Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)


El Presidente
It seems goofy to me that the 2box server has truebox rules. Why bother with two trueboxes and not just let people run whatever for their two boxes?
Just makes it more work to circumvent i would guess. Also probably makes for slightly less people 2 boxing at all.


<Bronze Donator>
if they follow the previous servers, enforcement will be strong in classic then fade off after. it is pretty pathetic they have to "guarantee" GM service for a PREMIUM server, like hello we pay monthly to pay on this server unlike the live servers and you cant guarantee GM service.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I was pretty excited to play on Aradune because I thought that you would be able to run two clients on the same PC with an IP restriction.

Then they fucking ruined it by making it a truebox server for no reason. I don't feel like having to set up a 2nd PC to play EQ, I did that for a year on Agnarr and I'm over it.

The whole point of truebox was to limit boxing. If you're going to police boxing, truebox is just a stupid pointless barrier.

And then I guess on Rizlona they let you just run as many boxes as you want from 1 PC. I would play here instead, but with no cap on how many clients someone can run my 2-box is going to be competing with people 50-boxing. No thank you.

So like, how does Daybreak fuck everything up so badly and consistently? I've never seen a company so inept at understanding what their customers actually want from them.

I don't see any reason for truebox or PoP-locked servers right now. Agnarr still exists, right? Just make them normal servers with no truebox limitation, so one server has a 2 IP limitation and the other server has no limitations. I solved the rulesets in 10 seconds, this is fucking simple Daybreak.

So what's the meta duo these days?

Enchanter/Cleric or Enchanter/Shaman early on. Then around Velious+ Shaman/Monk or Shaman/SK becomes really good once charm is less effective. Enchanters can just do a lot of degenerate shit that other classes can't really do like charming your rare mob and then gating to the other corner of the zone to kill it.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So what's the meta duo these days?
Dunno what the meta is but if I played I'd be very tempted to do shaman/monk or druid/enc. A mage/dru might work too but I just finished 6boxing a 4x mage/druid/enc group so I'm burnt out from that. I've never played a monk and didn't play a shaman in the early game, and I'm a big fan of charm in games and am just assuming you want a healer/nuker to pair with the enchanter.

I doubt I'll play through. I don't really want to six-box TLP, don't want to 2-true-box, don't want to 1box and don't want to 2box on a server with a bunch of super-boxes :D

Aradune without a PoP lock and without truebox would be worth my time, but as it stands now I'll just get my EQ fix in the fall on live. Thinking about it some more though, 2boxing is so easy that truebox isn't much of a problem for me even if it's annoying.


Tranny Chaser
"You can play two characters but only two for really reals" wouldn't be an awful server. What they are doing with Aradune is going after the people that box one or two groups and monopolize content often for RMT purposes. People are perceiving it is that they're allowed to play two accounts at the same time but with a bunch of unnecessary complications mixed in for no reason. If I can only play two and you're going to have dedicated GM staff dropping the hammer immediately than why not make it simple to have the two? It's really a problem of perception.

It's also a problem of "neither of these servers are exciting." I still hope they retool them. Have Rizlona be exactly Mangler plus boxing and then have Aradune be a little fancier. Time-locked TLPs with nuanced boxing rules is lame. Selo was fun but if it didn't hold the numbers at all in comparison to Mangler I can understand them not taking chances but I maintain there's still room for a little salt and pepper on Aradune.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I've never played TLP so I'm talking out of ignorance here, but am I the only one that finds it weird that they release multiple servers at the same time? Maybe I'm thinking of these servers as "seasons" in other games, but I feel like if I was interested in TLP I'd prefer the entire TLP community was trying each TLP server instead of the community being dilluted. In this case I'd rather they have an aradune release and then later this year the Rizlona release.


El Presidente
I've never played TLP so I'm talking out of ignorance here, but am I the only one that finds it weird that they release multiple servers at the same time? Maybe I'm thinking of these servers as "seasons" in other games, but I feel like if I was interested in TLP I'd prefer the entire TLP community was trying each TLP server instead of the community being dilluted. In this case I'd rather they have an aradune release and then later this year the Rizlona release.
different rulesets attract different players. but yes releasing 2 at a time will definitely dilute each one. but 2 servers with 2000 accounts is still better than 1 server with 3000 accounts. Also whenever they release a new tlp existing tlps lose some number of players to them, but there are still people on most of them. Like people are still raiding on Phinny even, but it's population isn't anywhere near what it used to be.


TLP Idealist
I've never played TLP so I'm talking out of ignorance here, but am I the only one that finds it weird that they release multiple servers at the same time? Maybe I'm thinking of these servers as "seasons" in other games, but I feel like if I was interested in TLP I'd prefer the entire TLP community was trying each TLP server instead of the community being dilluted. In this case I'd rather they have an aradune release and then later this year the Rizlona release.

There's been a precedent since the very beginning w/ Sleeper/Combine that you often need two progression servers to balance the population / server load. I think Ragefire tried to launch solo and had a massive queue to log in and (before pickzones) you'd have like 100 people in Lguk fighting over mobs. So really a big part of it historically was to spread the population.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I tried to make it clear to them multiple times they need an end game with these servers. You cant just launch tlp after tlp with 3 month unlocks that will take 5-6 years to reach end game. They are working with a set amount of players they need to recycle every 1-2 years. Seasonal servers fix this, era locked servers help, or fast release severs as well.

Pop locked
This would have been fine may next year but this was just too close to Agnarr. I would have preferred seeing like a OOW locked server with 2 month releases.

Two Box Limit
This is just dumb and is going to cause so much headache and will kill guilds after a few expansions. First time someone sees someone with 3 boxes following a char around people are going to freak. Truebox was not perfect but it was never meant to be 100%. It was only supposed to limit boxing not stop it. Now you have a few people running around with 10+ toons but without this you would have dozens running around with 30+ toons.

Now if you want to box 6 toons you have to join the boxing server where there will be tons running 24+.

Dedicated GM
People think they want this but they dont. GMs always end up deciding winners and losers and its their judgment. DPG hands off approach while not perfect is FAR better than P99 and this new dedicated GM will turn into the same situation and run people off. .

My main issue is why mess with a winning formula. Manger and Selo were wildly popular. All they needed to do was make Manger_copy01 Truebox and Manger_copy02 Boxing and call it a day. If they wanted some change then just make the new servers FV loot and be done with it.


Ssraeszha Raider
Did they do it? Did they actually come up with something worse than what Selos and Mangler were initially announced as?
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Vyemm Raider
can i get some clarity on the box rule?

They say no more then 2 boxes.
Is the main considered a box? so 1 main and 2 alts or just 2 chars no matter what?

True box means you can only use one client per computer right?


TLP Idealist
can i get some clarity on the box rule?

They say no more then 2 boxes.
Is the main considered a box? so 1 main and 2 alts or just 2 chars no matter what?

True box means you can only use one client per computer right?

Two characters logged in simultaneously maximum. Must be connected from separate physical devices.
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Trakanon Raider
Two characters logged in simultaneously maximum. Must be connected from separate physical devices.
What they should do is add improved Mercs, to replace boxes for those of us that dont like boxing, then no boxing needed, could structure it however they want, maybe even make it so that you could have move than one Merc, could make it a into quests etc to add more, improve them etc. Then do servers with no boxing allowed. That is if they could implement it so it actually worked.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I would have preferred seeing like a OOW locked server with 2 month releases.

This is actually the perfect idea. What attracted me to Agnarr, and why it's the only TLP server I've played seriously since The Sleeper, is that the server had an end. I knew that my guild would "beat the game" once we defeated Quarm and then we could move on to something else.

The PoP-locked servers feel too much like a repeat of Agnarr. But I would absolutely play on an OoW-locked server. Also LDON and LOY need to be launched with GoD instead of being their own unlock, or come in halfway in between PoP. Ie. if you normally have 3 month unlocks then 1.5 months after PoP you get LOY/LDON and 1.5 months after that you get GoD.

Daybreak pls make Aradune OoW-locked and get rid of the stupid truebox restriction (keep 2 box IP restriction) and I'd probably return to EQ for another 1 - 1.5 years.
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Ssraeszha Raider
OOW locked with 2 month progression would be pretty great.

So it'll never happen
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