EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Golden Baronet of the Realm
As a tank, if there are monks in group, I'm more likely to be pulling than them in low-era expansions. Have a charm pet tanking and if things are locked down / there's no real threat to the casters on a break, I'll be out chain-pulling so the monks can continuously DPS. Park something next to what they're fighting already, new thing is locked on me, start whacking the previous mob if it isn't already downed. The biggest challenge is having the timing to not bring something too early or too late, which requires knowing the group's rate of downing mobs (and on the group's end, having that rate be consistent).

Two charm pets is different, as under those circumstances there's more chance of things going south and me needing to be there to distract a mob.

In most cases the group loses a lot less DPS from me running off for the last 50% of a fight than it does if the monk does.

A few classes I like for pulls are ranger, druid, or enchanter if they're good enough to manage that and their pet in camp.

Monks are pretty much dogshit for pulling tools at a group stage, for a while. I think most people quit well before they get all the good shit. Fd splitting is fine and well for difficult raid content, but this is xp content, you just need shit to get to camp and ideally not all right at the same time.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I've always enjoyed pulling, personally. Probably my favorite part of the game. If your group comp isn't dogshit, a good puller probably has a higher impact on the group's XP rate then anything else. It's also super active. Being a passenger is sort of a snoozer.
One of the best feelings in EQ is when you join a group with a maniac puller pushing the group to the brink.

Conversely, one of the worst feelings is when you arrive at camp and discover the puller is a meandering boomer dipshit who never chains and thinks he needs to FD split 3 mobs.
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Trakanon Raider
One of the best feelings in EQ is when you join a group with a maniac puller pushing the group to the brink.

Conversely, one of the worst feelings is when you arrive at camp and discover the puller is a meandering boomer dipshit who never chains and thinks he needs to FD split 3 mobs.
As a maniac puller pushing the group to the brink, one of the best feelings is having a group that is on the same page and also doing everything they can to blast and push it to the limit. And one of the worst is having 5 slouches that are semi afk and don't give two fucks. It's really hard to turn that part of your brain off that wants to min max and pull like crazy. So you are still putting 110% effort in but you're getting 10% results. A puller can't really just afk and turn down effort like everyone else. They have to pull less because their group are booger eaters but you still have to basically be there and be attentive.

I guess I'm just down to an argument for premades lmao. I had some amazing groups in my time. I don't know where this comes from, I guess I must have had some shit ones here and there and some on TLP that really stuck with me. And I myself am too lazy to find a premade and also don't want the responsibility of a premade, so it looks like I'm just a dumb fuck too.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think you can approach the pulling situation in several types of ways. That video seems to be focused on later expansions (I guess?) where there are multiple mobs to pull. But on Mischief, in general with a group thats good DPS - you're running out of mobs. Which could mean, that you're in Lguk and you're pulling hand, lord and AM. With someone else in Frenzy, and you're competing for mobs towards the exit. OR, you're in Chardok kennels and you're pulling everything, and some mobs are so fucking far away that its taking you longer to run back to camp than it is to kill shit. Both situations happen interchangeably, no matter the location. Usually there are no complaints in either of these situations cause people have "Eyes" and they can see there aint shit up thats close enough to matter, no matter who is pulling.

BUT, from my experience as a tank that enjoys pulling, with a buddy that I trust as a cleric - If your group is unfocused, apathetic, and sloth like - YOU, as the PULLER, have to set the pace...
Generally, you're going to have more mobs than you can handle with a group like this. So you keep pulling heavy groups of mobs, until the cleric says OOM. If you as the tank, have gear that isnt shit, and you're in the general level spread of the mobs - a single mob hitting you shouldnt outpace a healers mana regen pace with light healing expense. If you want to give the cleric a bit more time, taunt the mob thats mezzed a couple of times before breaking it on the next mob. But either way, when the cleric says "OOM" - the other people in the group see that as a stress/red flag. They start to prepare for the worst case by nuking instead of dotting, cause they want to get it down quick. Obviously when they were FM, they didnt give a shit about mana efficiency, so why tf does it matter now? Everyones focus is now 100% on the game, and no ones sneaking to go afk during this cause they dont want to wipe.

If you kept having to do this, your camp went from killing ~18 mobs a minute in a ~26 minute respawn Guk camp TO now, roughly a mob a minute, to keep all that new "territory" cleared out. Instead of sneaking in an afk, or alt tabbing, people will say they need to go pee in chat, and of course you'll let them. But while they were gone, they'll soon learn that we now have another "group" of mobs incoming. You'll either have people stepping up to the plate and continuing, or they'll say "Ive got to go. My moms on fire" within 30 minutes. If you cant handle the heat, get the fuck out of the fire?

If your static is a travesty, get the fuck out of it. Trust me, you wont be alone. Zaide probably knows better than I do, but a TON of the static groups made before Mischief started went up in flames, including mine. My buddy and I pugged a few people and went back at it. Next thing we know, we have some like minded individuals in our group and its like we never missed a beat and we finished not even a half day past Zaides mage group. Some people have shitty attitudes, some cant play the game worth a fuck, and some want to be in control that shouldnt be in control. Let the fuckers waste away in LFG, cause we sure af let the Bard in our group do that. A week later, he was finally 50 in classic. A month later, he didnt log in anymore. Fuck those people.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Some people have shitty attitudes, some cant play the game worth a fuck
Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN
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Trakanon Raider
I don't understand how they're going forward with Tormax? Maybe they actually just want a dead server and don't want to deal with 2 active servers?
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Tranny Chaser
I don't understand how they're going forward with Tormax? Maybe they actually just want a dead server and don't want to deal with 2 active servers?

Aradune was one of the most popular TLPs in history. If you missed out on Aradune this is your chance to get in on the hype! Relive the covid lockdown era of time-locked progression server history!

They could have done two Mischief servers, only told people about one and then looked like superstars when they just happened to have an overflow ready to go immediately.
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Trakanon Raider
Aradune was one of the most popular TLPs in history. If you missed out on Aradune this is your chance to get in on the hype! Relive the covid lockdown era of time-locked progression server history!

They could have done two Mischief servers, only told people about one and then looked like superstars when they just happened to have an overflow ready to go immediately.
Yeah but surely they aren't so dumb as to think that Aradune was successful for intrinsic reasons. It was covid. People aren't nostalgic for covid lockdown already lol. Maybe in 10 years if we have another pandemic with a big lockdown....?? I'm so confused.


Trakanon Raider
Clone Teek onto Tormax and remove truebox.

That is all they need to do for a fun second server.
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ResetEra Staff Member
I don't understand how they're going forward with Tormax? Maybe they actually just want a dead server and don't want to deal with 2 active servers?
These decisions have to be approved months in advance way up the chain. It likely has marketing art, products to launch alongside it, etc - canceling this once announced or modifying it isn't something they seem to have the resources to do, especially with only 2 months of patch cycles ahead of its launch.

If they were to modify it, that could be seen as a betrayal to their community for promising something and not delivering - they've been scarily close on that a number of times lately, like with personas being down to the wire while being tied to a major expansion, so I'm assuming leadership does not want to risk impacting the launch with changes to the servers after the ruleset announcement.

Is this wise? Probably not, from a player and an external business perspective. Tormax is clear to fail. In their eyes, they just want to launch the two most popular servers, which would be a Mischief-like and Aradune-like server. The dev team was tasked with finding the top 2 most popular, and they did that, and came back with the info.

Tormax will likely lose them money and be folded quickly into a live server. This is one of the small problems with modern game developers - they are risk avoidant. They're always worried about how a brand is perceived, and this leads to some level of looking glass for both the devs who are perceived as 'out of touch' and the unfortunate reality that they just want to keep their jobs, and if they're tasked to find statistically the two best server formats and launch them, they will, even if it doesn't make sense from their perspective, either.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
These decisions have to be approved months in advance way up the chain. It likely has marketing art, products to launch alongside it, etc - canceling this once announced or modifying it isn't something they seem to have the resources to do, especially with only 2 months of patch cycles ahead of its launch.

If they were to modify it, that could be seen as a betrayal to their community for promising something and not delivering - they've been scarily close on that a number of times lately, like with personas being down to the wire while being tied to a major expansion, so I'm assuming leadership does not want to risk impacting the launch with changes to the servers after the ruleset announcement.

Is this wise? Probably not, from a player and an external business perspective. Tormax is clear to fail. In their eyes, they just want to launch the two most popular servers, which would be a Mischief-like and Aradune-like server. The dev team was tasked with finding the top 2 most popular, and they did that, and came back with the info.

Tormax will likely lose them money and be folded quickly into a live server. This is one of the small problems with modern game developers - they are risk avoidant. They're always worried about how a brand is perceived, and this leads to some level of looking glass for both the devs who are perceived as 'out of touch' and the unfortunate reality that they just want to keep their jobs, and if they're tasked to find statistically the two best server formats and launch them, they will, even if it doesn't make sense from their perspective, either.
Even if that's the case, they failed to actually give a replica of Aradune. There's been no mention of only two boxes being allowed or enhanced GM supervision. The ruleset posted clearly shows that more than two true box is allowed. The fact that they never sought to clarify this or mention it in any way is telling.

So they're not even copying it right because they are, in fact, out of touch not only with their players but their game. I can believe someone said just to not mention that all and hope it's not brought up enough but that's a whole different kind of poor leadership.
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Trakanon Raider
I've played a monk so many times simply because I love the class. All this talk about pulling and such has me questioning my choice of Bard for this time around. I'm starting to get the feeling it is going to be most boring class I will have ever played.

Me: *bored*... think I'll help pull something.
Group: Where the fuck are you going?! Get your bard ass back to the group and play your mother fucking songs!
Me: *sigh* *Hit melody button and find another video on YouTube to watch*


Trakanon Raider
I've played a monk so many times simply because I love the class. All this talk about pulling and such has me questioning my choice of Bard for this time around. I'm starting to get the feeling it is going to be most boring class I will have ever played.

Me: *bored*... think I'll help pull something.
Group: Where the fuck are you going?! Get your bard ass back to the group and play your mother fucking songs!
Me: *sigh* *Hit melody button and find another video on YouTube to watch*
Bards are the best pullers in the game after the first few expansions. Nothing comes close if you are good and aren't handicapped by /melody. When you get Fading Memories in PoP it's busted. Lol I remember the ocean of Monk tears about Fading Memories, holy shit it really was a full ocean.

You're faster than anybody, you can wipe agro at any time, you can gate mobs back to their spawn point if they are an issue, you can blur, you can tempoarily mez, etc. Say you're on a route to pull 13 mobs and to get to the back mobs you have to get past an annoying caster, whelp, easy, just cast an 18 sec mes on it while running full speed ahead and np. You get rooted? No problem, self dispel and continue. You got too many mobs for your group to handle? Just kite and charm/mes a couple before bringing them in. Oh and a lot of the times you bring mobs in already pre slowed, so the first few seconds aren't a total shitshow while you wait for stronger slows. etc etc.

I assume modern bards are really bad though because they've become handicapped by melody. Bards are only at like 30% potential if they are not adapting to situations on the fly. I mean if you are just in coast mode in an easy camp with a good group, yeah you can be at near full potential with melody. But when you're breaking into Disco early on and a frog gates and someone backs into respawns, you wanna be able to do things manually.


Toe Sucker
Fading memories completely changes that class lol
I never really played one past POP but its pretty hilarious how fun they are once they can high sun and fading memories

I might roll one this time around or an enchanter, one of the two anyway


Trakanon Raider
Fading memories completely changes that class lol
I never really played one past POP but its pretty hilarious how fun they are once they can high sun and fading memories

I might roll one this time around or an enchanter, one of the two anyway
Yeah they are probably my 2 favorite bard tools of all time. When Highsun first came out very, very few people knew about it for literally years. People retoractively claim they did, but I played on Veeshan and no they fucking didn't lol. Maybe 1 in 100 bards knew. I've told this story before, but I used to use it on enemy guilds that beat us to bosses to fuck with them and literally nobody had a clue. They'd all think it was a bug. GM's would get petitioned and come along and also have no clue. Meanwhile 60 meters back there's a semi afk bard that is presumably just Tracking repops and doesn't have enough guild members online and is just chillin. nah that bard is gatin your mob over and over LOL. These other raids would have their own bards too. It was baffling.

I don't know how it's been nerfed/changed over the years, but it used to be 100% unresistable on everything in the game, would heal the mob to 20% and had a HUGE range. I trolled with it for months on end with multiple GM's showing up and I never got caught by anybody.

Fuckin crazy. I've always been obsessed with having EVERY spell/song in the game. I don't know how new spells/songs would get added and people would just hurr durr and not go investigate them. Specially as a Bard were you get such insane utility.
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Vyemm Raider
As a bard you're going to be pulling often, even in classic. In fact if you're willing to pull it doesn't really matter what class you are, people will let you.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fading memories is fun, but when you first get it, the mana cost is insane. I haven't played since selo, but iirc, in max gear, it was maybe 5 or 6 Fades before OOM? And you regen so fucking slow.

Mod rods can help a little but thats it. FT at that point is pretty weak.

I was able to pull rathe council just barely, chugging mod rods on CD and sitting for that extra 1 regen, when ever possible.

It becomes a lot more fun in later expansions, as you can start spamming it when needed.

All classic group pulling is basically lull song, mezzing and learning direct aggro and assist aggro. Oh and dispel song is great for dungeon pulling. If you even need any of that, maybe if you are on the bleeding edge so its full spawns, otherwise you want as many mobs as possible and just CC in camp.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Player power compared to how tough mobs are in early expansions is so skewed these days that pulling is not even really a skill. Literally anyone with a bow or any spell can do the job at 95% effectiveness, as the amount of mobs it'll take to wipe a group actually takes effort to go and collect.

Maybe the boomer triple rogue group needs to be careful with pulls in lguk? But anyone with any amount of real classes in the group can just train themselves forever and be fine.
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<Gold Donor>
Even if that's the case, they failed to actually give a replica of Aradune. There's been no mention of only two boxes being allowed or enhanced GM supervisi
I keep telling them all they have to do to replicate Aradune is have JChan OD.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Bards are the best pullers in the game after the first few expansions. Nothing comes close if you are good and aren't handicapped by /melody. When you get Fading Memories in PoP it's busted. Lol I remember the ocean of Monk tears about Fading Memories, holy shit it really was a full ocean.

You're faster than anybody, you can wipe agro at any time, you can gate mobs back to their spawn point if they are an issue, you can blur, you can tempoarily mez, etc. Say you're on a route to pull 13 mobs and to get to the back mobs you have to get past an annoying caster, whelp, easy, just cast an 18 sec mes on it while running full speed ahead and np. You get rooted? No problem, self dispel and continue. You got too many mobs for your group to handle? Just kite and charm/mes a couple before bringing them in. Oh and a lot of the times you bring mobs in already pre slowed, so the first few seconds aren't a total shitshow while you wait for stronger slows. etc etc.

I assume modern bards are really bad though because they've become handicapped by melody. Bards are only at like 30% potential if they are not adapting to situations on the fly. I mean if you are just in coast mode in an easy camp with a good group, yeah you can be at near full potential with melody. But when you're breaking into Disco early on and a frog gates and someone backs into respawns, you wanna be able to do things manually.

I remember seeing a 65 Bard soloing in Halls of Honor on Live right before OoW came out. Just solo-kiting the giant knights with no issues whatsoever. Was the first time I ever saw anyone soloing in there with any kind of effectiveness. That guy was also the first person I ever saw with capped AAs in an era on Live.