EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)


Karazhan Raider
You guys are gonna ruin Haerol for future TLP's lol
It wouldn’t matter nearly as much for any server without random loot though.

The laziest thing they could do to up the difficulty would be to make the corner mobs spawn with agro or increase the agro radius on them to where you can’t ignore them.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
It's still pretty nice even not on random loot, especially for alts. A good way to save some DKP! My guild on Mangler had multiple groups doing it off raid hours and they were hardly a super try hard guild.


Log Wizard
One time I was so bored during a Hearol one group that I turned on Rabid Bear while next to him. Fun fact, max shrunk Rabid Bear is still too fat and you WILL aggro the adds. We wiped and never did Hearol ever again.

It was a blessing.


Trakanon Raider
The mischievous Mischief fun is back in full swing. For the past year after the hole was plugged, krono prices have been consistently in the 300kish range. Less than a week ago krono were selling for as low as 325k. Looks like either someone with hundreds of millions of plat to throw around came out of their slumber, or another exploit is afoot.

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Blackwing Lair Raider
The mischievous Mischief fun is back in full swing. For the past year after the hole was plugged, krono prices have been consistently in the 300kish range. Less than a week ago krono were selling for as low as 325k. Looks like either someone with hundreds of millions of plat to throw around came out of their slumber, or another exploit is afoot.


There have been signs of an active plate dupe or exploit on Yelinak for a few months now. I have not been tracking mischief though.


Trakanon Raider
The mischievous Mischief fun is back in full swing. For the past year after the hole was plugged, krono prices have been consistently in the 300kish range. Less than a week ago krono were selling for as low as 325k. Looks like either someone with hundreds of millions of plat to throw around came out of their slumber, or another exploit is afoot.

With the new TLPs coming up it makes sense for prices to spike because people are cashing out. But i think you're right far beyond what would be expected, likely a dupe.


Blackwing Lair Raider
With the new TLPs coming up it makes sense for prices to spike because people are cashing out. But i think you're right far beyond what would be expected, likely a dupe.

People generally dont horde plat as they know its a depreciating asset. So normally large sums of plat don't enter the system like this naturally.

Its possible the plat duper who had their accounts banned with the plat they duped on them got them back somehow, or the dupe/exploit is back.


Trakanon Raider
Up and up the prices go, where it stops nobody knows.

The immediate effect of this is all high-end items in the bazaar immediately get bought out because the value of plat basically gets cut in half with people cashing out their krono for double the price they bought. A few of the highest end items re-enter the bazaar at double or more of the price they were previously. I know this doesn't effect people who raid and get their gear from DKP, but kinda sucks for those who don't.



Trakanon Raider
With the new TLPs coming up it makes sense for prices to spike because people are cashing out. But i think you're right far beyond what would be expected, likely a dupe.
Yeah this happened last year around this time. Krono prices jumped about 15-20% for 3-4 days then settled out and went back down. They are literally doubling now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Up and up the prices go, where it stops nobody knows.

The immediate effect of this is all high-end items in the bazaar immediately get bought out because the value of plat basically gets cut in half with people cashing out their krono for double the price they bought. A few of the highest end items re-enter the bazaar at double or more of the price they were previously. I know this doesn't effect people who raid and get their gear from DKP, but kinda sucks for those who don't.


The duper is normally easy to spot. They are the person buying krono always 20k over everyone else all the time.

If you report that person a few times, a GM will eventually track down where the plat is coming from an ban their accounts. You have to explain in the report that they need to track down where the plat is coming from. If they are just farming it the GM wont see anything.

Thats how most have been banned in the past.
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TLP Idealist
If this was caused by people trying to liquidate and buy krono in anticipation of the new TLP we would see item prices dropping. That is not happening. As it stands krono prices are going up because many more krono are being purchased and removed from circulation without dumping items. The only way this happens is if people began spending platinum they hoarded in a tremendous quantity (this doesn’t happen, because it’s a well know depreciating asset) or if a massive sum of new platinum suddenly entered the market.

I think we all know what’s happening.


Trakanon Raider
If this was caused by people trying to liquidate and buy krono in anticipation of the new TLP we would see item prices dropping. That is not happening. As it stands krono prices are going up because many more krono are being purchased and removed from circulation without dumping items. The only way this happens is if people began spending platinum they hoarded in a tremendous quantity (this doesn’t happen, because it’s a well know depreciating asset) or if a massive sum of new platinum suddenly entered the market.

I think we all know what’s happening.
Not only are item prices not dropping, but items themselves are being completely bought out. Last week the bazaar was absolutely flooded with BiS gear ranging in the 400k-1M range (literally 10 of most items). Now you see only a handful of these items the bazaar was previously flooded with at 2M a pop. Kinda sad, haven't seen this since Luclin - was hoping for a more stable Mischief economy moving forward.


Trakanon Raider
People generally dont horde plat as they know its a depreciating asset. So normally large sums of plat don't enter the system like this naturally.

Its possible the plat duper who had their accounts banned with the plat they duped on them got them back somehow, or the dupe/exploit is back.

I've had over 150 Mil plat on Mischief before. Plenty of people speculate on the KR value going down. It really only takes a couple of Small man crews to decided to cash out at the same time to drive the prices up like this. But it doesn't seem like that's what happening.