Everquest - 20th Anniversary TLP


El Presidente
This is what i've been advocating for EQ (and Pantheon) forever. IF this hardcore server brings back the mechanics from yesteryear. Corpse runs, no maps, lose level if you die too much, all that.

If its hardcore only because the xp rate is bad, then who the hell cares.

Really corpse runs are the most integral part of this. We will see.
I'm pretty sure corpse runs and maps are baked into the code for all servers so I doubt it would be anything like that. The difference between hardcore/casual will almost 100 percent be focused on the unlocks.


<Bronze Donator>
sleeper and combine had corpse runs, so should be possible. hardcore? maybe thats the one without instances too, cause what hardcores want instanced raids? maybe no focus items since i remember prathun saying he was looking into that.


Toe Sucker
i agree with all the comments on corpse runs and what not. Using artificial difficulty by slapping on a dog shit EXP rate isn't 'hardcore' it's just an annoyance. Bring back corpse runs, hell levels and shit like that though~


Vyemm Raider
My guess would be something like slower xp + something like a 30% mob damage and health increase or something similar for hardcore. We could probably come up with some cool creative ideas... but they're likely to just do whatever takes the least amount of work. They're best bet is to do something that will fundamentally shift the normal formula for grouping/raiding. Make us work hard to survive. Anything less will probably be lame


Tranny Chaser
As a list of things that they could do that would fit the theme -

1. Remove augment merchants
2. Reinstate corpse runs
3. Disable the map
4. No /pick zones
5. No instancing
6. No focus effects
7. Remove any remaining out of era tradeskill combines

Nothing too crazy. Right now my biggest concern is that we'll end up with a Winner Take All server akin to what we saw with Ragefire and to a greater degree with Lockjaw.
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Trakanon Raider
They did a hardcore server before. It was called Discord. Open pvp at level 6+ with permadeath and full loot rights.

I was the 2nd highest toon on that server with a 44th level druid and my pvp partner was a 45 cleric when it ended.

They ended the contest 2 months early because <Darkwind> killed off all the competition to the point where there was only 20ish people on at a time.

It's funny seeing all the folks here clamoring for a hardcore server. You really don't want it.
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Trakanon Raider
Think it would be too much for ask for old zones and models back? lol
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Watcher of Overs
Maybe old spell values? The big dream would be original zones.

Forced stone UI with the tiny little window in the middle! Spellbook medding! 800x600 res! haha
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Think it would be too much for ask for old zones and models back? lol

The party line Daybreak has always maintained is it causes a problem for them to have "different zone geometries on different servers", they claim that all the servers have to have the same zone files or it messes things up on live. I'm skeptical there's no way they could segregate it, but I buy that doing so might involve work they aren't willing to invest into the EQ1 product.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
As a list of things that they could do that would fit the theme -

1. Remove augment merchants
2. Reinstate corpse runs
3. Disable the map
4. No /pick zones
5. No instancing
6. No focus effects
7. Remove any remaining out of era tradeskill combines

Nothing too crazy. Right now my biggest concern is that we'll end up with a Winner Take All server akin to what we saw with Ragefire and to a greater degree with Lockjaw.

Thats an awesome list, even leaving the leveling around Phinnys rates would be fine if they took this list here. Classic EQ was the same exact thing that happened on Ragefire. It was a race to monopolize content and get the most raid loot into your guild. You either learned to improve and race to mobs or you didnt get loot.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Hey Korrupt. I might come check this out. Whats the word with all the guys? We getting the band back together?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hey Korrupt. I might come check this out. Whats the word with all the guys? We getting the band back together?

Homie we all hang out still everyday, youre welcome to join us in Discord. We play a shit ton of games together, pretty much any ARPG or MMO now matter how shitty that comes out and youre welcome to come marinate. Its basically Dannin, Drillisen, Siirx, Mugatu, Thraka, Elaida, Webin and everyones friends.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You got to remember the resources they are dealing with. Basically anything that requires any real dev time is not going to happen. Think of changes they can do with just config flags currently.

My guess

Casual - FV Ruleset, NON Truebox
Hardcore - Agnarr Exp, Truebox


Golden Knight of the Realm
Homie we all hang out still everyday, youre welcome to join us in Discord. We play a shit ton of games together, pretty much any ARPG or MMO now matter how shitty that comes out and youre welcome to come marinate. Its basically Dannin, Drillisen, Siirx, Mugatu, Thraka, Elaida, Webin and everyones friends.

OH shit, Thraka finally got his laptop? I kid.

I think the hardcore should be FV rules on a combine/sleeper style server. See how fast someone can open up live.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They did a hardcore server before. It was called Discord. Open pvp at level 6+ with permadeath and full loot rights.

I was the 2nd highest toon on that server with a 44th level druid and my pvp partner was a 45 cleric when it ended.

They ended the contest 2 months early because <Darkwind> killed off all the competition to the point where there was only 20ish people on at a time.

It's funny seeing all the folks here clamoring for a hardcore server. You really don't want it.

Hehe yup it gets very highlander eventually one big group is the last group standing and nobody else can do anything and then that group eats itself.

This is one reason for the crow fall design of finite "shard" lifespans so you can intentionally flip the tables after a certain time so there is a way to keep refreshing this.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'd like to see a Quarm type server for the hardcore option myself - just TLPed so it has multiple checkpoints.

I don't see two full "play this as your main server" setups being a sensible idea at this point. But temporary craziness like Quarm, absolutely.