EVE Online


Yeah, the thing about mining in EVE vs resource gathering in pretty much every other MMO is that it's not an explorer project. You don't go out for a walk and see some cool/valuable things on your journey. You orbit a rock and press F1 F2 F3 once, and then drag a stack of loot from one inventory tab to another every few minutes.

Also, because I hate myself or something, I just mined Sharp Crokite for 30 minutes in an Exhumers V Hulk with T2 Modulated Strip Miners+Crokite crystals. The grand total was less than 10 million ISK.

Comparatively, if I run Forsaken Hubs in a Talos, I can get over 20 mil ticks (or 60 mil an hour, 3x what the Hulk was pulling). Not only that, but I actually get to push buttons, and I have skills that are useful in other places in the game. Tier 3 BCs are awesome.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I really don't see anything wrong with mining. I mine or do missions. I just about hate PvP, especially in EVE. So I mine in High-sec, making 60mil/hour. Boohoo, I make up the rest of it by doing l4 missions. I make enough every month to buy 5 PLEXes for my 5 accounts (Booster, 3x Miner, Hauler).

To each their own I'd say. I have friends who log on once a week, take goods to hubs, re-initiate manufacturing jobs or some who log on for 15minutes each day doing PI.


Feel so out of the loop, had to look this up. I'd heard she had a link to her amazon.com wishlist on her youtube page, and thought, no, who the fuck actually begs for shit from strangers? And lo and behold, yep, it's true. Full of stupid girly shit too. Call me a misogynist, but I really can't see a guy doing that.

Too bad the thread was deleted, would help pass some time.
She also had a history of selling favors (such as nude pictures) for in-game stuff. This, combined with the Amazon wishlist stuff, strongly implies that she'd be selling in-game favors for real life stuff. I personally don't think she'd last 6 months before the security department fires her and bans everyone in-game she dealt with for RMT. CCP had this sort of problem with developers playing for BOB (supercapital reimbursements for ships lost in battle) and the T20 scandals (handing out T2 BPO to favored players). I can't understand how they could miss this glaring ethical problem. Instead CCP went bonkers and forum-banned everyone who posted (anything less than a gushing welcome) in that thread.

Some folks are trying to pitch this as a misogynist attack against MintChip, but if misogyny were the motivator, it would also exist against Seagull and Punkturis (and the other women working for CCP). It doesn't. It is just Mintchip. She made a lot of enemies when she played, and they're not forgetting.

I don't care that she hates Eve and Eve players, because everyone who has played Eve for more than a month hates other Eve players, and about half the time, the game itself.

They wanted a controversial figure to be the media rep for Dust. They couldn't have found a more controversial figure without recruiting Ahmadinejad or Mittani.


Community manager is pretty low on the totem pole, not sure what sort of in game advantages she could provide. I love the choice for the popcorn value, should be fun some stuff to read about down the road due to this.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
What I liked about mining in Eve (in high sec) was you could do other shit while you did it, like read a book, or watch a movie. Hell, I strip mined many a belt in my University days while studying. I then used the ISK I got from mining to pimp out my combat ships. But as for sitting there, staring at your monitor and mining.. christ! I guess that's why most miners I have heard of tend to either browse the forums, look at porn (and post it in the mining channel) or play in game poker or something.

Edit: so does anyone have links to any RL pics of MintChip?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>


Trump's Staff
Just a quick question, I figured I'd try this game out again to see what's changed: I don't have much ISK on the char, but I've got like a million research points that I can get datacores from to sell. Is it still basically impossible to suicide gank a Pilgrim in Empire space? Was going to use that to move the datacores to Jita but wanted to make sure, too many of these gates have like a half-dozen Tornadoes parked on them.


Just a quick question, I figured I'd try this game out again to see what's changed: I don't have much ISK on the char, but I've got like a million research points that I can get datacores from to sell. Is it still basically impossible to suicide gank a Pilgrim in Empire space? Was going to use that to move the datacores to Jita but wanted to make sure, too many of these gates have like a half-dozen Tornadoes parked on them.
Doubt anyone is going to try to gank a Pilgrim for datacores. Those Tornadoes are freighter and indy hunting.


You can get into a Retriever in 9-10 days, with it's now 25k or so ore bay you could do that first and then tackle (haha, Eve joke! *coughs*) the SV 60 day plan etc to get you into a fuckton of different ships and fits before deciding on your speciality.

Yes that 9-10 days on stuff that won't help you pew pew all that much but if you are looking into Eve as the long term gametime investment you probably should be if you want to stick around it's bugger all really. You can then jump into mining ops anywhere and get a .5 share or so or just afk mine scordite in hi-sec for 10-11m an hour while watching telly. Add that income to whatever else you may generate from ratting, scamming or whatever and it all helps pay the plex bills.


Registered Hutt
That shit is just so stupendously tarded, but at least it changes the war for a moment.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It was completely fucking retarded when it happened to BoB, and it's no less retarded now. I love the sandbox that is Eve, but just absolutely raping tens of thousands of manhours of work because the alliance/corp interface sucks balls is just too much.


Molten Core Raider
I picked up the Amarr Bounty Hunter package from Green Man Gaming for 3.99 I haven't played this in at least 6 years. Should be fun to dick around again.


It was completely fucking retarded when it happened to BoB, and it's no less retarded now. I love the sandbox that is Eve, but just absolutely raping tens of thousands of manhours of work because the alliance/corp interface sucks balls is just too much.
You do know it was done deliberately right? It wasn't the UI/interface or whatever, it was them fucking up bigtime and a defector (an ex-alliance head diplomat who had been inactive for a year, gg leaving an account unplayed that long with exec access) with the right powers was able to fuck them over completely.

Looking at how they did it, some of the stuff that happened they definitely could have protected themselves from but they didn't, the guy only had to train CEO to level 1 or something daft like that to be able to pull it off.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yes of course I know it was done deliberately. My issue is it's too easy to "fuck up bigtime".

The level of paranoia you have to have in this game is insane.


I have an account that I bought (yeah, yeah) that can fly a Tengu. Are they still pretty good for making ISK? What's a safe method? Just L4 missions until I get the hang of things again? I was in a wormhole before but fuck that. Too boring.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Tengus are still useful but CCP knocked down missiles pretty hard. HAMs are better dps but the range is even more abysmal than heavies. In terms of mission running there's plenty of better ship choices out there.


Goonsquad Officer
Yes of course I know it was done deliberately. My issue is it's too easy to "fuck up bigtime".

The level of paranoia you have to have in this game is insane.
my big issue is the amount of rights that come with each 'rank'. It bugged the shit out of me that in order to let some one refuel my PoS i'd of had to give them the right to take it down (and then let it get destroyed or stolen). If you could pick and choose all exact rights to all people a lot of sabatoge wouldn't have happened.