EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Interesting tweet from Dave,

David Georgeson ?@DaveGeorgeson 2h2 hours ago
Thought for the day: No matter how much you like this game...remember...it's only half done. It's going to be better.


Golden Squire
Wait, a company employee said their product will be better in the future?

No fucking way!!!

But seriously, in any way, shape, or form, how is that even remotely interesting?

(Not really trying to bust your balls as much as it seems. I'm just procrastinating work.)


Wait, a company employee said their product will be better in the future?

No fucking way!!!

But seriously, in any way, shape, or form, how is that even remotely interesting?

(Not really trying to bust your balls as much as it seems. I'm just procrastinating work.)
Well.. to be fair.. it was a pretty cocky post from ponytail.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I guess the interesting part for me was the "1/2 done" comment.... not sure if he was literal or not.


Well we still don't have any NPCs/monsters, armor/itemization, more than 3 weapons, Tier 2 through 5 caves, mounts, crafting 2.0, an acceptable chat system, final UI, character customization 2.0 (interchangeable armor pieces, more customizable player models), multi-threading, nor the rest of their "game tool" systems they keep talking about. I'm sure there's plenty I missed, but that's a pretty significant amount considering their pace.

So.. "1/2 done" is a pretty fair estimate; this game should probably still be classified as Alpha, but marketing and such.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I have been maintaining my plot for a long ass time but I think I'm done with this. These types of games just don't appeal to me anymore and I can't say I'm liking the direction of EQN/EQ Landmark. I have a really good location too which is why I've been maintaining it this long.. literally at the zone-in to Adventure:Crater

I don't know when it expires (maybe it has already) but someone might want to grab it up asap.


Trakanon Raider
So the devs went and snuck in an update to the Blueprint recently:https://forums.station.sony.com/land...8-27-14.34413/

The Road Toward Open Beta (October - December 2014)

As usual, we are VERY LIKELY to shuffle this order around as things progress. Also, there is a major new "Linking and Triggering" (L&T) system that will be introduced in various phases throughout this schedule. We just haven't figured out all the scheduling details for it yet. (L&T is the interaction system that lets you create behaviors for props/objects.)

Week of Oct 15:
Key-binding polish : Many control options aren't included in key binding yet. This should fix that.
Prop destruction : The last piece of "be able to destroy anything at any time". (Might be week of Oct 29 instead.)
Free storage on template type : Free storage for templates accepted into Player Studio as well as competition winners.

Week of Oct 29:
Notification system : Many events happen during combat. This system is designed to ensure you notice those things without them being too intrusive.
Modal building tools : As you use the various tools, modal interfaces are created to show you all power shortcuts, as well as allowing you to interact directly.
Player created waypoints : Players can create waypoints and share them with their group.
Graveyards : Places you can resurrect at after dying.
Keywords : This system lets players understand the basic powers of an item and make logical assumptions about how it might work when mixed with other keywords.

Week of Nov 12:
Achievements : At last! We need these so badly. The new-user experience, long-term goals, and events are all tied into the Achievements system and once it works, we can finally make Landmark *feel* like a game.
Non-unique Player Names : You want to be Bob, and so does your friend. Now you can. But you'll use an account identifier as an extension to your name. For example, if your account identifier is TrueName, I would invite you to be a friend as Bob.TrueName.
Vivox (VoiP) : We have a very hands-busy game. VoiP will make communication a lot easier.
Refining : This allows mass production of many ingots, boards, etc., while you are away from the crafting table. It also enables future features.
Exceptional Items (Salvaging, plus a whole slew of new weapons, armors and accessories)
New tool tips : The current ones need work. This is also in preparation for Item Compare, below.
Collectible templates : Similar in nature to the way the Collections pane works right now for resources, there will be "collectible" pages for many types of items. This works hand-in-hand with Achievements.

Week of Nov 26:
Leylines : Faster travel shortcuts across the surface of the world, and when Caves comes out (below), also below ground.
Item compare : There needs to be an easy way to compare items between what's in your inventory and what you have currently equipped.
NPC pathing : Pathing has been in the works for many months. It finally is ready now.
Slaug and Chomper : Our first two world monsters.

Week of Dec 10
Caves : All the way down to the core of the world, plus more chamber variety, and eventually, even procedural content!
White Wisp, Abomination, Fiery Fungus
Imbuing : Get an item, put it on the crafting table, and massage its characteristics around by Imbuing the item with different abilities.
Health/Energy progression : Ways for you to increase your health/energy maximums through in-game effort.
Looking at that, assuming they don't suffer too many delays, my estimate of a January open beta looks to actually be right on the money.


Goonsquad Officer
I picked it up due to the steam sale. logged in and dug a few holes. swam in the ocean.

please tell me there's a way to speed up my mouse look up/down speed? It made me crazy trying to look up and down to shape my hole i was digging.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Deffinately going to give this a twirl once the full cave structure goes in and see how that works. Sounds like they are going to be generating some more interesting/complex looking islands as opposed to the super basic squares that they currently have. The square islands were fine for initial testing but after seeing some of the showcase islands they can do a lot better.


Sounds like they are going to be generating some more interesting/complex looking islands as opposed to the super basic squares that they currently have. The square islands were fine for initial testing but after seeing some of the showcase islands they can do a lot better.
Whoa, really? Did they announce that in Landmark Live? I hadn't heard about them touching the terrain generation, but the game could definitely use that


Trakanon Raider
Whoa, really? Did they announce that in Landmark Live? I hadn't heard about them touching the terrain generation, but the game could definitely use that
Not with the immediately upcoming patches, but I do recall them saying that they'll be screwing with that stuff in transition from closed to open beta. They did get a lot of positive feedback on the layout of the Foundation Museum island, so I'd expect something that looks like that.


yeah I definitely noticed the Foundation Museum island has a really interesting landscape compared to the player islands which are mostly hilly squares. So, at the very least, I think EQNext will have better landscapes, but they probably won't touch the Landmark terrain until Open Beta (if at all).


Trakanon Raider
For those looking forward to the PvE and caves patch, that was supposed to happen today, but got pushed to Wednesday. Ponytail's been tweeting updates over the weekend, and apparently a bug that kept mobs from spawning in caves threw them off schedule.