Evolve - from makers of L4D


Vyemm Raider
Its fun but not amazing as i said earlier -

Drop in - chase monster - shoot it - he runs - you chase - he runs - you chase and one of you die.

Ive leveled to 19 already and unlocked a couple alternate toons - its fun but longevity is questionable.


<Silver Donator>
They apparently sent me a bunch of codes, so here, too lazy to do PMs:


I assume they're steam codes like the original one.


<Silver Donator>
Played 5-6 games, the game looks pretty poor. L4D I thought was pretty fun but this isn't designed properly. On one hand, if the monster is retarded, the game is way too easy. On the other, if the monster is smart and basically just circle around the map and feeds constantly while avoiding all fights, it's extremely hard to cut him off and force him to fight since you can't tell where he is(unless he's being an idiot) and even if you do, the trapper needs to be in range to sphere him. So he just farms to 3 then he can easily kill everyone at once by forcing them to fight on the defense thing(generator etc) and having rank 3 upgrades+full shields and health. Also this is boring as fuck as you spend the entire game running around trying to find it. I had a monster do this in 2 of the games, 2 of the other had a retard playing the monster and I think 1 was kinda fun and played like the way they showcased the game(monster upgrades to 2, fights for a bit, then flee, upgrade to 3, fight some more).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Apparently anyone who has XCom on steam can play the alpha of this game this weekend. I'm not going to bother but other people might be interested.


Silver Knight of the Realm
More codes for PC:


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I don't have a high end PC or anything, but even on Low settings I'm barely getting 20 FPS. Anybody else finding this doesn't run so hot for them?


Vyemm Raider
The optimization is pure shit atm but it is in Alpha - Load times on consoles are terrible atm - its like you load to load a load screen, then load char select, then load the next screen to go to a loading/CG rendered drop shit - then rinse repeat
I put 3 hours into it yesterday and had quite a bit of fun. Having played the monster a lot I've noticed the biggest difference in how well I do is determined by the enemy Medic. Some of them don't bother to tranquilize me at all, which usually makes for a pretty easy match. I've also had matches where the tracker doesn't bother to use any harpoons. I'm not sure how the balance will work out on release when people settle into roles, but for now it's usually pretty easy as the monster to ruin the hunters.

Also in case the others are used up, more codes:


Bronze Squire
Played 5-6 games, the game looks pretty poor. L4D I thought was pretty fun but this isn't designed properly. On one hand, if the monster is retarded, the game is way too easy. On the other, if the monster is smart and basically just circle around the map and feeds constantly while avoiding all fights, it's extremely hard to cut him off and force him to fight since you can't tell where he is(unless he's being an idiot) and even if you do, the trapper needs to be in range to sphere him. So he just farms to 3 then he can easily kill everyone at once by forcing them to fight on the defense thing(generator etc) and having rank 3 upgrades+full shields and health. Also this is boring as fuck as you spend the entire game running around trying to find it. I had a monster do this in 2 of the games, 2 of the other had a retard playing the monster and I think 1 was kinda fun and played like the way they showcased the game(monster upgrades to 2, fights for a bit, then flee, upgrade to 3, fight some more).
I have defended Relays multiple times. The trick is to know when you are too far behind. If you know you can't stop him before he reaches 3, head to the relay and setup shop. Max traps down etc. The usual key to victory that I find when defending the Relay is to have as many multi-level splits as possible for your group. What I mean by this is medic is on the 3rd floor, support on the 2nd floor etc. The more spread out and effort you have to make for him to get to you the better off you are. I kited that fuck around the one with the plane in the middle so hard he died trying to only kill me. That being said, people have to know what their class does as well or you are shit out of luck if the monster hits 3 as he will rape you hard.


Golden Knight of the Realm
played about 20 games so far, i think its pretty fun! Played the support/medic/monster roles. Game seems to hinge on the trapper's sphere thing to force all fights. Biggest thing to excel at monster is to learn the maps and where to run / hide. Out of the 15 or so ive played as hunter we only lost to the monster like twice... so I think people are still pretty noob at monster-ing. The environment seems cool but i have no idea wtf the random critters do and the powerups they give etc.

b+ would play again.


<Silver Donator>
I have defended Relays multiple times. The trick is to know when you are too far behind. If you know you can't stop him before he reaches 3, head to the relay and setup shop. Max traps down etc. The usual key to victory that I find when defending the Relay is to have as many multi-level splits as possible for your group. What I mean by this is medic is on the 3rd floor, support on the 2nd floor etc. The more spread out and effort you have to make for him to get to you the better off you are. I kited that fuck around the one with the plane in the middle so hard he died trying to only kill me. That being said, people have to know what their class does as well or you are shit out of luck if the monster hits 3 as he will rape you hard.
On the relay map yeah you can spread out a good bit, on the reactor map(I think it was a reactor), it's like a really closed room and it makes it super hard to spread out well enough, if the monster focuses you you kinda have to run into other people since there's no other way to run which ends up in a huge clusterfuck.

Though I'm sure if people weren't so fucking bad you'd stand a decent chance in a final fight like that. See many assaults not using lightning gun or dropping mines, Support not using invis to rez people up, Medics not healing(duh) and Trappers not doing trapper things.

Guess we'll see with what they release, I might pick it up if there's a bunch of classes and a bunch of maps to play but if it's too limited I won't.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Also this runs like shit on my 560 ti, ~5years old now? Had to set it to low everything, and 1300x768 or whatever. This twitch guy is fun to watch if you can handle the sauciness.



Bronze Squire
Ya I don't deny you will get roflstomped is just one person doesn't know their class or at least the basics of it when defending a relay (I think they are all relays TBH). I could certainly see the difference last night as prior to that it was 3 of us with 1 random. Last night we had all 4 of us on and no monster stood a chance. We even faced a few of the flying monsters and they got destroyed. I yelled at my group many a times about mobility and baiting them in to mines etc before they started to listen. Lucky for me though my group gets hyped over the important shit and doing it correctly (like harpooning, putting down the dome thing correctly, shielding etc) so we do pretty well. I know we didn't lose one match yesterday to a monster out of 15 or so.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Alpha weekend was extended I guess? Tried playing tonight and the first few games worked ok, then it was 6 disconnects in a row once all 5 players were in the lobby. Before even making it to the game lobby with 5, when queuing with friends, it would often kick someone saying the lobby was full. Major issues still to work out it seems.


Golden Knight of the Realm
bigger beta going on now. extra code: DPTVK-KIDMK-JIA9Z
Once again, it's time to hunt together - or kill alone. Welcome to the Evolve PC closed technical test!

In about a month, Evolve will launch! However, you won't need to wait until February 10th for this new taste of what Evolve is like. You have been invited to join us for the hunt come January 16th at 9am PST. You have been granted access to a closed technical test for Evolve on Steam. Included in this email is your new product code.

Fans will be able to play Evolve's "Hunt" game mode with access to the first two monsters (Goliath and Kraken) and first eight hunters (Markov, Maggie, Val, Hank, Hyde, Griffin, Lazarus, and Bucket) across all 12 maps that support "Hunt" and are included at the time of launch.

Have prepurchased the game digitally? You will earn early access to the third set of Hunters, Wraith in the beta!

How do you get in? Open up Steam on your PC and click on the "Games" tab. Under "Activate a Product on Steam," enter the code included with this email. Anyone who previously joined the Big Alpha will have the Evolve Beta in their library automatically! That means if you've already played, give the gift of Evolve to a friend!


And if you already own Left 4 Dead or BioShock Infinite in your Steam library you can participate - just check your Steam Games Library come January 16th.

After that, queue up the download and Evolve will be in your Game Library, ready for battle on January 16th.

As part of this closed technical test, we want to continue to stress test the servers and need your help to do it - so at 2pm PST on Saturday January 17th, we need as many people as possible to be online and playing Evolve.

Welcome back to the fight for Shear!

Happy Hunting.

-The Evolve team at Turtle Rock Studios and 2K

For more details about the closed technical test, check out this post on the Evolve News page.

For the latest news on Evolve or for more information on the closed technical test, visithttp://www.EvolveGame.com/News


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
No way is this thing worth $60, and they can also fuck right off with their DLC announcements as well.


Yeah, not going to buy. Kind of fun, but I'll be done long before open beta is over. They really need to do something about these load times...