EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Doh thats to bad he is a hilarious dude I have had dinner with him a couple times.


Breaking: A tweet has been tweeted, more at 11 when other people don't ever bother developing this story.

Shit story aside, the departure is weird. Omeed isn't exactly a household name in the games industry so saying shit like "taking it easy to explore other options" doesn't really add it. He's not a Cliffy B or Carmack, he's a dude who did a weird nod for SOE's upcoming MMO thing.

He resigned out of nowhere with no current employer to hop over to.



I want to clarify a little about why I left SOE. I understand that it's been sudden and cryptic - that was how SOE wanted to handle it and I respect their wishes. Please remember that in working for a company, you agree to keep some things confidential. I care about a great many people there, I wouldn't want to say anything that might violate their trust or hurt the company.

It was 100% my choice to leave. I was not fired or asked to leave. I was not "given the option to resign or be fired." It was not about making jokes on livestreams or a few off-color tweets. I didn't leave due to personal or family issues (though I did laugh at someone on this thread's suggest that I left to go into rehab).

I chose to leave because my direct supervisors didn't support the community-first marketing approach we've taken on the EQ Next/Landmark teams. After months of trying every way I could to convince them that we had the right approach, I felt it was better for me (and my sanity) to move along.

That means I'm not leaving because I have another job lined up. I'm resigning because of a philosophical difference with a few people. I love the EverQuest/Landmark teams I worked with - and they have my full support. I only wish I could have helped them more.

Do I have plans? Of course I do. Can I talk about them yet? Of course not.

If you have questions, I'm easy to reach on twitter (@omeed) and Twitch.tv/omeed. I'll be streaming as usual at 4PM PDT on Saturday. I can't promise to answer everything (again, I don't want to violate their trust), but I'll do my best.


I wonder who he's referencing? Dave seems to be pretty community oriented but Terry Michaels and Jeff Butler seem way more reserved in that regard. Not exactly what I was expecting the story to be, but more power to him for standing up for what he believes in.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
It's not about Smed in any case, he clearly spells out his 'direct supervisors' as his reason for leaving. That's probably as close as he can get without calling them out by name. Would that be Michaels and Butler like gogojira suggested or does SOE have another management layer between his position and those two?


Trump's Staff


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They won't. Gaming companies are starting to invest heavily in youtubers, twitchers, etc. They call them "influencers." I was at a conference listening to some old marketing douche talk for an hour about how influencers are a much better investment for advertising dollars than traditional advertisements. He looked like he was about to cum in his pants the whole time. It was a 60 year old man sitting next to two 20 year old youtubers who together had 12 million subscribers. Prepare for an astonishing lack of ethics, as youtubers you used to watch for entertainment suddenly begin strategically producing content for their million dollar corporate contract. Then you will be subscribed to the very advertisements you installed adblock to avoid.
Saw a online clip a week are so ago that I cant remember from where. They were interviewing writers and editors for one of the gaming mags. The interview wasn't focused upon yuotubers but that was major impression interview made on me. Basically they all seemed defeated and resigned to the fact that the youtubers were killing them. Bunch of late 20s who basically knew they stood no chance against teen and very early 20 year old youtubers when it came to internet street cred, and that they were already losing the fight for eyeballs on the internet very badly to them. The underlying tone was FUCK! we chose the wrong jobs because as far as video games are concerned video reviews are quickly replacing written reviews.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Saw a online clip a week are so ago that I cant remember from where. They were interviewing writers and editors for one of the gaming mags. The interview wasn't focused upon yuotubers but that was major impression interview made on me. Basically they all seemed defeated and resigned to the fact that the youtubers were killing them. Bunch of late 20s who basically knew they stood no chance against teen and very early 20 year old youtubers when it came to internet street cred, and that they were already losing the fight for eyeballs on the internet very badly to them. The underlying tone was FUCK! we chose the wrong jobs because as far as video games are concerned video reviews are quickly replacing written reviews.
I think we are seeing this in many professions. (Journalists, Sports reporters, etc)

Times they are a changin'....


Omeed's direct superiors would be those above him in the marketing department, not development. Michaels and Butler would have nothing to do with it. Omeed is a 'manager', so you'd be looking at people with 'director' in their title. This is all my 5am-just-got-rocked-at-the-bar Google fu can manage

I bet it's the chick that dresses up as a dwarf that was trying to squash community interactions.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Second generation SoE employees were never as well protected as the original old guard were. Second generation and later ether had to perform are they were gone in next round of layoffs. That results in a strong second and third tier of SoE employee that has been built over the past 15+ years. Many of them can make more money working for someone else then they can staying at SoE. Omeed seems to be hitting the exit while he is well positioned to use his work on EQ franchise to get another job. While avoiding any potential negative fall out if Landmark and Next don't perform well in the market. Not saying ether of those games will fail but being safely in another job before we find out seem to be the low risk choice. If those games flop well your in a new job already if they do well then you will gain some reputation because of your work on it and can ask your new boss for a raise. If you stay the old guard will maintain a death grip on the top positions for the next 20 years so don't count on any great rewards for success other then keeping your current job.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Saw a online clip a week are so ago that I cant remember from where. They were interviewing writers and editors for one of the gaming mags. The interview wasn't focused upon yuotubers but that was major impression interview made on me. Basically they all seemed defeated and resigned to the fact that the youtubers were killing them. Bunch of late 20s who basically knew they stood no chance against teen and very early 20 year old youtubers when it came to internet street cred, and that they were already losing the fight for eyeballs on the internet very badly to them. The underlying tone was FUCK! we chose the wrong jobs because as far as video games are concerned video reviews are quickly replacing written reviews.
Good read.
However, I must be a dying breed then because I can not stomach those way too long, toe-curling "funny" interviews or reports at all. "Mmm, looking at a fool with a funny voice for 30 minutes (or better, a 2.5 hours long "podcast" with a total of 3 minutes of real info) or read a well written review in 3 minutes.......which to choose!"

I will admit, I am old. My kids just made fun of me because I had not heard of "pewdiepie". Off course they still have to come to me if they get a bluescreen or have a virus or anything. Or a flat tire on their bike. "Dad, this thing fell of my bike!" "Well, get a wrench and put it back on!" "What's a wrench?"

Having said this, I think some of those youtubers make some pretty good stuff, but you can see immediately that quit a bit of work (taping, acting, editing) has gone into those.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Saw a online clip a week are so ago that I cant remember from where. They were interviewing writers and editors for one of the gaming mags. The interview wasn't focused upon yuotubers but that was major impression interview made on me. Basically they all seemed defeated and resigned to the fact that the youtubers were killing them. Bunch of late 20s who basically knew they stood no chance against teen and very early 20 year old youtubers when it came to internet street cred, and that they were already losing the fight for eyeballs on the internet very badly to them. The underlying tone was FUCK! we chose the wrong jobs because as far as video games are concerned video reviews are quickly replacing written reviews.
Interesting. I'd rather gouge my eyes out than hear a guy blabbering for ages on a game. Reading is more fun to me, but I'm a relic.


Avatar of War Slayer
If its a guy they must have a really good solo "thing" going on to be solo and get mass views- a standard male youtuber will have a tits McGee nerdy side kick to make sure they get the views...or your a fake nerd girl attention whore who recycles reviews for views and makes money doing so... its just how the world turns nowdays.


If its a guy they must have a really good solo "thing" going on to be solo and get mass views- a standard male youtuber will have a tits McGee nerdy side kick to make sure they get the views...or your a fake nerd girl attention whore who recycles reviews for views and makes money doing so... its just how the world turns nowdays.
Think you are showing your age papa Xadion, Male Youtubers are all the rage right now and make up the majority of popular streamers. Tits arn't cutting it anymore.