Everquest - Agnarr Server: Sunset Mode


<Bronze Donator>
What, they dont like you turning on stickfigures?!? in the eqclient ini? lol!

gm's around here are wild wild west man, when they come visit they remove your buffs, kill your pets, remove your mezzes and slows, all while invis and never saying anything, as if coming out and talking to you isnt proof that youre not afk. even had them uncharm my charm pet while removing my mezzes, was super fun day.

all the time id be like hello woebot or dunbar come out come out. then they dc ya even though youre moving around and talking. god knows if youre not fast enough to log in then youre suspended for being "AFK", luckily i log in fast and then they just cease to exist as if their harassment of you didnt just happen and warrant an apology/explanation, after all youre a paying customer. sometimes they even summon you around the zone and watch you run back before DCing you, its fucked

just blows my mind gms can harass you in game like that as an afk check while youre talking in say moving around asking him to stop killing your pets cause you have mobs in camp that the gm keeps unmezzing. so yeah tiggles watch out, they arent remdag but they arent far behind.

and yes if you need it confirmed, DBG does know this forum. many lurkers have posted links here from posts on the official TLP forums.

maybe DBG would be able to answer petitions faster if they spent less time harassing their customers and just dc them right away to see if they log back in or talking to them first.

i've even had them dc me when i was sitting in a safespot doing nothing. no casts, no movements, no targetting, alt tabbed reading some news. i only noticed since my laptop next to me had one of the chars in the group and went dc, but my bazaar char who was on the same IP didnt get disconnected, and all of my group was immediately out of the game and able to log back in immediately. what if i hadnt logged back in? is it illegal to AFK while doing nothing? lol i assume some hater reported me earlier in the day and hes just not checking on me but if im not doing anything then leave me alone

just the price for boxing in high volume areas. lately the gm checks are more harassment than actual players in the game, most just run by realize i can ae down most trains and not to bother =p
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  • 1Picard
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
lost lost - it wasn't the client method (is there one?) - it was the replacing the character model files version that


Trakanon Raider
lost lost - it wasn't the client method (is there one?) - it was the replacing the character model files version that
What, they dont like you turning on stickfigures?!? in the eqclient ini? lol!

Nah, he was not talking about turning on stick figures in the eqclient.ini. He was talking about removing doors from a zone. The files for the doors as you see them are client side...meaning they are on your machine. .

The normal zone files are in files named zone.s3d. (sebilis.s3d for example) Doors, teleporters, and some other geography pieces are placed in a file in the same folder that is zone_obj.s3d.

If you delete the zone_obj.s3d, and make a copy of zone.s3d and rename that copied file to zone_obj.s3d when you next load the zone, doors and teleporters will not exist. A teleport device can't be used if it doesn't exist so you'll need to either restore the original file or logout and run the patcher in order to use it, but doors will also be gone. You won't even see the door. Other people will of course, assuming they are not also renaming the file. On your PC you won't see the door at all, it doesn't exist. You can run through it, cast through it, etc. If someone else is nearby and they have the doors enabled, they will see the door, and they will see you run right through it.
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ResetEra Staff Member
Nah, he was not talking about turning on stick figures in the eqclient.ini. He was talking about removing doors from a zone. The files for the doors as you see them are client side...meaning they are on your machine. I forget the extension of the files, so I'll just use ABC as a placeholder.

The normal zone files are in a file as zone.ABC. Doors, teleporters, and some other geography pieces are placed in a file in the same folder that is zone_obj.ABC

If you delete the zone_obj.ABC, and make a copy of zone.ABC and rename that copied file to zone_obj.ABC when you next load the zone, doors and teleporters will not exist. A teleport device can't be used if it doesn't exist so you'll need to either restore the original file or logout and run the patcher in order to use it, but doors will also be gone. You won't even see the door. Other people will of course, assuming they are not also renaming the file. On your PC you won't see the door at all, it doesn't exist. You can run through it, cast through it, etc. If someone else is nearby and they have the doors enabled, they will see the door, and they will see you run right through it.

EQEmu has had have something like that forever though lol



Molten Core Raider
Hehe I saw someone run through the gate doors in neriak. They tried to convince me you can fit through without opening if you use the right angle. I see now


<Bronze Donator>
The annoying thing with the door trick is everytime you patch you have to fix it =p and i was talking to vaclav about the stickfigures, i know the obj door trick since secrets or someone posted it months ago.

i always lol when people want to pay 500p to get into seb crypt.


Doer of Things
My money is on yes, and that the server will be inaccessible for the duration of the weekend.
  • 2Worf
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Toe Sucker
i'm okay with that, i'm not doing a phini-esque server ever again lol

gives me time to level up some dudes on agnarr ~ gonna poop sock me some exp assuming i can actually ever get a group lol

Anytime i sit in general and in LFG i'll sit there for like an hour then just alt f4 for a few days and repeat the process
  • 1Solidarity
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Got warned by GM Dunbar the other day for impersonating a GM and it "he won't end well for me"

All I was doing was joking with my Pal secrets in Vex That while they where learning how to exploit pull.

I'm right that these GMs work for like third party moderation sites right?

Dudes probably from bangalore making $1.15 an hour.

I don't think so. The one I dealt with didn't talk or feel like the usual 3rd world country CS I get for a lot of companies.

And this one just showed up right next to me to prove they were real, because I called someone in general chat a retard and then got a tell from someone claiming to be a GM and to watch my language and I responded with "sure you are buddy".
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<Bronze Donator>
some of the gm names i've seen you wouldnt think they were gms. I saw one in bazaar named muhahaha


Toe Sucker
man i just realized this is st. patties day weekend, why you gotta launch a new server, and drop an exp weekend (apparently) when i gotta do normie irish drunk shit?


Trakanon Raider
Well it's just a taunt really. They shouldn't be able to take action for things written on forums outside of the game. That's going too far
I seem to recall an account being banned because a player wrote some fanfic on an offsite forum.


Golden Knight of the Realm

woebot in his real form he came out in clasic to talk to us .. ended up tossing me a bunny illusion but i dont think i have an SS of it
  • 1Salty
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