Everquest - Phinigel server


Tranny Chaser
The server is far from empty, do you even play? The noob zones are still jammed packed, the popular areas have 3-4 pickzones. Keep in mind that there are not box armies so the overall numbers are less, but these are almost all real players.

The people that are upset are upset because they are getting blown away by other players. They feel helpless and inadequate, which they prob are.
Did you even read what I typed? The zones I listed are empty. Rathe Mts had one person in it two hours ago (me). Lake Rathe had one group. South Karana had three people. WK was empty. It was the same yesterday. Yes, everyone is funneling into the same couple zones because those zones are the only ones worth setting foot in to.

You aren't super pro because you sat in one of the half dozen exp zones that are even worth doing and did the same mindless grinding you've done a zillion times. We've all done this on character after character after character before. Doing it yet one more time and doing it half the speed of Ragefire or Lockjaw isn't anything to be proud of and people aren't going to stick with this over the long term.

3.5 levels in 4 hrs thus far today... L19 to 22.5.

And with plenty of pauses because pulls got long and our group didn't have SoW....

Sure, Lavastorm has a great ZEM - but still.
Hyperbolic nonsense from a guy that did nothing on the last TLP he played on and won't do anything on this one either.


Molten Core Raider
Here come the negs boys! Time to rip up some terrible players.

Like most hardcore players, I took time off work for launch week. I will not be playing 9 hours a day after this week for multiple reasons, not enjoying playing that much, work, family. I'm not confusing anything, there are people posting on the forums that they have 10 hours played and are level 4. Sorry you suck bro... I have both a normal job and life, both better than yours I'm sure. Everquest is absolutely about playtime, no one has ever said otherwise. It's leaders and cannon fodder with high playtime, you don't seem to be either so you're just Krono sales for me.
So your saying i'm right?

You said you are level 36 and have been taking "plenty" of breaks. I said that means you had no life right now which you just confirmed. Congratulations for being a hardcore player of a 15 year old game. I wish I could be to because it's fun and I miss it.

You either need to ignore life now and burn through these levels or stretch it out and not see much content. Those both sound terrible. This server is terrible.

The people that play Everquest a lot have some kind of weird hate for people who want to enjoy they game they play. It makes no fucking sense for such an old game. Do you hate new players? Do you want your game to continue to die slowly? I don't fucking get it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hyperbolic nonsense from a guy that did nothing on the last TLP he played on and won't do anything on this one either.
Hyperbolic nonsense? I ran my last 25% potion from my $31.50 bag purchase I had left - that's only thing that wasn't clearly listed there. You can ask Fenrise and the others I grouped with how much XP they got. Double Charms, double Wizards, CLR, RNG is amazing at greater lavaspinners/cinders/sols in Lavastorm. [Oh and I also have a semi-perma group since RNG/CLR/ENC my wife and I + our box basically can start a group and just add more people on demand - so I will admit I have basically zero time hunting a group, so I can't relate to that frustration]

As for "doing nothing" - Funny, why don't you look at the history of how things worked out on Sleeper and where the folks I trained ended up going? There's a reason why to this day I have friends in high places EQ-wise that I influence to this day.

i.e. Eleventh - who looks to likely be the first Cleric that will hit L50 on Phinigel is an old friend, the reason Eleventh is an Erudite Cleric is in homage to me from Vazaelle.

I am an awful leader, I'll give you that, I get stressed and then push off and take a break - which makes for bad leadership - any other assessment you could even attempt to have of me is likely completely out in Lumie territory.


Holy shit you guys take this seriously, I'm just trying to have some nostalgia-driven fun lol.

Exp rate increase would be welcome news to me, but I'm not sweating it right now. Halfway through 6 and excited about Crushbone, haha.


As for "doing nothing" - Funny, why don't you look at the history of how things worked out on Sleeper and where the folks I trained ended up going? There's a reason why to this day I have friends in high places EQ-wise that I influence to this day.

i.e. Eleventh - who looks to likely be the first Cleric that will hit L50 on Phinigel is an old friend, the reason Eleventh is an Erudite Cleric is in homage to me from Vazaelle.
Well you certainly have a high opinion of yourself that's for sure.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well you certainly have a high opinion of yourself that's for sure.
Of myself? Not so much - of my friends? Absolutely. I hold a ton of pride in others.

I do tend to play my own classes well, but outside of Stromm I never really excelled personally (not to say I didn't do reasonably well - but top 10% and top 1% are different animals) - and the toll RL wasn't worth it and was driving me a bit crazy.

The only thing I have a high opinion of myself is anticipating things - I overanalyze the shit out of everything and generally do some pretty damn good guesswork from what I piece together. Could just as easily be dumb luck as any talent there though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Holy shit you guys take this seriously, I'm just trying to have some nostalgia-driven fun lol.

Exp rate increase would be welcome news to me, but I'm not sweating it right now. Halfway through 6 and excited about Crushbone, haha.
This x10000. It so weird to me that "play harder to contest content if you really want it" people are suddenly soft about having to actually work for the leveling portion. These were the same people that (even still, just now with Arb!) attack people for being unwilling to get involved in poopsocking and nonsense like that.

I've looked at how our guild is leveling and I know we won't be having enough 50's before January to raid so I'm not concerning myself with being done until then - 3 lvls/day is what I'm targeting and I'll still likely be ready 2 weeks early at that pace - and I'm not even doing dawn to dusk play or anything. [Still not working ATM though - but I'm not claiming everyone should do my pace either - just stating my own pace while unemployed (note: that may change very soon - business still in works, but have an intriguing interview after new years I'll definitely take if I get offered the position]

People are hung up on one piece of the whole and getting bent out of shape - it's odd. I wouldn't mind seeing it adjusted either (in fact I fully expect it to be once DBG is back in the office post-holidays - and 50/50 chance of Phin getting whitelisted for any holiday bonus XP event [with the XP penalty overlapping though) - but it seems all some care about is the instanced raids rather than trying to enjoy the whole experience.


Tranny Chaser
You really are just the worst kind of person. People like you and Frenzic represent this vocal minority of players that will sit back and lecture everyone about how they need to L2P, that the exp rates are fine, and then quit a month or two in after doing nothing relevant on the server. You are one of those pieces of shit that voted for 6 month unlock timers and then quit before even the halfway point to Kunark. Your fucking bullshitstranglesthese servers. With instanced raid content Phinny could have been something really amazing with broad appeal to EQ players of all time periods and play styles and levels of involvement but instead Daybreak has gated end game content behind this fucking gigantic time investment and assholes likeyoudefend those gates.

This content is fucking 16 years old. Stop cockblocking it with your little cunting bullshit posts on the official forums about how it's all fine and that you don't mind not being able to raid until next year and that you really like the exp rates because it's more like how it was back in the day. You're a fucking quitter and you're dragging down the whole fucking game for everyone.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You really are just the worst kind of person. People like you and Frenzic represent this vocal minority of players that will sit back and lecture everyone about how they need to L2P, that the exp rates are fine, and then quit a month or two in after doing nothing relevant on the server. You are one of those pieces of shit that voted for 6 month unlock timers and then quit before even the halfway point to Kunark. Your fucking bullshitstranglesthese servers. With instanced raid content Phinny could have been something really amazing with broad appeal to EQ players of all time periods and play styles and levels of involvement but instead Daybreak has gated end game content behind this fucking gigantic time investment and assholes likeyoudefend those gates.
Excuse me? Are you fucking literate?
A) I've said I personally feel they should be adjusted, although I am saying I expect it to be a bit till they do, and that they CAN BE WORKABLE UNTIL THEY WISE UP about it.
B) I voted for 3 months at every single opportunity, I'd have preferred 2 months if the option was given in fact - I think Combine/Sleeper was only a little too fast. (Although the vote came before word of them slowing XP, so 3 probably would be right with adjusted XP in mind)
C) I absolutely agree about the instanced raid content - you'll note that if any players helped make sure that instanced raid content happened for this content you're attacking two of the biggest voices. Frenzic, Me, DandyEQ and a few others were all big ones. (There's a 4th I absolutely want to mention but I'm blanking... sorry, guy ><)

Yes, it would be better if more people could experience it - and I can't imagine an adjustment won't happen - but just in case it doesn't isn't it best to hedge your bets and focus on getting a level or so a day so you're at least making constant progress where you'll eventually be there even if they never get their heads out of their asses when it comes to the XP rate?

This content is fucking 16 years old. Stop cockblocking it with your little cunting bullshit posts on the official forums about how it's all fine and that you don't mind not being able to raid until next year and that you really like the exp rates because it's more like how it was back in the day. You're a fucking quitter and you're dragging down the whole fucking game for everyone.
It won't be the end of the world if you raid it late - the gear quality from Classic, Kunark and low-end Velious is basically flat. Nagafen's best items still hold value, VP items still hold value, etc. until you're well into Velious. So even the super slow, if they never get their heads out of their asses about the XP rate, will still be able to do these things while they retain good value.

The XP rate does suck, I'll admit freely - and I hope it gets adjusted soon after the raids start falling (since that was Roshen's listed excuse for it). Fuck man, I'd have probably made 19-30 today already if it was RF/LJ rates, that would've been awesome. Especially since I plan to do another 3 char group after this. (although on the same accounts, just flip-flop options)

But it is MANAGEABLE until whenever they wake up. That's the point.

I feel like a parent trying to get their kid to go to the dentist. Yes it sucks, yes there will be some pain/boredom/annoyance involved - but the same goal line is there behind the negative energy.

Hopefully though they remove the issue.

(It clear enough yet that I'm tolerating the XP issue? I don't consider it a positive thing)


<Bronze Donator>
While the exp rate is unfortunate, I think it makes getting to 50 feel more valuable. When I first started at ragefire I thought man this is tough, and yeah once we got to 50 and had all the buffs/gear it was easy to level alts to 50, and it kind of cheapened the leveling experience seeing others leveling so much faster than I did cause there was more available. Now with the exp slower it means more, like everquest used to, investing in your char etc. It's a shame cause DBG sucks and we saw how easily they wrote off RF/LJ so investing into this server is a weary idea. But something like p1999 where its slow also, means something when you get max level. its a journey.'

Anywho once people hit 50 it wont be as bad, sure 56-60 will suck lol. But hey this is EQ.

and yes im still level 5, been busy, not mad.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You really are just the worst kind of person. People like you and Frenzic represent this vocal minority of players that will sit back and lecture everyone about how they need to L2P, that the exp rates are fine, and then quit a month or two in after doing nothing relevant on the server.
I don't care how bad you play, just stop whining about changing the server to support your shitty abilities.

You are one of those pieces of shit that voted for 6 month unlock timers and then quit before even the halfway point to Kunark. Your fucking bullshitstranglesthese servers.
I didn't vote for anything on any of my million accounts. I had no influence whatsoever on the unlocking time.

With instanced raid content Phinny could have been something really amazing with broad appeal to EQ players of all time periods and play styles and levels of involvement but instead Daybreak has gated end game content behind this fucking gigantic time investment and assholes likeyoudefend those gates.
It IS something amazing, it's funny that pussies like you can't see it and thus will miss it. Everquest does not begin at Nagafen's cock, get in game, make friends, have fun. There is no time investment blocking you from having fun, just your sandy vagina.

This content is fucking 16 years old. Stop cockblocking it with your little cunting bullshit posts on the official forums about how it's all fine and that you don't mind not being able to raid until next year and that you really like the exp rates because it's more like how it was back in the day. You're a fucking quitter and you're dragging down the whole fucking game for everyone.
The content is there and will be there. You're too busy whining like a bitch to get in and experience it. The make the game easier whiners bring the biggest smile to my face. GO play WOW pussies say, then in the same breath they whine about too hard experience.


Lord Nagafen Raider
While the exp rate is unfortunate, I think it makes getting to 50 feel more valuable. When I first started at ragefire I thought man this is tough, and yeah once we got to 50 and had all the buffs/gear it was easy to level alts to 50, and it kind of cheapened the leveling experience seeing others leveling so much faster than I did cause there was more available. Now with the exp slower it means more, like everquest used to, investing in your char etc. It's a shame cause DBG sucks and we saw how easily they wrote off RF/LJ so investing into this server is a weary idea. But something like p1999 where its slow also, means something when you get max level. its a journey.'

Anywho once people hit 50 it wont be as bad, sure 56-60 will suck lol. But hey this is EQ.

and yes im still level 5, been busy, not mad.
Who are you again? I forget. Honest question, not condescending.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
3.5 levels in 4 hrs thus far today... L19 to 22.5.

And with plenty of pauses because pulls got long and our group didn't have SoW....

Sure, Lavastorm has a great ZEM - but still.
The thing about this is neither you nor your wife work so you don't really care about the exp much. I am not trying to talk crap I like ya plenty but you are in the same situation as most "hard core" EQers these days.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The thing about this is neither you nor your wife work so you don't really care about the exp much. I am not trying to talk crap I like ya plenty but you are in the same situation as most "hard core" EQers these days.
That was 4 hrs - and technically that's possibly about to end - have an interesting interview lined up for early January that I will take if offered. I'm bored as shit of being on disability, just hunting for stuff I think I will be able to do without being unreliable at my job. (And every time I talk to her about it, she "threatens" that she'll find something too if I go back to work, heh - like I'd mind her working - I'd push her to get her own license and car though. Although it might end up being like building an art studio for her to Etsy it up or whatever, she's all over the map for what she'd do - besides something like Regime's job that would require education she doesn't have)

And I'd say a normal person should be able to get 1 level a day regardless. (or equivalent thereof, some days might be blacked out - but more time on another day) If you don't have 15 hrs or so a week to toss at a hobby, you're already running yourself ragged.

Yes, you might have to neglect another hobby though to accomplish things however while establishing yourself.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Hyperbolic nonsense? I ran my last 25% potion from my $31.50 bag purchase I had left - that's only thing that wasn't clearly listed there. You can ask Fenrise and the others I grouped with how much XP they got. Double Charms, double Wizards, CLR, RNG is amazing at greater lavaspinners/cinders/sols in Lavastorm. [Oh and I also have a semi-perma group since RNG/CLR/ENC my wife and I + our box basically can start a group and just add more people on demand - so I will admit I have basically zero time hunting a group, so I can't relate to that frustration]

As for "doing nothing" - Funny, why don't you look at the history of how things worked out on Sleeper and where the folks I trained ended up going? There's a reason why to this day I have friends in high places EQ-wise that I influence to this day.

i.e. Eleventh - who looks to likely be the first Cleric that will hit L50 on Phinigel is an old friend, the reason Eleventh is an Erudite Cleric is in homage to me from Vazaelle.

I am an awful leader, I'll give you that, I get stressed and then push off and take a break - which makes for bad leadership - any other assessment you could even attempt to have of me is likely completely out in Lumie territory.
this makes me lol


brown please <Wow Guild Officer> /brown please
Is Phinigel as a server select option only viewable when your account is flagged as all access/membership?

I'm currently free to play and don't see it on the server select list. I assume this is the reason but I wanted to ask to make sure.