Everquest - Selos Server - 20th Anniversary Casual Server


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If im mistaken about MQ2 then I apologize, as i said ive never once used it. Maybe they are using the bot that abyss dude is using or something but it definitely looks sketchy when melee all move at the same exact time in almost the same exact way. Also hi Sil hope you dont hate me because I have no ill will towards you at all <3

Did we watch different videos? I seen none of the "ALL the melee move at the same exact time in almost the same exact way". I want w/e you are on, it has to be good.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This server's population worries me. Bazaar listings are very few. Not sure doing 2 servers was a good idea.


Molten Core Raider
This server's population worries me. Bazaar listings are very few. Not sure doing 2 servers was a good idea.
It seems to be hemorrhaging players as well. Ive been playing on mangler and keep running into people that have rerolled from selos due to various issues.


Lord Nagafen Raider
AA needs fixed now. That's without a doubt a server killer if they don't.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I honestly feel like that video only looks suspicious because of eq's networking code. I'm six boxing and I see stuff that looks even weirder just by looking at one of my melee guys from the other screen when I hit my follow/attack hotkey.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just watched the vid and I as expecting it to be nothing/ lag but for sure looks like scripting. That's my completely unbiased opinion. I played half my eq career on DSL and know what lag looks like... but again, it's been about 14 years so /shrug


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you think MQ2 isnt on TLP servers you are very sadly mistaken. It has been on every TLP server and will always be. Just takes a half hearted attempt at programming or whatever to circumvent the stuff eqmule put in.
EQMule put in some really good stuff the last time I looked at the source code and recently took another look with a different decompiler for the MQ2IC stuff. There are a couple loop holes that are used today for TLPs and for every hole you patch a new one will open up. The good news is you don't have mass idiots running around using it on TLPs, however, you do have idiots still using it on TLPs.

Take it for what it's worth but custom versions of MQ2 exist, along with modified versions of RG and MMOBugs exist for TLPs.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
As far as the Danxor thing goes...I don't know what the truth is there, but I can say that I do a lot of circle / half-moon strafing around mobs (when I'm not being lazy). Seeing me do this from another screen, it looks almost exactly like how Danxor is moving here, with little "warps". Also any player worth their salt is going to stay behind mobs and move quickly to the next one. For all I can tell here he's just really good at meleeing, and I'd be saying the same thing if he were Amtrak.

Outside of that, your execution as a guild was solid. I commend the guild as a whole on the strategy. You guys played the Open World VT / Instance VT card out well. The initial race was fun but I'd like to get back to playing EQ without the shitty tactics.

Quoted for truth. Putting aside L1 training/killing VT key quest mobs and all that bullshit, Amtrak ran a tight strategy on the court and prioritized the right things to get the edge on time. Having a singular focus on winning via a well-equipped top 40 and item-pooling also gave Amtrak an edge, while Faceless prioritized inclusion at first at the detriment of having their top 40 ready to go after Emp. Amtrak also notably wasted less time.

This was more of a chess game than a race, and Amtrak simply played better chess. With a day of thinking about it behind me I'm sure of that, so congrats to Amtrak and all of their strategists for calling their shot and making it.

Most importantly in all of this: Ice T might have accidentally learned what EQ is.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Has anyone heard from Zaide?

Zaide is mostly gone for about 6 months due to military deployment or w/e, he was only playing on selo until he had to leave. He said so in this thread. So you few with a crush on him can crawl back into your holes for 6 months of winter.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
AA needs fixed now. That's without a doubt a server killer if they don't.

Yeah the longer they drag their feet on this or if they deny it exist, I fear for the server. Especially when you get into those 4 week exapcs with lots of AA to grind and sometimes levels.


Send Tits Pls
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Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
They are gonna ignore people on the aa xp then wonder why the server died in 3 months. And why do they keep releasing servers with xp lower than live, no point really.
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Even more funny after all that talk in this thread today about cheating and suddenly it's "promises" of "we wont cheat anymore" and boom jump ship. Goodbye all that gear. Lmao.
Just so you are very aware any gear that I got was after nobody bid on it so rather than destroy it I did.

You are also talking about the guy that did 28 hours straight running raids to get people key shards.

I am at 6 days played almost busting my ass leading multiple shard and key farms for days.

Don't you dare pretend I looted and scooted.

There was only a single item that I bid on that someone else did and they got a better item the next raid.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Well Amtrak getting ahr and beating FE at eq makes the ice t thing seem less cool. Seems like fe got dunked on by true MJ's of eq. I genuinely had my money on FE. Had me fooled.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
This server's population worries me. Bazaar listings are very few. Not sure doing 2 servers was a good idea.
Doing two servers was a fucking terrible idea. If they can make a decent single server then people would actually play and stick around. A non-pop locked agnarr modified server sounds about right.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just so you are very aware any gear that I got was after nobody bid on it so rather than destroy it I did.

You are also talking about the guy that did 28 hours straight running raids to get people key shards.

I am at 6 days played almost busting my ass leading multiple shard and key farms for days.

Don't you dare pretend I looted and scooted.

There was only a single item that I bid on that someone else did and they got a better item the next raid.

Nah more laughing at the complete 180 from just earlier today with multiple posts about them cheating, yet there you go, purely because they told you they wont cheat anymore.

The gear thing is just not liking to see gear leave, especially this early. You did work and put in a lot of hours like a lot of us did, not to mention being in charge of what constitutes for most gamers these days, which is more like baby sitting teenagers.