EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Looking forward to seeing the road-map of planned content for alpha. Now that I have built out two separate claims, I have zero desire to continue playing knowing that shit is going to get wiped anyway. And grinding out the rubies and burled logs in alpha seems like self-inflicted sadism.


Just in case some didn't read it back when came out , they briefly talked about the Player Studio bit in Nov PC Gamer

EverQuest Next Landmark is will include AI, combat, DM tools, more | PC Gamer

"Georgeson and Butler have also expanded on Landmark's in-game currency and real money economies, which will touch every aspect of play. Most notably, SOE's Player Studio will become a cash marketplace for player-gathered resources, plots of real estate on Landmark's servers, and player-designed building templates, which other players can buy and plop onto their land.

"Player Studio is part and parcel with the game," says Georgeson. "People can make money off the templates and creations they make, but that doesn?t help a harvester at all. So we?ve gone to the step of saying that they can collect resources and put bundles of resources up on Player Studio. They can also sell them for coin or just give them away if they want. So that allows them to have a submarket, a subculture that?s running through and doing all these things, and they?re getting to do the things they really love, and then the people who just want to build can just build if they want to."

It's going to be a full time job to approve all the submissions before listing them I bet.

Hopefully I can hit a bugged sapphire mine the first week of launch and pay off my house as long as I can keep it hidden deep down under the surface :p


Smedley launched a new blog and had a first entry that focuses on players being and bringing the content. Some people have harsh opinions about him, but I like his bluntness. Not a badfirst entry.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Smedley launched a new blog and had a first entry that focuses on players being and bringing the content. Some people have harsh opinions about him, but I like his bluntness. Not a badfirst entry.
Good read. While everything Smed says should be taken with a grain of salt, I like what I'm hearing from him and I like what I"m seeing with Landmark even more(ie: the dev interaction, the customers service and, most importantly, the game itself). I think that SOE is poising itself to have a very successful rebirth of EQ on its hands, even if the games are nothing like EQ.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Smedley launched a new blog and had a first entry that focuses on players being and bringing the content. Some people have harsh opinions about him, but I like his bluntness. Not a badfirst entry.
Smed's rep is pretty high with the EQL beta. That blog is a pretty good read and I agree with him 100%. I love sandbox games and think player-driven content is the future. I'm really hoping Star Citizen takes a good look at what EQL/N is doing and integrates some ideas in.

Smed_sl said:
A lot has been made about how much we're pushing this concept of "Sandbox" mmos being the future. Not a lot has been said about what that means.

To date most MMOs have been what I would call "content driven" mmos. What that specifically means is we have made things for the players to explicitly do either by themselves or as a group. This can come in a lot of forms including things like Dungeons, expansion packs, quests. or things as simple as a large area with wandering monsters in it that drop loot from some kind of fixed table. There have been a lot of innovations over the years.. things like Battlegrounds, or public quests. but by and large this idea of the MMO company making stuff for the players to do has become the defacto.

My belief is simple - the content driven model is not where we should be aiming as an industry. Why? It's unsustainable. When we first began making these kinds of games 18 years ago (I mean no disrespect to the Muds and other games out before Everquest) there was nothing to compare our games to. Players were so excited about being able to be a part of these virtual worlds that just about any content was exciting. Over the years the quality has really been steadily rising to the point where we have some brilliant narrative and exciting storylines in many MMOs today. We still thrill at completing a quest to kill the dragon or save some poor townsperson who was unlucky enough to get kidnapped by orcs. The real issue is a simple one - our ability to consume that content as players has gotten to the point that most content is done by the players nearly immediately after it's released. It's also laid out for all to see on any number of websites that contain complete spoilers up to and including the loot drop percentages.

I won't argue why I think that part sucks. It's too subjective. The thing that is tough as a game maker is that players are going through the content we make so much faster then we can make it that we're constantly in a state where our players are looking for stuff to do.

A great example of this happened with SWTOR. I happen to think it's a very well done game and the team at Bioware should be proud. However people that played the game went through the content so quickly that they became bored a whole lot sooner than the developers wanted them to.

This is a problem we all face. We all as game makers have to deal with the fact that we're not just competing the content of WoW at launch. We're dealing with 9 years of it. That's a very daunting task and it makes the genre unapproachable if people try and fight that fight. Don't get me wrong.. someone with deep pockets can still pull it off. TESO looks like it's going to follow the content model and it's going to have a lot of players. I'm willing to bet that it hits the same problem that SWTOR did. Just not enough to do.

So if that's the problem what's the solution?

In my opinion the solution is focusing a lot more on letting players make and be content for each other. Battlegrounds are an excellent example of an Evergreen style of content where it's the players themselves that actually create the content. Auction houses are another example. So are things like storytelling tools in SWG.. or the brilliant music system in LOTRO. Building systems into the games that let the players interact with each other in new and unique ways gives us the ability to watch as the players do stuff we never anticipated. We'll see a lot more creativity in action if the players are at the center of it. Imagine an MMORPG of a massive city.. and the Rogue's guild is entirely run by players. Where the city has an entire political system that is populated by players who were elected by the playerbase.

There's a great example of this today with Eve Online. It's a brilliantly executed system where the players are pretty much in charge of the entire game. Sure there is a lot of content for players to do, but anything that's important in the game is done by the players. This is a shining example of how this kind of system can thrive.

Our belief at SOE is that it's smarter to head in this direction now rather than waiting. We want to innovate and let players be a part of everything we do including make the game in the first place. We're going to take the idea of sandbox gaming and we're putting it at the core of everything we're doing. We'll obviously still be making awesome stuff for players to do, but we're going to aim very high in terms of letting players be a part of the game systems. The more emergent sandbox style content we can make the less predictable the experience will be.



The details I REALLY want to see are the plans for player ran spheres/servers whatever. Are they going to "rent" out a hosted sphere at tiers according to how many and for how many players and so on ? They could make a killing if done right. Combined with if the full tool set truly lets you change the rules and AI and invent mobs and classes etc , this has the hope of all those "niche" mmo's we want.

There are plenty of folks who enjoy making Westeros in Minecraft. Give these types a hosted solution , full world tools and a chance to make their own money and I think you could have amazing "mini" mmo's made.


The details I REALLY want to see are the plans for player ran spheres/servers whatever. Are they going to "rent" out a hosted sphere at tiers according to how many and for how many players and so on ? They could make a killing if done right. Combined with if the full tool set truly lets you change the rules and AI and invent mobs and classes etc , this has the hope of all those "niche" mmo's we want.

There are plenty of folks who enjoy making Westeros in Minecraft. Give these types a hosted solution , full world tools and a chance to make their own money and I think you could have amazing "mini" mmo's made.
I could totally see them allowing players to design "My Custom Dungeon Module and Story", then probably have it instanced, and cost whatever virtual currency to access. So lets say the F2P model lets you access 1 custom player made dungeon module per day, or a few per week. If you want to run more, it will cost $$. Then the creator gets a cut.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
David Georgeson ?@DaveGeorgeson 10m
Good news: We figured out the "I can't build on my claim" bug. Bad news: We have to outage the servers to fix. Outage at 5pm PST! Soon!


Why was he laughing in the beginning of the video? I find his fake persona so revolting.
From watching the PS2 videos they do (Friday Night Ops), I'd guess someone off camera is making him laugh just prior to video starting. Why? Because marketing, maybe a dirty joke, maybe just to make him look goofy on camera, maybe he saw a video clip of like 15 people stuck in one of those griefer pits people built in Landmark to lure players in and trap them and a GM had to save them and recorded it, who knows.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
If you had told me at Announcement that their secret weapon was going to be doing best-in-class marketing, communications, and community building, I would have scoffed myself in the Gulf. FromSOE? Those were the assholes that wouldn't tell anyone what stats really did in EQ for the first 9 months. Watching this process unfold, it seems they really get it as a company in a way I never thought a MMO maker would. Here's to hoping they are able to maintain this philosophy going forward.


Golden Squire
so, how does one get threes out of your claim that repopulated after server reboot? :/
Here is how I got rid of mine (I had a bunch of those trees you could not even right-click on to get rid of them).
- Used selection tool to highlight the whole tree/rock and deleted
- Deleted my claim
- Reclaimed the same spot

It took two tries but the second time, when the claim 'reset' after the delete, the trees were gone.