EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, I'm the one shitting up the thread. I'll stfu, just for you. Because I respect your opinion so much. Did you have something to contribute to the discussion, or did you just stop in to amaze us with your valuable insight?


Golden Squire
It's ok. You wrote something that was ambiguous and got called on it. Be a man and stfu about it. You are shitting up the thread with your replies at this point.
Seconded. Motion passed.

Second patch coming a little later to fix a couple of fairly important things that they broke.


Vyemm Raider
Seconded what? The stupidity? I wasn't called on shit. Of course some of the gameplay demo was faked. So what? A partially "faked" demo from 8 months ago is positive proof that there is zero development happening right now for a game they want to release this year? Please explain that reasoning in more detail.


Are those bracers that add +10 to craft quality tradeable? I'm planning on harvesting a bazillion resources and then crafting tons of picks to try for a legendary; who wants to loan me a bracer?


Golden Squire
GPU Physics
For those with PhysX compatible graphics cards we've enabled GPU based turbulence and destruction particle effects. You can see some examples of these on the Leyline crystal on at the Portal Spire, the Void Vault, as well as mining and harvesting debris.
This setting is located in the Game Settings > Video > GPU Physics.
Sometimes it's the little things that are really cool. If you have this turned on, go mine something. It's a little thing, but it's pretty friggin cool if you ask me.


Vyemm Raider
Are those bracers that add +10 to craft quality tradeable? I'm planning on harvesting a bazillion resources and then crafting tons of picks to try for a legendary; who wants to loan me a bracer?
Based on player reports, the increase from the bracer is unnoticeable. What will help you is crafting the top level of smelter and infuser. +3 for every 10 ingots/infusions. make sure to wear at least one Assessors Mark for the extra discovery, so you have enough elemental ore to cover the extra ingots. Also, try to get a fast axe asap, chopping down trees is rough when it's slow.


Trakanon Raider
Seconded what? The stupidity? I wasn't called on shit. Of course some of the gameplay demo was faked. So what? A partially "faked" demo from 8 months ago is positive proof that there is zero development happening right now for a game they want to release this year? Please explain that reasoning in more detail.
Are you implying Next will be released this year?


Vyemm Raider
Back in August it was stated that "EverQuest Next is targeted for release some time in 2014". After some poking around it turns out that in an AMA a couple months ago Smedley responded to a question about the release date with "not sure yet. Likely sometime next year." So it's been pushed back a bit. I still stand by my previous statements and that's all I care to say on the subject.

EverQuest Next Not Planned For PlayStation 4 Yet - IGN

I'm John Smedley, President of SOE. AMAA : EQNext


Yeah I can't see EQNext coming out until 2015. They're still rolling out toolset features via Landmark. So for example, no AI/Mob editor yet until after Landmark open beta.

Btw if you guys are interested in SOE behind the scenes stuff, definitely check out theirTwitchstream. Every[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */PST they have a 2-3 hour live stream of area building. I caught last nights for the first time and it was pretty awesome to watch it progress in real time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Im still amazed that people still give shit about smeds release dates.
I guess asking your local gypsy at a carnival would net you more accurate results.


Trakanon Raider
Im still amazed that people still give shit about smeds release dates.
I guess asking your local gypsy at a carnival would net you more accurate results.
During SOE Live last year, didn't they say that they had scrapped three various versions of EQ Next, where the new one (the one we are supposedly getting) was at that point 6 months into development. You can also assume that includes Landmark as the build engine and test platform for voxels.

I still haven't heard anything about them successfully implementing storybricks either, which the majority of the features described in SOE Live last year depend heavily on.

I wouldn't expect the beta for EQ Next to start until late 2015 (maybe given out as an incentive for SOE Live that year), and release either at Q4 2015 or Q1 2016.


Trump's Staff
I still haven't heard anything about them successfully implementing storybricks either, which the majority of the features described in SOE Live last year depend heavily on.
My assumption regarding StoryBricks right now is not whether or not it works*, but how easy they can make it for the layperson to start scripting NPC behavior. The SB team already showed the system "worked" at least on a rudimentary level a couple of years ago.

*some doubts about the huge range of dynamic behavior that is supposed to result from it as advertised


Trakanon Raider
My assumption regarding StoryBricks right now is not whether or not it works*, but how easy they can make it for the layperson to start scripting NPC behavior. The SB team already showed the system "worked" at least on a rudimentary level a couple of years ago.

*some doubts about the huge range of dynamic behavior that is supposed to result from it as advertised
It was the huge range I was referring to. The whole "drop mobs into the world", setting them free to roam about depending on the actions of the users. That every mob has memory, where you could theoretically become kos / non kos to individual mobs, but not entire factions.

The way they described it made it sound like the system will either work or not on such a dynamic level, leaving little room for a middle ground before the content and AI turns static and easy to predict.


Trump's Staff
It's been my biggest question/concern since the announcement. If the AI works as advertised, it's a game changer. If not... Yeah, we'll get bored.


If they are going to be developing the game for the PS4 alongside the PC release, and if they are going to be developing the game with the newly announced Sony VR headset in mind, then I don't see Next coming out anytime soon. Not to mention all the systems they still have to perfect before the game goes into public testing.


I think 2015 for EQN is a bit optimistic. 2016 seems more likely. This is my opinion based on past experience and some inside information from one of the forums. Besides Landmark is fun as hell even now in this state.




I gave a bunch of rare mithril picks to ravishing, if anyone needs one.


Vyemm Raider
Grats, man. That's really nice. I'm pretty sure that Exceptional is the best affix, since it adds to all 3 stats. The only thing that would've made that pick better (best) would have been a bonus to discovery.

How many did you have to make before you got it?


Grats, man. That's really nice. I'm pretty sure that Exceptional is the best affix, since it adds to all 3 stats. The only thing that would've made that pick better (best) would have been a bonus to discovery.

How many did you have to make before you got it?
I probably made 7-8 and got 2 or 3 rare. Then, today I whipped up a batch of 13. Few rare and 1 legendary. I think the legendary was number 8 or so.


Vyemm Raider
Nice. Got my legendary rubicite axe on the 4th try, but i have like 35 or so mithril picks so far, ugh.