EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not really... EQN is going to have its own alpha and beta phases. The two games are going to end up very different. You can go and download an entire Unity engine with entire world systems built into it right now but that doesn't mean two games both based in Unity are the same. The same is true for every game engine.

Yes. Those rudimentary tools that had to be created from nothing and made usable by troglodytes.
And those troglodytes are making some really incredible things with those tools and the game engine.


Trump's Staff
Eh, it's not all that impressive. Landmark beta is basically EQNext alpha. Most of the stuff they will be adding is pretty basic generic mmo shit, plus some level design dev tools. All hand me downs from EQNext development.
Our outlooks at the development are opposite and make this very much a semantical argument. I am of the opinion that nothing from EQNext can be a hand-me-down to Landmark, because Landmark is the base in every sense of the word. No real world development can even happen for EQNext yet because the tools needed to create the game haven't even been completed. SOE may have a ton of art people and lore people working on EQN, but all of the developing and programming right now is going into Landmark.

Now, it seems your view of Landmark is that it's just a means to an end, a bridge to the next EverQuest. I beg to differ; I see Landmark as being its own standalone platform on which people make their own experiences. EQN is going to be Sony's experience, but who knows what else will come of it? Sony recognizes this as well and it's partially why they dropped EQ from the name entirely.

I welcome your rebuttal. Hopefully without an attempt at insulting my intelligence.

And those troglodytes are making some really incredible things with those tools and the game engine.
Haha, no, the troglodytes are the people that don't understand how to make copper picks after 12 hours of gameplay. There are very many talented people using these tools, but they also have to be accessible to retards.


Vyemm Raider
When I said "systems" I wasn't talking about things like level progression, classes or any of that. You guys act like you don't know anything about software or mmo development. Geez. Yes, most of the "gamey" aspects of Landmark will be rudimentary dumbed down versions of what EQN will have. They said they would be giving us (more user-friendly versions of) the dev tools that are being used to make EQN. You think they are making mobs and ai and shit specifically for Landmark?

Also, people need to stop getting all defensive like I'm attacking the game. Sony is shit. Smedley is a joke.Landmarkis a good start to what could be a really fun game.

Anyone who thinks that most of thesystemsthat show up in Landmark aren't coming from the EQN team (with some minor tweaks) are delusional.


Vyemm Raider
Our outlooks at the development are opposite and make this very much a semantical argument. I am of the opinion that nothing from EQNext can be a hand-me-down to Landmark, because Landmark is the base in every sense of the word. No real world development can even happen for EQNext yet because the tools needed to create the game haven't even been completed. SOE may have a ton of art people and lore people working on EQN, but all of the developing and programming right now is going into Landmark.

Now, it seems your view of Landmark is that it's just a means to an end, a bridge to the next EverQuest. I beg to differ; I see Landmark as being its own standalone platform on which people make their own experiences. EQN is going to be Sony's experience, but who knows what else will come of it? Sony recognizes this as well and it's partially why they dropped EQ from the name entirely.

I welcome your rebuttal. Hopefully without an attempt at insulting my intelligence.
I'll promise not to insult your intelligence when you show me you have any. EQNext was in development before Landmark was even thought of. Ever hear of the chicken and the egg? Maybe you should do some more research. I assume you haven't seen the videos of EQN gameplay footage? Here, let me help you:EverQuest Next Worldwide Debut Gameplay Footage - YouTube

Hmmm, lot of stuff in those videos I haven't come across in Landmark. Because right now Landmark is an instanced island with a lot of rocks, trees, ore, and player made buildings.

I neither stated nor implied that Landmark was "a bridge to EQN". My original post was about fucking development speed. And, to be clear, I also never implied there was anything wrong with Sony getting nearly twice the bang for their buck.


Trump's Staff
EQNext was in development twice before, and all of the work got scrapped when they decided to go with voxels. When they decided to work with voxels is when they realized they had to make a bunch of brand new tools. When they realized they had to make these tools, that's when Landmark was created.

Yes, Landmark would not have come about without the EQNext seed. It is much more now than when it started, though. I guarantee that no real EQNext development is happening right now, it would be stupid for them to work on the game without all of their tools finished. The "gameplay" that they showed was completely fake. That combat wasn't real, there was no real damage or mob AI. Players were controlling monsters and the only thing they really had to show was character animations and a destructible world. Why would they have B team developers working on Landmark while the real work behind the scenes is on EQ? There's no way that any real or meaningful development is happening on EQNext right now, it's not even possible.

Like I posted earlier, Landmark is a platform, a development framework from which you can create experiences, and right now it's their main focus. It is effectively no different than creating an engine like Unity or Unreal. However, when EPIC made the Unreal engine, would you have said that they basically piggy-backed it and ended up with Gears of War as a double dip? If the answer is yes then you're retarded.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Who gives a fuck if EQ Next and Landmark are closely tied together and sharing systems? What is this argument even about?


Vyemm Raider
Basically, I made a comment responding to some remark about how fast Sony was developing shit for Landmark. And then Lenas and I got into an argument where I state facts and logical reasoning and he responds with completely unsupported suppositions and assumptions.


Trump's Staff
I disagree with the notion that they're double dipping games just because of those shared systems, that's all.


Vyemm Raider
And the reason behind your disagreement is a crazy conspiracy theory. Whatever puts the cream in your twinkie, bro.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, this is stupid.

Landmark is clearly sharing all its assets with Planetside2, that is why its so fast at updates.


Trakanon Raider
Between reading his posts in this thread and TWD thread he really is something else.


Vyemm Raider
I don't think that means what you think it means.
Really? Thinking that the EQN gameplay footage from last year was faked, and believing that Sony is lying about EQN already being in development isn't a conspiracy theory? Ok. My bad.


Trump's Staff
They straight up admitted that combat didn't exist yet and that real people (they even showed them!) were playing the monsters. All you saw were animations selling a concept. It's called a pitch. There's no conspiracy here, do your fucking homework. Launch announcement showed like 5 devs playing and only two player characters, hmmm wonder what those other guys were doing.


Vyemm Raider
You said it was faked. Now you're saying it was merely "simulated". Just like you don't think Landmark is basically (<---key word) an alpha for EQN, but you do think that there's been zero development on EQN while Landmark has been in development.

The logic of your arguments is inconsistent. Just give it a rest, man. No one is gonna take away your precious Landmark.


Trump's Staff
It was very much faked. Fake in the sense that combat wasn't functional yet (and by all reports, still is not) and they were using pre-made animations controlled by real players. Don't put "simulated" in quotes like I said it when I never actually used the word. Don't you think that if combat systems worked and were in-place during the announcement, long before Landmark alpha even started, we would have been able to test it in some way at this point?


Vyemm Raider
They were air quotes, dude. Chill the fuck out.

You're absolutely fucking right, I'm sure the entire fucking EQN team is working on Landmark right now. I mean, why wouldn't they? I'm sure there's a ton for them to do in a sandbox game with soon to come rudimentary mmo features. You have convinced me that there is not one single person currently working on EQN. Now, do me a favor, and shut the fuck up. Unless you're gonna donate some mithril and obsidian to my claim? No? Then you're fucking useless. Bye.

Archdruid Archeron

the Site Surgeon
<Granularity Engineer>
It's hardly semantics when you can't comprehend the simplest of fucking sentences.
It's ok. You wrote something that was ambiguous and got called on it. Be a man and stfu about it. You are shitting up the thread with your replies at this point.