creators in a civil war. Nothing at all like the iksar.

(Although they do look like sarnak too - possibly whythis chapis named what he is).


Trakanon Raider
All I can say is that it should be a sandbox (in the same way PlanetSide 2 is). Can't talk about classes yet.

We want to make games that last more than 15 years. That's why we made the decision to change it. EverQuest, WoW, SWTOR all use the same core loot gameplay, which is kill stuff, get reward, get loot, level up.
i honestly don't understand what's wrong with that. what's wrong with core loot gameplay? the loot, and the extreme rarity of a lot of the loot, is what kept people playing EQ for all those years. it was the carrot which really drove the game. i think the mistake just about every game has made since EQ is not realizing that the stuff, and the accumulation of stuff, is what really drives these types of games. the rarer you make items, the more coveted they become. make said items tradable, and you also drive the economy. the accumulation of wealth (greed) is a very basic and very powerful human desire. it is also a great motivator to keep people playing your game.