Fallout 4


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Simplest way to tell if the mod is loaded/working is to load up VATS on something moderately far away. If you ever see a 95 headshot when the torso is less than 95, shit's broken. Only exception is something partly behind cover if you only have Penetrator 1.

Edit: Just to make sure there wasn't some issue with Deliverer specifically, me using it in VATS at mid-range:
Headshot at 93 so it seems fine.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
For better or worse consoles have crippled game development on PC enough so you really don't need to upgrade more than once per console generation to keep up. As long as you're okay with not always playing at maxed settings on a 4k screen a 250 dollar video card will give you better performance than consoles for 95% of the games that come out in the next 10 years.
Nah, thats only true for shitty ports like FO4. Good ports like GTAV make use of the latest hardware.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm one of the biggest graphics whores around and I really don't see what's so awful about FO4. Biggest issue is with their textures, a combination of not providing a PC texture pack (which would need to be 4k textures to be relevant in 2015) and an apparent unwillingness to embrace the latest in texture compression methods. Mods will fix it... eventually. Replacing practically every texture in the game isn't feasible until there's a way to repack textures into BA2 archives though.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The textures arent just bad, theyre abysmal. Also they use textures to simulate depth and 3d surfaces in many models, like containers. And dont forget the the retarded AA options, lack of adjustable brightness and retarded amounts of indoor fog. Also dont forget the complete lack of dynamic lighting in game.

FO4 is a very conflicted game imo. Great big open world to explore and do things, but beyond that it has some very serious issues that really makes me ask what the hell Bethesda was doing during development.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The textures arent just bad, theyre abysmal. Also they use textures to simulate depth and 3d surfaces in many models, like containers. And dont forget the the retarded AA options, lack of adjustable brightness and retarded amounts of indoor fog. Also dont forget the complete lack of dynamic lighting in game.

FO4 is a very conflicted game imo. Great big open world to explore and do things, but beyond that it has some very serious issues that really makes me ask what the hell Bethesda was doing during development.
Most of the serious issues are just "Gamebyro gonna Gamebryo" unfortunately. Can't even blame consoles really, the engine just needs to be tossed and rewritten from scratch. or better yet, replaced by taking id Tech 6 and adding on all the stuff that Bethesda games require.

Not sure what you mean about the textures simulating depth though, that's what everyone uses normal maps for. MSAA is pretty much dead now thanks to deferred rendering that damned near every engine now uses; you pretty much have to accept that you're either getting post-process methods like FXAA, SMAA, or TXAA (and it would be really fucking nice if Nvidia would either improve their shit to the quality of SMAA or stop pushing developers to only support their inferior methods) or you need hardware that is massive overkill to be able to do supersampling at the driver level. Lack of in-game brightness/contrast/gamma is strange, but at least there's ReShade/SFX for that. Along with mods to get rid of the indoor fog and fake-lights. There is dynamic lighting/shadowing though; it's only missing for actors while indoors. Outdoors and other objects cast shadows normally.


FO4 is a very conflicted game imo. Great big open world to explore and do things, but beyond that it has some very serious issues that really makes me ask what the hell Bethesda was doing during development.
Being Bethesda.

Fallout isn't is a shitty port. It's average. It does little to take advantage of top of the line PCs and has horrible settlement controls. But it does seem to run well low to mid range machines and doesn't have any massive bugs that aren't directly related to Gamebyro being Gamebyro.

Maybe I'm biased because I played Dark Souls, GTA4, The Evil Within, Watch Dogs and tried to play Arkham Knight on the PC.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Being Bethesda.

Fallout isn't is a shitty port. It's average. It does little to take advantage of top of the line PCs and has horrible settlement controls. But it does seem to run well low to mid range machines and doesn't have any massive bugs that aren't directly related to Gamebyro being Gamebyro.

Maybe I'm biased because I played Dark Souls, GTA4, The Evil Within, Watch Dogs and tried to play Arkham Knight on the PC.
Idk I just have zero patience for this kind of half assed behavior in 2015, especially coming from a major studio releasing probably the most anticipated game of the year. No qualms about calling it out. Compare it to GTA V a game that is bigger and massively more complex than FO4. Looks better, runs better and was a great port aside from the shitty flight controls. Does no one remember how bad everyone was bitching about the graphics when we first saw the game?

IMO Bethesda seriously half assed FO4.


Avatar of War Slayer


Idk I just have zero patience for this kind of half assed behavior in 2015, especially coming from a major studio releasing probably the most anticipated game of the year. No qualms about calling it out. Compare it to GTA V a game that is bigger and massively more complex than FO4. Looks better, runs better and was a great port aside from the shitty flight controls. Does no one remember how bad everyone was bitching about the graphics when we first saw the game?

IMO Bethesda seriously half assed FO4.
I agree with you almost 100% (GTA more complex - eh....that's a toss up to me without being more tech savvy)

But when you have this as a staple consumer:

That might be true for any other game from any other company, but bethesda has used the same engine with slight modifications for almost 20 years, and literally the core audience did not want major changes to the fallout 3/nv formula. Fucking No Mutants Allowed completely lost their shit over the changes from 2 to 3 and have never really gotten over it.

What Im saying is your expectations or what you perceive others expectations are is just flat incorrect.

The less Bethesda fucks with the better. Everything they changed or added is the stuff with the biggest flaws. Dialogue system, settlement shit, etc.
I think the end product is justified by the end result - mass consumption regardless of quality and attempts at objective criticism being criticized itself for no other reason than "You should have known better" even though he doesn't disagree with any of the core complaints. A mentality which is shown in several gaming threads on this board in recent history.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This faggot is never, ever going to get over me telling him no one cares about his whining about Fallout 4.

He also literally can not and does not comprehend what I actually said.

You should know what to expect from Bethesda titles in 2015 if you've bought any of them in the past. That's a fact. They will not abandon Gamebryo for many major reasons.

1. Its the only engine most of the coders at the company actually understand, and they are, even today, a relatively small, tight knit studio who has not expanded their retinue of core coders very much at all over the years.
2. They are run by Zenimax, which is owned and operated by several Hollywood execs who don't actually give a shit about anything but maximizing profits.
3. They have a very dedicated modding fan base that understands the ins and outs of gamebryo extremely well. Their games sell not just at launch, but for years afterwards, based on that fan base and its dedication to producing content in that engine.

Bitching about this shit in 2015 isfucking stupidbecause itsnever going to change. Ever.

Further, every single thing you, or anyone else, has to say about Bethesda's writing, game design philosophy, underlying technology, etc. has been regurgitated far and wide for two decades.There's literally nothing you have to say that is objective, useful, or new, and nothing you have to say about the title will change Bethesda's mind about the above facts. So there is no fucking point whining about it, particularly within a few days of a new game release people have been waiting for over a period of several years. The only thing your shit posting about these well known and completely understood issues could possibly accomplish was to drag down the thread into a bitchfest right after the title's release, which everyone playing and enjoying the game, despite its faults, doesn't want to fucking listen to. Its that simple.

That's why I told you no one gives a shit about your bitching, and that you should just let it go. Because at the time, everyone was just trying to enjoy the fucking game.

When you decide to grow the fuck up, wipe that soggy goddamn pussy you got over me telling you no one gives a shit about your shit regurgitated whining about shit that isn't going to change no matter how much you bitch about it, you will be forced to admit I am 100% correct about this.

Bethesda will put out a new Elder Scrolls title in about 2-3 years, possibly less. When they doabsolutely every single problem with Gamebryo will be dragged out again, to no avail, to whine about that title as well, and the fact will still remain, at that point, that if you are still buying these titles in 2018 or 2019, and expecting anything to be different, the only person you will have to blame for this fact is yourself.

Because this shit will never change. Bethesda will go bankrupt and shut their doors before they abandon Gamebryo for another engine. They fucking bought goddamn Id software, and chose to let Carmack go to Facebook, rather than harness him to build them a new and better engine with which to improve their game design. If that didn't tell you, you fucking moronic mouth breathing dumb fuck, that Bethesda does not give a flying shit about people bitching about their design philosophy and technology, then nothing will.

If you don't like it, your only solution is tostop buying their fucking gamesbecause whining about it on message boards they don't even know existwill accomplish nothing when people whine about this shit on their official fucking forums and it accomplishes nothing there as well.

The only time in history Bethesda has changed their minds about something they had their minds set on, in relation to their customer base bitching, was paid mods, and that's because Steam made them by backing out and shutting the program down when Gabe got inundated with 50,000 fucking emails over the course of a single weekend, and even now Bethesda is still silently trying to find a way to make that shit work.

They are immune to criticism. Period. If ESO and the past two decades hasn't taught you that yet, then you are fucking as stupid as you come across on this forum, which is pretty goddamn stupid.

You moronic dumb fucking retard.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Theyve regressed lol, look at NV's options from 5 years ago;


A plethora compared to 4. Best of all it lets you adjust brightness in game! Zero excuse.

And dont sit there and say NV wasnt Bethesda. Bethesda could of easily copied and pasted Obsidian's work just like they copy and pasted the works from the previous games into 4.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
New Vegas wasn't made by Bethesda, it was made by Obsidian with a license from Bethesda.

The only thing Fallout 3 or 4 does better flat out than Obsidian is the map, and that's only because Bethesda only gave Obsidian a year or so to make New Vegas, which didn't allow them the time to fully flesh the game out the way they intended.

New Vegas was originally going to have the entire Legion base camp fleshed out as a full quest hub, with the ability to join the faction like you could other factions, but they ran out of time.

The point is that its a stale conversation.

For months before Fallout 4 came out, pretty much every since its announcement, if you went to /v/ there was post after post about how Fallout 4 was going to have shit graphics, bad story, terrible acting, bad animations, so forth and so on. You don't need to be Nostradamus to predict that Bethesda's games are going to drop fundamentally flawed and required modding to fix. That's a given.

As I said in the post the retard quoted above, but failed to address:

The less Bethesda fucks with the better. Everything they changed or added is the stuff with the biggest flaws. Dialogue system, settlement shit, etc.
What the Bethesda modding community and their core "fans" want from them is a baseline world map with core systems intact, and everything else they'll fix themselves, because they already know to expect Bethesda is going to fuck up anything new they bring to the table, and anything old they try to alter too much.

That's not excusing Bethesda, that's just accepting reality as it actually exists after 20 years of them putting out what amounts to the exact same game.

And dont sit there and say NV wasnt Bethesda. Bethesda could of easily copied and pasted Obsidian's work just like they copy and pasted the works from the previous games into 4.
The revamp of the Gamebryo engine to the new "Creation" engine actually prevents that, from what I understand.

Bethesda cannot "copy and paste" Obsidian's better writing staff, better ideas how to balance the gameplay, etc. because they don't employ people with that level of talent. And Obsidian has shit out some pretty stinky titles themselves. But many of Obsidian's employees, in particular the people heading development of New Vegas at the time, were actually people who worked on the original titles.

So no, Bethesda couldn't just "copy and paste" what Obsidian did. In some cases I wish that they had, for sure, like dropping hard core mode where you have to eat and sleep and drink I still think was a stupid mistake. So was going with the voiced protagonist and the Mass Effect style dialogue window horseshit.

The only choice you have if you don't like Bethesda's game design philosophy is to vote with your wallet. Its the only thing that might convince them to switch to a better engine, expand their team, etc. but even then, again, I doubt it.

Anyway, its theexact same options that Skyrim had



Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So Bethesda can copy and paste gameplay mechanics like lock picking and hacking, but can't copy and paste vsync on off?


And if it's truly the case their engine is written that ass backwards, they should be called out on it not explained away by "what did you expect it's Bethesda!!!".


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So Bethesda can copy and paste gameplay mechanics like lock picking and hacking, but can't copy and paste vsync on off?

Vsync options aren't in because when you crank it up it changes the gameplay. Same shit was in in Skyrim. Which came out how many years ago now? 2011?

Go try it. Set your max frame rate in the .ini files to unlock over 60fps and go pick a lock.

Fallout 4 Guide: How to Unlock Framerate to Over 60FPS

And if it's truly the case their engine is written that ass backwards, they should be called out on it not explained away by "what did you expect it's Bethesda!!!".
Their engine has been written that ass backwards for 20 years. They've been called out on it that entire time. That's why the response to people complaining is, justifiably, literally "What did you expect, its Bethesda!"

It was literally originally written in 1997.

We would all love them to drop it for something written in the past decade, but that would shake up their core fanbase, the modding community, requiring many of them to learn a whole new engine (not to mention Bethesda's employees having to take a significant break from game development to learn the new engine, and reducing their experience with the new engine to zero from nearly 20 years of experience with the current engine), and that's why Bethesda won't let Gamebryo go.

They rely on their modding community to give their games an extremely long tail in terms of sales. This is why they're able to put out 1 game every 3 years or so, and spend 5-6 years developing a game. Its a double edged sword. Their games will always sell bucketloads, but the price comes in that they will never, ever, be "cutting edge" in the same way other games are.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I'm just going to give a couple of you shitlords a warning right now - if you turn this thread into a retarded tit-for-tat crippled retard slapfest, I'm going to let myself get triggered and sit your ass in the Shaw for 30 days.

@ Vorph and whoever else that has been working on a lot of the mods/tweaks/etc, the last update in Regime's first post by Brekk was a few weeks ago. If anyone wants to compile a more up-to-date list I'll put it the 1st post, or in the case of Vorph's last texture/tweak post I'll run with that if that's about the sum of it.